Abstract | Cilj:
Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati arterijsku elastičnost kod osoba s predijabetesom i dijabetesom tipa 2 i usporediti s elastičnosti kod osoba s normalnom regulacijom glukoze te na taj način utvrditi postoji li povezanost između smanjenja elastičnosti arterijske stijenke i stanja predijabetesa.
Ovo istraživanje je presječno prema svojem ustroju i uključilo je ukupno 358 ispitanika. Prikupljanje podataka provedeno je tijekom rujna 2013. g. do svibnja 2014. godine na otoku Korčuli. Provedena su antropometrijska mjerenja, izmjeren je periferni arterijski tlak, kao i parametri elastičnosti arterijske stijenke. Pomoću upitnika prikupljeni su anamnestički podaci, podaci o navikama i životnom stilu te o socioekonomskim pokazateljima. U analizi je korišten hi-kvadrat test, ANOVA, Kruskall-Wallis test, Spearmanov test rang korelacije, parcijalna korelacija i općeniti linearni model.
Prema izravnom pokazatelju elastičnosti arterijske stijenke, osobe s predijabetesom i DM2 su imale statistički značajno veću brzinu pulsnog vala (P<0,001). Korištenjem Spearmanovog testa korelacije najsnažnija povezanost s brzinom pulsnog vala identificirana je za dob (r=0,789; P<0,001), sistolički tlak (r=0,644; P<0,001), trigliceride (r=0,432; P<0,001) i dijastolički tlak (r=0,407; P<0,001). U općenitom linearnom modelu statistički značajna povezanost s brzinom pulsnog vala pronađena je samo za dob (P<0,001) i spol (P=0,020), dok je granično statistički neznačajan rezultat zabilježen za sistolički tlak (P=0,051).
Osobe s predijabetesom i DM imaju smanjenu arterijsku elastičnost u odnosu prema osobama s normalnim metabolizmom glukoze, ali je ta razlika uvjetovana s dobi i sa spolom. Na elastičnost arterijske stijenke značajno su utjecale dob i spol ispitanika, dok je za sistolički tlak zabilježen graničan rezultat. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives:
The aim of this study was to compare arterial stiffness between prediabetic and diabetic individuals with individuals who have normal glucose regulation and thus determine whether there is a connection between arterial stiffnes and prediabetes.
We performed a cross-sectional study. It consisted a total of 358 subjects. Data collection was conducted from September 2013 until May 2014 on the island of Korčula. Anthropometric measurements were carried out, peripheral blood pressure was measured, and parameters of elasticity of the arterial wall. Using questionnaires medical data were collected, such as habits and lifestyle as well as the socio-economic indicators. The analysis used the chi-square test, ANOVA or Kruskall-Wallis test, Spearman's rank correlation test, partial correlation and general linear model.
According to direct indicators of elasticity of the arterial wall, people with prediabetes and DM had significantly higher rates of BPV (P <0.001). By using the Spearman correlation test, the strongest correlation with the speed of the pulse wave was identified for age (r = 0.789, P <0.001), followed by systolic blood pressure (r = 0.644, P <0.001), triglycerides (r = 0.432, P <0.001) and diastolic blood pressure (r = 0.407, P <0.001). In a general linear model, a statistically significant correlation with the pulse wave velocity was found for age (P <0.001) and gender (P = 0.020), while marginally statistically insignificant result was observed for systolic blood pressure (P = 0.051).
People with prediabetes and DM have reduced arterial elasticity compared to people with normal glucose metabolism, but the difference is caused by age and sex. Arterial wall elasticity is significantly influenced by age and sex, while systolic blood pressure was recorded borderline result. |