Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti učestalost karcinoma bubrega dijagnosticiranih bolesnicima prije i za vrijeme pandemije Covid-19.
Ispitanici i metode: Ovo istraživanje obuhvatilo je 222 patohistološka nalaza s potvrdom karcinoma bubrega iz arhive Kliničkog zavoda za patologiju, citologiju i sudsku medicinu KBC-a Split u vremenskom razdoblju prije pandemije Covid-19 (1.1.2019. - 1.3.2020.) i za vrijeme pandemije (1.3.2020 – 31.12.2021). Podciljevi ove studije bili su analizirati i usporediti stupanj proširenosti bolesti i vrste obavljenih operacijskih zahvata te demografske i patohistološke karakteristike karcinoma bubrega u bolesnika prije i za vrijeme pandemije Covid-19.
Rezultati: Od ukupnog broja karcinoma bubrega (n=222), 117 ih je dijagnosticirano u godini prije Covid-19 pandemije, dok je preostalih 105 karcinoma zabilježeno u godini Covid-19 pandemije. Muškarci su obolijevali češće od žena u obje skupine ispitanika. Središnja vrijednost dobi u godini prije pandemije bila je 67 godina, dok se u godini pandemije spustila na 65 godina što je statistički značajno. U godini prije pandemije Covida-19 izvršeno je 5 parcijalnih nefrektomija, dok je u godini pandemije izvršeno 15 parcijalnih nefrektomija što je statistički značajan porast. Totalna nefrektomija najčešći je proveden zahvat u obje skupine ispitanika. U godini prije pandemije dijagnosticiran je jedan onkocitom i niti jedan papilarni karcinom tip II, dok je u drugoj skupini otkriveno 8 papilarnih karcinoma tip II i 7 onkocitoma, što se pokazalo statistički značajno. Prilikom postavljanja dijagnoze u obje ispitivane skupine najveći broj pacijenata je bio u prvom stadiju bolesti, a najmanji je broj pacijenata imao uznapredovalu bolest s presadnicama.
Zaključci: U promatranom periodu za vrijeme pandemije SARS-CoV-2 došlo je do blagog pada u broju novootkrivenih slučajeva karcinoma bubrega, no nije bilo značajnih odstupanja u demografskim i patohistološkim karakteristikama bolesnika oboljelih od karcinoma bubrega u usporedbi s bolesnicima oboljelih od karcinoma bubrega u godini prije pandemije. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare frequency of renal cell carcinoma diagnosed in patients before and during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Material and Methods: This study included 222 medical reports with patohistological confirmation of renal cell carcinoma at the Clinical Department of pathology, forensic medicine and cytology at the University Hospital Center Split in the period before the Covid-19 pandemic (January 1, 2019 – March 1, 2020) and during pandemic (March 1, 2020 – December 31, 2021). Objectives of this study were to analyze and compare the extent of the disease and the type of surgery preformed, as well as the demographics and patohistological characteristics of renal cell carcinoma diagnosed in patients before and during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Results: Of the total number of kidney carcinoma (n=222), 117 were diagnosed in the year before Covid-19 pandemic, while the remaining 105 cancers were reported in the year during Covid-19 pandemic. In both groups results show higher incidence of renall cell carcinoma in men than women. The median age in the year before pandemic was 67 years, while it dropped in the year during pandemic on 65 years, which is statistically significant. Five partial nephrectomies were preformed in the year before Covid-19 pandemic, while in the year of the pandemic 15 partial nephrectomies were preformed, which is statistically significant increase. Total nephrectomy is the most common preformed procedure in both groups. In the year before the pandemic, zero papillary renal cell carcinomas type II and 1 oncocytoma were diagnosed, while in the year of pandemic, 8 papillary renal cell carcinomas type II and 7 oncocytomas were detected, which is statistically significant. At the time of diagnosis in both study groups, the largest number of patients was in the first stage of diseas, and the smallest number of patients had advanced disease with metastases.
Conclusion: In the observed period during the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a slight decrease in the number of newly detected renal cell carcinomas,but there were no significant deviationts in the demographics and patohistological characteristics in patients with renal cell carcinoma compared to patients diagnosed with cancer in the year before the Covid-19 pandemic. |