
Ekspresija p53 proteina u trostruko negativnim karcinomima dojke
Ekspresija p53 proteina u trostruko negativnim karcinomima dojke
Ivan Abaza
Cilj istraživanja. Trostruko negativni tumori dojke su grupa tumora karakterizirana negativnim statusom HER2-neu receptora i receptora za steroidne hormone, a čine 10 do 20% karcinoma dojke. Spadaju u skupinu tumora s lošijom prognozom zbog agresivnog ponašanja i nedostatka ciljane terapije. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razinu ekspresije p53 proteina u trostruko negativnim karcinomima dojke, te njegovu povezanost s kliničkopatološkim prognostičkim pokazateljima,...
Elastic stable intramedullary nail fixation for displaced fractures of the neck of the radius in children in the Department of pediatric surgery, University hospital of Split between 2011 - 2017 : a retrospective study
Elastic stable intramedullary nail fixation for displaced fractures of the neck of the radius in children in the Department of pediatric surgery, University hospital of Split between 2011 - 2017 : a retrospective study
Andre Nikolai Capitain
Objective: The aim of the study was to establish the demographic and clinical characteristics of children operated by the ESIN method for radial head and neck fractures, analyze the outcomes of treatment and the rate of complications, and compare them with other relevant studies. Subjects and Methods: From May 2011 to May 2017, 26 children treated with the ESIN method for radial head and neck fracture, in the Department of pediatric surgery of the University hospital of Split, were...
Elektivni ponovljeni carski rez u KBC-u Split
Elektivni ponovljeni carski rez u KBC-u Split
Sara Cokarić
Ciljevi: Istražiti modalitet dovršenja trudnoće i/ili porođaja nakon prethodnog carskog reza te utvrditi povezanost biranog načina s obilježjima majki (paritet, gestacijski dijabetes, preeklampsija), novorođenčadi (spol, tjelesna masa i duljina, makrosomija, APGAR ocjena vitalnosti, vrijednost pH krvi iz pupkovine) i trudnoća (dob trudnoće u trenutku porođaja, jednoplodove, višeplodove). Analizirati indikacije elektivnog ponovljenog carskog reza, sudjelovanje pojedinih liječnika...
Elektrokemijska stabilnost titanizirane kirurške mrežice u fiziološloj otopini
Elektrokemijska stabilnost titanizirane kirurške mrežice u fiziološloj otopini
Toma Ujević
Cilj: Cilj ovoga istraživanja je dokazati elektrokemijsku stabilnost titanizirane kirurške mrežice u fiziološkoj otopini te dokazivanje stabilnosti pri promjeni fizoloških uvjeta. Metode: U ovom radu je mjerenjem potencijala otvorenog strujnog kruga te primjenom impedancijske spektroskopije ispitana elektrokemijska stabilnost medicinske titanizirane mrežice u standardnoj fiziološkoj otopini (pH 6.5) te fiziološkoj otopini snižene pH vrijednosti (pH 5.5). Rezultati: Dobiveni...
Endokrinološke komplikacije anoreksije nervoze u djece i adolescenata
Endokrinološke komplikacije anoreksije nervoze u djece i adolescenata
Lea Toula
CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Pokazati učestalost i obilježja netiroidne bolesti štitnjače u djece i adolescenata s restriktivnim tipom anoreksije nervoze. MATERIJALI I METODE: U ovo retrospektivno istraživanje bilo je uključeno 105 pacijentica u dobi od 11 do 20 godina, od kojih je 96 bilo hospitalizirano na Odjelu za gastroenterologiju Klinike za pedijatriju KBC-a ˶Sestre milosrdnice˝ u Zagrebu i 19 na Odjelu za gastroenterologiju Klinike za pedijatriju KBC-a Split pod dijagnozom AN u...
Endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition in Dupuytren’s disease
Endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition in Dupuytren’s disease
Leon Sturhahn
Objectives: Our study aimed to investigate whether EndoMT contributes to fibrosis in DD by analyzing the expression of endothelial and mesenchymal markers, as well as an EndoMTrelated TF, in the palmar fascia of DD patients and healthy fascia. We hypothesized that in DD patients, the endothelial cells of the palmar fascia would exhibit decreased expression of endothelial markers and increased expression of mesenchymal markers and the EndoMTrelated TF. Material and methods: Palmar...
Endovascular mechanical thrombectomy for the treatment of stroke in University Hospital of Split : our experience
Endovascular mechanical thrombectomy for the treatment of stroke in University Hospital of Split : our experience
Pezhman Rasouli
Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of endovascular mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke patients. Time dependency of whole process and correlation of different intervention related time factors with the mRS outcomes after 3 months were investigated as well. Subjects and Methods: A sample of 48 patients was chosen from University Hospital Split over a time span of 1 year (from January 2020 till end of December 2020) based on specific and predefined inclusion and...
Eosinophils in pathohistological reports of pediatric gastrointestinal biopsies at the University hospital of Split : a three year retrospective study
Eosinophils in pathohistological reports of pediatric gastrointestinal biopsies at the University hospital of Split : a three year retrospective study
Sophie Schnell
Objectives: With our study we aimed to determine the frequency of an increased number of eosinophils and the most common diseases associated with these findings in gastrointestinal biopsies. We aimed to investigate the most common referral clinical diagnosis for the indication of endoscopy combined with biopsy, the mostly used type of endoscopy, the locations where the biopsies where taken from, which final diagnosis was most commonly represented as well as the average age of the patients. ...
Eozinofilni ezofagitis : nova bolest
Eozinofilni ezofagitis : nova bolest
Vedrana Čović
Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati pojavnost i kliničke osobitosti u skupini djece s novootkrivenim EoE na Odjelu za gastroenterologiju Klinike za pedijatriju KBC-a Sestre milosrdnice u Zagrebu. Ispitanici i postupci: Ovo retrospektivno istraživanje obuhvatilo je 25 ispitanika životne dobi od 7 do 17 godina koji su bili hospitalizirani na Odjelu za gastroenterologiju Klinike za pedijatriju KBC-a Sestre milosrdnice u Zagrebu pod dijagnozom EoE u razdoblju od 1....
Epidemije virusnih meningitisa u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji
Epidemije virusnih meningitisa u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji
Branimira Kardum
Cilj istraživanja: Retrospektivnom studijom epidemija virusnih meningitisa u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji (SDŽ) u razdoblju od 2003. do 2015. godine utvrditi razlike pojavnosti virusnog meninigitisa. Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno kod stanovnika petnaest epidemioloških područja i sa dvanaest sustava javne vodoopskrbe (VOS) na tri zemljopisno, kulturalno i gospodarski različita područja SDŽ: priobalje, otoci i zagora. U radu je korišten komparativni...
Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of severely dependent gerontological patients
Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of severely dependent gerontological patients
Ivan Slipčević
Objective: This study, conducted between June 1, 2021, and January 30, 2023, at KBC Split, a tertiary hospital associated with the University of Split, focused on examining the impact of specific medical conditions on patient mobility, recovery, and satisfaction. The primary objective of this investigation is to delve into the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of gerontological patients with a high degree of dependency, who are admitted to the Department of Physical...
Epidemiological and clinical features of contact dermatitis : Experience of the Dermatovenerological clinic of CHC Split from 2013 to July 2019
Epidemiological and clinical features of contact dermatitis : Experience of the Dermatovenerological clinic of CHC Split from 2013 to July 2019
Jomana Al Halabi Al Attar
Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the epidemiological and clinical features of contact dermatitis. We used the experience of the dermatovenerological clinic of the Clinical Hospital Center Split, from 2013 to July 2019. It is of great significance and importance to collect and analyze Patch Test data over a period of time, in order to recognize epidemics and trends of contact dermatitis. If a specific trend or epidemic is recognized by the analysis, it is important to ask and...
