Title Utjecaj cijepljenja na pobol od zaraznih bolesti u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 2000. do 2019. godine
Title (english) The influence of vaccines on infectious diseases' incidence in Croatia from 2000 to 2019
Author Dorotea Vodeničar
Mentor Rosanda Mulić (mentor)
Committee member Iris Jerončić Tomić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Shelly Pranić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marino Vilović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine Split
Defense date and country 2022, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Epidemiology
Abstract Cilj istraživanja: Opći cilj istraživanja je istražiti učinkovitost cijepljenja i cijepnog obuhvata na smanjenje incidencije od zaraznih bolesti protiv kojih je obvezno cijepljenje u Republici Hrvatskoj metodom obrade podataka i izračunom postotka procijepljenosti u odnosu na broj oboljelih u promatranom razdoblju od 2000. do 2019.godine.
Materijali i metode: U radu su korištene metode prikupljanja primarnih i sekundarnih podataka pri čemu su kao primarni izvori korišteni zdravstveno-statistički ljetopisi, a zatim je metodom analize kroz promatrano dvadesetogodišnje razdoblje (2000. do 2019.godina) utvrđen postotak cijepljenih obveznim cjepivima u odnosu na broj oboljelih od svake pojedine zarazne bolesti kako bi se usporedbom podataka mogao promatrati utjecaj cijepljenja na pobol od zaraznih bolesti u RH u promatranom razdoblju.
Rezultati: U Hrvatskoj je ostvaren značajan uspjeh iskorjenjivanja poliomijelitisa (posljednji oboljeli 1989. god.), difterije (posljednji oboljeli 1974. god.), diseminiranih oblika tuberkuloze u djece i novorođenački tetanus. U većoj mjeri su eradicirani tetanus za 98%, rubeola za 98%, parotitis za 99%, dok je značajno smanjenje vidljivo i kod morbila i pertusisa za 99%. Redukcija broja oboljelih postignuta je zbog dobre procijepljenosti kroz dugi niz godina između 90 i 95% za primarno cijepljenje. Pobol od zaraznih bolesti u RH u promatranom razdoblju pokazuje zadovoljavajući trend silazne krivulje, te osim eradiciranih difterije i poliomijelitisa, svjedočimo u posljednje tri godine promatranog razdoblja potpunom nestanku rubeole, značajnom smanjenju broja oboljelih od parotitisa i tetanusa. Parotitis se još uvijek sporadično svake godine javlja, ali pokazuje tendenciju pada. Morbili su bolest kod koje je najbolje vidljiva povezanost cijepnog obuhvata i pobola, budući je u područjima koja su imala niže obuhvate primovakcinacije i revakcinacije zabilježen značajni porast broja oboljelih što jasno ukazuje na postojanje opreza i jačeg angažmana u provedbi javno zdravstvenih mjera.
Zaključak: Dokazana je povezanost cijepnog obuhvata i dobre organizacije preventivne zdravstvene zaštite te smanjenja pobola od zaraznih bolesti u Republici Hrvatskoj u promatranom razdoblju od 2000. do 2019.godine. Visoki cijepni obuhvati doveli su do eradikacije nekih zaraznih bolesti, a kod velikog broja je značajno smanjen pobol. Pojačan utjecaj medija i antivakcinalnih pokreta u posljednjih pet godina otežavaju provođenje obveznog cijepljenja i dovode do pada cijepnog obuhvata. Unatoč navedenim poteškoćama, daljnjim javnozdravstvenim naporima potrebno je ustrajati na provedbi strategije visokog cijepnog obuhvata i posljedično iskorjenjivanju zaraznih bolesti u populaciji.
Abstract (english) Objectives: The main objective of this research is to find the correlation between the effectiveness of vaccination and vaccination coverage and to determine the reduction scale of infectious diseases' incidence in Croatia. This is being done through the method of data processing and through calculating the percentage of vaccinated people in correlation with the number of diseased in the observed period from 2000. to 2019.
Materials and methods: The methods used in this paper are primary and secondary data collecting and Annals of Health and Statistics were used as a primary source. Through the observed twenty-year period, using the method of analysis, the percentages of vaccinated people with obligatory vaccines are observed in relation with the number of those who developed the disease against which the vaccine is used. Using data comparison the effect of vaccination on the infectious diseases' morbidity is observed in the twenty-year period.
Results: Owing to the consistently applied Vaccination Programme in Croatia during the twenty years preceding the Covid-19 pandemic, there is a significant success in eradicating the poliomyelitis (the last case was in 1989.), dyptheria (the last case was in 1974.), disseminated tuberculosis in children and tetanus in newborns. Mostly eradicated are also the following diseases: tetanus for all age ranges by 98%, rubella by 98%, parotitis by 99%, furthermore, significant reduction is seen in measles and pertussis, by 99%. The decline in the number of cases has been achieved due to very good vaccination rates which vary between 90 and 95%.
There is a significant decline in the infectious diseases' rates in Croatia during the observed period. Apart from the eradication of poliomyelitis and dyptheria mentioned above, we are witnessing the dissapearence of rubeola in the last three years (pre-pandemic era), as well as the significant reduction of cases of tetanus and parotitis. Parotitis can be seen sporadically every year, but the numbers are not concerning as they show a tendency of decrease. Measles are the best example of strong correlation between disease incidence and vaccination rate, since there was a rapid increase of cases in areas of poor vaccination. Measles outbreaks point out a stronger need for implementing public health measures.
Conclusion: High vaccination rates and well organised preventive healthcare are both proven to have led to a decrease in infectious diseases' rates in Croatia from 2000. to 2019. Some diseases have been eradicated, while most of the others have been significantly reduced. Strong media influence, as well as the influence of antivax movements in the last five years have made mandatory vaccination harder to carry out. It also led to the decrease of vaccination rates. Despite all the difficulties, it is necessary to continue with public health strategies and to try to eradicate infectious diseases in the population. The best tool we have for that are vaccines.
cijepni obuhvat
program cijepljenja
Keywords (english)
vaccination rate
immunisation programme
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:493768
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-13 11:51:38