Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Pregledom znanstvene literature ukazati na utjecaj Mediteranske prehrane na zdravlje te pokazati kako se pridržavanjem Mediteranske prehrane mogu prevenirati kronične bolesti. Također, provođenjem istraživanja putem ankete uvidjeti hrane li se ispitanici po pravilima Mediteranske prehrane i prepoznati učinak zapadnjačkog načina prehrane na zdravlje.
Materijal i metode: Presječno istraživanje uključivalo je 89 ispitanika, od čega 49 (55%) ženskih ispitanica i 40 (45%) muških ispitanika. Istraživanje je provedeno u Splitsko-Dalmatinskoj županiji tako da su ispitanici tijekom srpnja, kolovoza i rujna 2020. godine ispunjavali validirani upitnik o Mediteranskoj prehrani. Za analizu podataka korišten je SPSS- Statistical Package for the Social Science te su u njemu statistički obrađeni podaci.
Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se samo 4 (10%) muških ispitanika i 6 (12,2%) ženskih ispitanica pridržavaju smjernica Mediteranske prehrane, tj. imali su 10 ili više bodova prema validiranom upitniku. Iz rezultata je vidljivo da nijedan ispitanik ne konzumira crno vino prema preporukama Mediteranske prehrane, samo 1 (1,1%) ispitanik konzumira preporučene količine ribe i školjaka te samo 1 (1,1%) ispitanik konzumira preporučene količine orašastih plodova. Također, ispitanici ne konzumiraju dovoljno povrća, voća i mahunarki. Ipak, pohvalno je da više od polovice ispitanika (50,6%) koristi maslinovo ulje kao primaran izvor masnoće kod kuhanja te 56,2 % ispitanika ne koristi maslac ili margarin svakodnevno. Također, 61 (68,5%) ispitanik češće konzumira meso peradi od crvenog mesa i suhomesnatih proizvoda te čak 54 (60,7%) ispitanika konzumiraju 2 ili više puta tjedno jela s umakom od češnjaka i maslinovog ulja.
Zaključci: Mediteranska prehrana je povezana sa smanjenim rizikom od kardiovaskularnih bolesti, karcinoma, Alzheimerove bolesti, metaboličkog sindroma, dijabetesa tipa 2 te se povezuje s duljim životnim vijekom. Danas se smatra zlatnim standardom pravilne prehrane te uz redovitu fizičku aktivnost i nepušenje može prevenirati mnoge bolesti. Iako je Hrvatska mediteranska zemlja s obzirom na geografski položaj, stanovnici Hrvatske se sve više hrane zapadnjačkim načinom prehrane. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: To review the scientific literature about the Mediterranean diet and its impact on our health and show how adherence to the Mediterranean diet can prevent chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to examine whether respondents had adherence to a Mediterranean diet and identify the effect of Western diet on health.
Material and methods: A cross-sectional study included 89 respondents of which 49 (55%) were female respondents and 40 (45%) were male respondents. The research was conducted in Split- Dalmatian county. During July, August, and September 2020 respondents completed a validated questionnaire on the Mediterranean diet. For data analyses, the SPSS - Statistical Package for Social Science was used and the data were statistically processed.
Results: In this study we have shown that only 4 (10%) male respondents and 6 (12.2%) female respondents followed the recommendations of the Mediterranean diet according to the validated questionnaire. The results show that none of the respondents consumes red wine according to the recommendations of the Mediterranean diet, only 1 (1.1%) respondent consumes the recommended amounts of fish and shellfish and only 1 (1.1%) respondent consumes the recommended amounts of nuts. Also, respondents do not consume enough vegetables, fruits and legumes. However, it is commendable that more than half of the respondents (50.6%) use olive oil as the primary source of fat in cooking and 56.2% of the respondents do not use butter or margarine. Also, 61 (68.5%) respondents more often consume poultry meat more than red meat and dried meat products, and 54 (60.7%) respondents consume meals with garlic sauce and olive oil 2 or more times per week.
Conclusions: The Mediterranean diet is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and is associated with longer life expectancy. Today it is considered the gold standard of nutrition. It can prevent many diseases with regular physical activity and non-smoking. Although Croatia is a Mediterranean country due to its geographical position, the inhabitants of Croatia mostly do not eat according to the rules of the Mediterranean diet. |