
Aortic dissection in cardiac ICU : Retrospective analysis of outcome and postoperative complications
Aortic dissection in cardiac ICU : Retrospective analysis of outcome and postoperative complications
Nicole Ana Kuric
Objectives: The main purpose of this study was to identify the risk factors, including gender, comorbidities, and seasonal correlation, with the development of aortic dissection. We also aimed at determining the most common postoperative complications. Materials and methods: We conducted a retrospective study analyzing the records of 38 patients who had been admitted postoperatively to the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Unit at the University Hospital of Split during the...
Apoptotsko djelovanje tienopiridinskog derivata na stanice humanog karcinoma grlića maternice
Apoptotsko djelovanje tienopiridinskog derivata na stanice humanog karcinoma grlića maternice
Dora Jerčić
Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja bio je dokazati apoptotsko djelovanje tieno[2,3-b]piridinskog derivata (E)-3-amino-5-(3-(3-bromfenil)akriloil)-N-(3-kloro-2-metilfenil)-6-metiltieno[2,3-b]piridin-2-karboksamida (inhibitor 8) na stanice humanog karcinoma grlića maternice staničnih linija HeLa i SiHa. Materijali i metode: MTT testom provedeno je ispitivanje citotoksičnosti na staničnim linijama HeLa i SiHa te je određena potrebna koncentracija inhibitora 8 kojom je ispitivano...
Apoptotsko djelovanje tienopiridinskog derivata na stanice humanog karcinoma jajnika
Apoptotsko djelovanje tienopiridinskog derivata na stanice humanog karcinoma jajnika
Lara Karanušić
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja jest dokazati djelovanje sintetski dobivenog inhibitora iz skupine tieno[2,3-b]piridina na apoptozu stanica staničnih linija SK-OV-3 i OVCAR-3 humanog karcinoma jajnika. Pretpostavljeno je da će se nakon tretiranja tumorskih staničnih linija inhibitorom postotak stanica u ranoj, kasnoj te ranoj i kasnoj apoptozi ukupno, povećati. Materijali i metode: Pomoću MTT metode određena je optimalna koncentracija inhibitora kojom su tretirane stanice staničnih...
Apscesi jetara liječeni na Klinici za infektologiju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split u razdoblju 2005.-2015. : epidemiologija, klinička slika i terapija
Apscesi jetara liječeni na Klinici za infektologiju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split u razdoblju 2005.-2015. : epidemiologija, klinička slika i terapija
Ante Dobričić
CILJEVI: Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su utvrditi glavne demografske i predispozicijske čimbenike bolesnika s jetrenim apscesima, istražiti glavne simptome, fizikalne i laboratorijske nalaze te pokušati zaključiti koje su bakterije najčešći uzročnici jetrenog apscesa kako bi mogli predložiti najbolju empirijsku antimikrobnu terapiju. MATERIJALI I METODE: Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 25 pacijenata sa radiološki dokazanim jetrenim apscesom koji su liječeni na Klinici za...
Arterial stiffness in patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea
Arterial stiffness in patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea
Tomislav Daniel Medved
Objectives: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) could have detrimental effects on overall patients’ health. Moreover, OSA without other comorbidities may contribute to the increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The aim of the present study was to compare arterial stiffness parameters and laboratory parameters between severe OSA patients and healthy control subjects. Patients and methods: This study included 70 participants in total, 35 OSA patients and 35 healthy controls. All OSA patients...
Arterijska elastičnost u osoba s predijabetesom i dijabetesom tipa 2
Arterijska elastičnost u osoba s predijabetesom i dijabetesom tipa 2
Suzana Balić
Cilj: Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati arterijsku elastičnost kod osoba s predijabetesom i dijabetesom tipa 2 i usporediti s elastičnosti kod osoba s normalnom regulacijom glukoze te na taj način utvrditi postoji li povezanost između smanjenja elastičnosti arterijske stijenke i stanja predijabetesa. Metode: Ovo istraživanje je presječno prema svojem ustroju i uključilo je ukupno 358 ispitanika. Prikupljanje podataka provedeno je tijekom rujna 2013. g. do svibnja 2014....
