Abstract | Objectives:
The study aimed to explore clinical features and outcomes in elderly nursing home patients.
Materials and methods:
This research was conducted as an observational retrospective study. We included 94 SARS-CoV-2 positive patients admitted to the Hospital of Split from elderly nursing homes from 1 March to 31 May 2020. Medical data were collected by reviewing medical files from the archive at the Clinic of Infectology in Split Hospital.
The ages of the participants range from 47 to 96 years, which we stratified into six age groups, ranging from 45-54 to 95-104. The age-specific mortality rate per 100 was calculated and showed an upward trend after the 65-74 group. This relationship was statistically significant χ2(3, N=93) =10.21, P=0.037. After calculating the specific death rate per 100 for the one comorbidity category (24.14) and two or more comorbidities category (29.13), the Chi-square test resulted in χ2(3, N=94) =0.30, P=0.610. Furthermore, we could not prove a statistically significant relationship between severity and number of comorbidities with the Chi-square test resulting χ2(3, N=94) =2.06, P=0.724. The proportion of symptomatic to asymptomatic patients was 0.84 and 0.16, respectively. 72 patients had relevant information about testing. Respiratory cause of death was the majority with 81%. The range of PCR positivity was 3-56 days with a mean of 21.67, median of 19.5, and interquartile range of 15-27 days.
Mortality increases with increasing age, and the great majority of the people that died had respiratory complications. The proportion of symptomatic to asymptomatic patients models the recent studies and are 84 and 16%, respectively. We could not prove a statistically significant correlation between the number of comorbidity and severity and mortality although, several studies have shown a link. The mean duration of PCR positivity was 19.5 days, and this is similar to several studies of the general population, although huge heterogenicity is an issue. |
Abstract (croatian) | Ciljevi:
Cilj studije bio je istražiti kliničke značajke i ishode kod starijih pacijenata u staračkim domovima.
Materijali i metode:
Ovo istraživanje provedeno je kao opservacijska retrospektivna studija. Uključili smo 94 pozitivna pacijenta na SARS-CoV-2 primljena u splitsku bolnicu iz domova za starije osobe od 1. ožujka do 31. svibnja 2020. godine. Medicinski podaci prikupljeni su pregledom medicinske dokumentacije iz arhive Klinike za infektologiju splitske bolnice.
Dob sudionika kreće se od 47 do 96 godina, koje smo stratificirali u šest dobnih skupina, u rasponu od 45-54 do 95-104. Stopa smrtnosti specifična za dob na 100 godina izračunata je i pokazala je uzlazni trend nakon skupine 65-74. Taj je odnos bio statistički značajan χ2(3; N=93) =10,21, P=0,037. Nakon izračuna specifične stope smrtnosti na 100 za kategoriju jednog komorbiditeta (24,14) i dvije ili više kategorija komorbiditeta (29,13), Chi-kvadratni test χ2(3, N=94) =0,30, P=0,610. Nadalje, nismo mogli dokazati statistički značajnu vezu između ozbiljnosti i broja komorbiditeta s Chi-kvadratnim testom koji je rezultirao χ2(3, N=94) =2,06, P=0,724. Udio simptomatskih i asimptomatskih bolesnika bio je 0,84 odnosno 0,16. 72 bolesnika imala su relevantne informacije o testiranju. Respiratorni uzrok smrti bila je većina s 81%. Raspon PCR pozitivnosti bio je 3-56 dana sa srednjom sredinom od 21,67, medijanom od 19,5 i interkvartilnim rasponom od 15-27 dana.
Smrtnost se povećava s povećanjem dobi, a velika većina ljudi koji su umrli imala je respiratorne komplikacije. Udio simptomatskih i asimptomatskih bolesnika modelira nedavne studije i 84 odnosno 16%. Nismo mogli dokazati statistički značajnu korelaciju između broja komorbiditeta i ozbiljnosti i smrtnosti iako je nekoliko studija pokazalo vezu. Srednje trajanje PCR pozitivnosti bilo je 19,5 dana, a to je slično nekoliko studija opće populacije, iako je problem ogromna heterogenost. |