Title Kapi za oči : kemijski sastav i povezanost s alergijskim reakcijama
Title (english) Eye drops : chemical composition and association with allergic reactions
Author Marijana Buljan
Mentor Davorka Sutlović (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Mudnić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Davorka Sutlović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zlatka Knezović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine Split
Defense date and country 2021-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy Pharmacy
Abstract Ciljevi istraživanja: Kvalitativna analiza sastava kapi za oči, usporedba rezultata s deklaracijama na ambalaži te određivanje moguće povezanosti prisustva pronađenih sastojaka s alergijskim reakcijama.
Materijali i metode: Ispitano je 7 uzoraka kapi za oči, od toga 4 u receptnom, a 3 u bezreceprnom režimu izdavanja. Za pripremu uzoraka za analizu korištene su staklene Petrijeve zdjelice na koje je nanesen uzorak volumena 100 μL. Uzorci su ekstrahirani smjesom organskih otapala: kloroforma, etil acetata i N-heksana u jednakom omjeru (v/v/v= 1:1:1). Uzorci su potom postavljeni u digestor na sušenje u struji zraka. Uzorci u Petrijevim zdjelicama nekoliko su puta ispirani kloroformom kako bi se cijeli naneseni sadržaj otopio. Nakon što su otopljeni uzorci filtrirani, preneseni su u staklene tubice za GC-MS analizu.
Rezultati: Od 7 analiziranih uzoraka u samo 2 uzorka (uzorci 1 i 3) detektirana je prisutnost tragova nekih tvari- organskih otapala. U četiri analizirana uzorka na deklaraciji je kao konzervans naveden benzalkonijev klorid, međutim, BAK nije detektiran korištenom metodom. Ostali konzervansi koji prema literaturi izazivaju elergijske reakcije: parabeni, tiomersal i klorheksidin nisu navedeni u sastavu analiziranih kapi za oči, niti su detektirani korištenom metodom. Neomicin, koji je naveden kao česti senzitizer, djelatna je tvar u uzorku 6, međutim, nije pronađen korištenom GC-MS metodom. Ostali ranije navedeni uzročnici alergijskih reakcija u kapima za oči nisu navedeni na deklaracijama analiziranih uzoraka, niti su detektirani instrumentalnom analizom.
Zaključci: Spojevi detektirani ovim istraživanjem mogu biti posljedica kontaminacije korištenih uzoraka prilikom izvođenja analize. Benzalkonijev klorid najčešći je alergen prisutan u kapima za oči, korištenom GC-MS metodom nije detektiran, međutim, to ne isključuje mogućnost da je bio prisutan već upućuje na to da korištena metoda vjerojatno nije dovoljno osjetljiva ili je njegova koncentracija bila niska. Najprikladnija metoda za kvalitativno i kvantitativno određivanje benzalkonijevog klorida u kapima za oči prema ranije navedenim istraživanjima bila bi HPLC. Ostali alergeni prisutni u kapima za oči nisu dovoljno istraženi, stoga je potrebno provođenje daljnjih istraživanja s prikladnim metodama.
Abstract (english) Objectives: Qualitative analysis of the composition of eye drops, comparison of results with declarations on packaging and determination of possible connection between presence of found ingredients and allergic reactions.
Material and methods: In this study, 7 samples of eye drops were analyzed, of which 4 in prescripiton and 3 in over-the-counter dispensing mode. In analysis preparation glass Petri dishes with a 100 μL sample were used. Samples were extracted with a mixture of organic solvents: chloroform, ethyl acetate and N-hexane (v / v / v = 1: 1: 1). The samples were then placed in a fume hood for drying in a stream of air. Samples in Petri dishes were washed several times with chloroform to dissolve the entire content. After dissolution samples were filtered and transferred to glass cuvettes for GC-MS analysis.
Results: Out of 7 analyzed samples, in only 2 samples (samples 1 and 3) were detected traces of some substances - organic solvents. Benzalkonium chloride was mentioned as a preservative on the declaration in four analyzed samples, however, BAK was not detected by the method used. Other preservatives that according to the literature cause allergic reactions: parabens, thiomersal and chlorhexidine are not listed in the composition of the analyzed eye drops, nor were they detected by the method used. Neomycin, which is listed as a common sensitizer, is the active substance in sample 6, but was not found by the GC-MS method used. Other previously mentioned causes of allergic reactions in eye drops are not listed on the declarations of the analyzed samples, nor were they detected by instrumental analysis.
Conclusions: Compounds detected by this study may be due to contamination of the samples during analysis. Benzalkonium chloride is the most common allergen present in eye drops, the GC-MS method used did not detect it, however, this does not rule out the possibility that it was present but suggests that the method used was probably not sensitive enough or its concentration was low. The most appropriate method for the qualitative and quantitative determination of benzalkonium chloride in eye drops according to eralier mentioned studies would be HPLC. Other allergens present in eye drops have not been sufficiently investigated, therefore further researches are needed with appropriate methods.
Oftalmološke otopine
Plinski kromatograf sa spektrometrom masa
Spojevi benzalkonija
Keywords (english)
Ophthalmic Solutions
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Benzalkonium Compounds
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:326568
Study programme Title: Pharmacy Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra farmacije (magistar/magistra farmacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-11-05 07:37:13