Artroskopsko liječenje ozljeda meniska u Zavodu za dječju kirurgiju KBC Split od 2006. - 2016. godine
Artroskopsko liječenje ozljeda meniska u Zavodu za dječju kirurgiju KBC Split od 2006. - 2016. godine
Ema Puizina
Cilj istraživanja: Incidencija ozljeda meniska je u porastu u pedijatrijskoj populaciji. Postoje snažni dokazi da meniscektomija u djece pospješuje razvoj osteoartritisa koljena, pa su se tako u proteklih dvadeset godina tehnike popravka ruptura meniska razvile u smjeru očuvanja tkiva i funkcije meniska. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio analizirati epidemiološke, demografske, kliničke karakteristike i ishod bolesnika operiranih zbog ozljeda meniska te unutar ispitanika usporediti dvije...
Assesment of quality of life in patients with ulcerative colitis
Assesment of quality of life in patients with ulcerative colitis
Alvaro Gomez
Objectives: Adaptation to ulcerative colitis (UC) is very complex as it has a huge impact in the quality of life of those who suffer with it. In the present study the objective was to determine the differences in quality of life between UC patients and a control group. Patients and Methods: This study included 30 patients with ulcerative colitis and 30 age and sex-matched control subjects. The diagnosis was based on medical history in addition to clinical, radiological, endoscopic and...
Assessment of adverse drug reaction reports : metformin and metformin fixed drug combinations
Assessment of adverse drug reaction reports : metformin and metformin fixed drug combinations
Ina Larsen Matić
Objectives: The aim of the present study was to compare adverse drug reaction reports of metformin and metformin in fixed combination in Croatia from 2007 to 2018. Materials and Methods: The data of adverse drug reaction reports received from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2018 was analyzed in this retrospective study. Metformin reports were categorized into two main groups: single‐drug formulations and fixed‐dose combinations of drugs. The data of the year of the adverse drug...
Assessment of cervical spine CT scans in patients with head trauma: A retrospective analysis
Assessment of cervical spine CT scans in patients with head trauma: A retrospective analysis
Alexander Maximilian Andreas Neubauer
Objectives: The primary objective of this study was to investigate the clinical outcomes and diagnostic management of cervical spine injuries in patients admitted to the surgical emergency department of Regiomed Hospital, Coburg, following head trauma. Specifically, the study aimed to evaluate the necessity and clinical indications for performing cervical spine CT assessments, with a particular focus on identifying the relationship between clinical symptoms and the presence of cervical spine...
Assessment of diagnostic sensitivity of various detection tools and biomarkers for the identification of sepsis/septic shock at ICU admission
Assessment of diagnostic sensitivity of various detection tools and biomarkers for the identification of sepsis/septic shock at ICU admission
Duje Bjelić
Objectives: This study aimed to test the sensitivity (true positive vs false negatives) of various diagnostic tools (SIRS, NEWS2 and qSOFA) and laboratory parameters (LAC, PCT, CRP) in detecting sepsis/septic shock (S/SS) at ICU admission. An additional goal was to assess prognostic value of detection tools in predicting overall mortality. Subjects and methods: A total of 52 patients with S/SS were enrolled into this retrospectively conducted study, 32 (61.54%) had an end point diagnosis...
Assessment of nutritional status and nutritional habits in patients on hemodialysis
Assessment of nutritional status and nutritional habits in patients on hemodialysis
Lars Brake
Objectives: CKD is a pathological condition characterized by a progressive decline of renal function. It frequently results in ESRD which will require HD. The aim of this study was to assess nutritional status and adherence to Mediterranean diet in patients on hemodialysis treatment. Materials and methods: The study included the 55 patients on HD treatment for at least 6 months that were older than 18 years. Venous blood samples were taken for evaluation of laboratory parameters. All...
