Abstract | Ciljevi: Cilj ove retrospektivne, monocentrične studije je ispitati čimbenike ishoda liječenja laparoskopske orhidopeksije u jednom aktu, u djece s dijagnozom abdominalne retencije testisa.
Ispitanici i metode: U studiju je uključeno 32 dječaka s dijagnozom abdominalne retencije testisa koji su podvrgnuti laparoskopskoj orhidopeksiji u periodu između 1. siječnja 2014. i 31. prosinca 2023. godine. Od ukupno 32 dječaka, dvoje je imalo bilateralnu abdominalnu retenciju testisa. Volumen testisa mjerio se ultrazvučno prije i šest mjeseci nakon laparoskopske orhidopeksije. Za uspredbu zavisnih varijabli korišten je Wilcoxon matched pairs test. Razina statističke značajnosti postavljena je na P < 0,05.
Rezultati: Nije zabilježena ni jedna intraoperacijska komplikacija. Jedno je dijete razvilo infekciju rane na mjestu umbilikalnog troakara, koja je liječena konzervativno. Za vrijeme praćenja, zabilježena je atrofija testisa u dva slučaja (5,5%). U tri slučaja testis je ostao visoko u skrotumu, ali u dva od tih slučajeva, s vremenom, vratio se u normalni položaj u skrotum. Dugotrajno praćenje, sa srednjim trajanjem od 35 mjeseci (IQR 19, 60,5), pokazalo je ukupnu stopu uspješnosti od 94,5%. Srednji volumen testisa pri 6-mjesečnom praćenju povećao se s 0,31 ml (IQR 0,28, 0,43) na 0,40 ml (IQR 0,33, 0,53) (P=0,031).
Zaključci: Laparoskopska orhidopeksija u jednom aktu sigurna je i učinkovita metoda u liječenju abdominalne retencije testisa. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate the outcomes of single-stage laparoscopic orchidopexy for intra-abdominal testes in paediatric patients.
Materials and methods: From January 1st 2014 until December 31st 2023, a total of 32 paediatric patients who were diagnosed with abdominal testicular retention and underwent laparoscopic orchidopexy were included in the study. Out of a total of 32, two children had bilateral testicular retention. The testicular volume of each children was measured by the ultrasound before and six months after laparoscopic orchidopexy. The Wilcoxon matched pairs test was used for comparison of dependet variables. P value <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.
Results: No intraoperative complications were recorded. One child developed a wound infection at the site of the umbilical trocar, which was managed conservatively. During the follow-up period, testicular atrophy was observed in two cases (5.5%). In three cases, the testis remained high in the scrotum initially, but in two of these cases, it returned to a normal position over time. Long-term follow-up, with a median duration of 35 months (IQR 19, 60.5), showed an overall success rate of 94.5%. The median testicular volume at 6-month follow-up increased from 0.31 ml (IQR 0.28, 0.43) to 0.40 ml (IQR 0.33, 0.53) (P=0.031).
Conclusion: A single-stage laparoscopic orchidopexy is safe and effective method for treatment of intra-abdominal testicular retention. |