Abstract | Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi sezonsku varijabilnost prezentacije perforiranih peptičkih ulkusa.
Ispitanici i postupci: U ispitivanje je uključeno 104 punoljetna bolesnika operirana zbog perforacije peptičkog ulkusa u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Split u razdoblju od siječnja 2021. godine do siječnja 2024. godine. Perforacija na želucu je zabilježena u 53 bolesnika, a na duodenalnom dijelu u 51 bolesnika. Od ukupno 104 ispitanika više je oboljelih muškaraca, 68 (65,4%), nego žena, 36 (34,6%). Primarne mjere ishoda su povezanost godišnjeg doba i perforacije peptičkog ulkusa, dok su sekundarne mjere ishoda povezanost pušenja i konzumiranja alkohola sa perforacijom peptičkog ulkusa.
Rezultati: Muškaraca operiranih zbog perforiranog duodenalnog ulkusa bilo je 32 (47,1%), dok su 36 (53 %) operirana zbog perforiranog želučanog ulkusa. Zbog perforacije duodenalnog ulkusa operirano je 19 (52,8%) žena, dok je 17 (47,2%) operirano zbog perforiranog želučanog ulkusa. Od svih ispitanika oboljelih od peptične ulkusne bolesti, 35 (32,7%) je pušača, od kojih je 17 (48,6%) oboljelo od duodenalnog, a 18 (51,4%) od želučanog ulkusa. Od svih oboljelih ispitanika ukupno je 69 (66,4%) nepušača, od kojih je ukupno 34 (49,3%) oboljelo od duodenalnog i 35 (50,7%) od želučanog ulkusa. Od svih ispitanika 23 (22,1%) je onih koji konzumiraju alkohol, a 81 (77,9%) koji ne konzumiraju alkohol. Najveća stopa pojavnosti perforiranog peptičkog ulkusa bila je u srpnju, a porast incidencije zamjećuje se još i u veljači i listopadu. Najznačajniji pad incidencije uočen je u studenom, a pad incidencije uočen je još i u ožujku i rujnu. Ukoliko pojavnost perforacije ulkusa promatramo po godišnjim dobima, porast incidencije uočen je za vrijeme proljeća i zime, a pad je zabilježen za vrijeme jeseni.
Zaključak: Alkohol povećava rizik od perforacije ulkusa, međutim ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u pojavnosti perforacije između pušača i nepušača. Povećana je incidencija perforacije peptičkog ulkusa zimi i u proljeće, s vrhuncem u hladnim mjesecima. Veća je stopa incidencije perforacije ulkusa u žena nego u muškaraca. |
Abstract (english) | Aim: The objective of the study was to determine the seasonal variability of the presentation of perforated peptic ulcers.
Subjects and methods: The study included 104 adult patients operated because of peptic ulcer perforation at the University Hospital of Split in the period from January 2021 to January 2024. Perforation in the stomach was recorded in 53 patients, and in the duodenal part in 51 patients. Out of a total of 104 respondents, there are more sick men, 68 (65.4%), than women, 36 (34.6 %). The primary outcome measures are the association of season and peptic ulcer perforation, while the secondary outcome measures are the association of smoking and alcohol consumption with peptic ulcer perforation.
Results: There were 32 (47.1%) men operated because of perforated duodenal ulcer, while 36 (53%) were operated because of perforated gastric ulcer. There were 19 (52.8%) women operated because of perforated duodenal ulcer, while 17 (47.2%) were operated because of perforated gastric ulcer. Out of all respondents suffering from peptic ulcer disease, 35 (32.7%) were smokers, of which 17 (48.6%) suffered from duodenal ulcer and 18 (51.4%) from gastric ulcer. A total of 69 (66.4%) of all sick respondents were non-smokers, of which a total of 34 (49.3%) suffered from duodenal and 35 (50.7%) from gastric ulcers. Of all respondents, 23 (22.1%) are those who consume alcohol, and 81 (77.9%) who do not consume alcohol. The highest incidence rate of perforated peptic ulcer was in July, and the increase in incidence is also observed in February and October. The most significant drop in incidence was observed in November, and the drop in incidence was also observed in March and September. If we look at the incidence of ulcer perforation by season, an increase in incidence was observed during spring and winter, and a decrease was recorded during autumn.
Conclusion: Alcohol increases the risk of ulcer perforation, but there is no statistically significant difference in the incidence of perforation between smokers and non-smokers. The incidence of peptic ulcer perforation is increased in winter and spring, with a peak in the cold months. The incidence rate of ulcer perforation is higher in women than in men. |