Title Retrospective comparison of thyroid hormone levels in early and late stages of chronic kidney disease
Title (croatian) Retrospektivna usporedba razina hormona štitnjače u ranim i kasnim stadijima kronične bolesti bubrega
Author Shila Giwi
Mentor Sigrun Renate Merger (mentor)
Committee member Georg Gerhard Grabenbauer (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marino Vilović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josipa Bukić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine Split
Defense date and country 2024-09-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Internal Medicine
Abstract Objectives: The main objective of this study was to observe differences in the conversion rate
of thyroid hormone parameters free thyroxine (fT4) to triiodothyronine (fT3) between patients
with stages 2 and 4 of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The secondary objective was to compare
thyroid hormone levels between subgroups of CKD stage 2 and 4, specifically comparing
patients who received thyroid hormone replacement therapy with levothyroxine and those who
did not receive any thyroid hormone medication.
Patients and methods: In this retrospective observational study, clinical data of patients
admitted to the REGIOMED Hospital Coburg and Hildburghausen in Bavaria, Germany were
included. CKD categorizations occurred based on the international statistical classification of
diseases and related health problems (ICD) code from the hospitals Orbis System. The chosen
time period of inclusion was set to 1. January 2020 to 31. July 2023. The data was
pseudonymized for further use. The total study population included 183 patients, after applying
the exclusion criteria to the initial 220 participants. The statistical analysis was carried out with
JMP pro 17 program.
Results: This study found that patients with CKD stage 4 had significantly lower fT3 levels
and a reduced fT3/fT4 ratio compared to those with CKD stage 2, indicating an impaired
conversion of fT4 to fT3 in the later stages of CKD. This decrease was observed even among
patients receiving levothyroxine therapy. TSH and fT4, however, did not show any significant
changes amongst groups and subgroups and remained within reference range. Additionally, the
study revealed lower SPINA-GD levels in CKD stage 4 patients, further supporting the
hypothesis of diminished peripheral deiodinase activity in these patients.
Conclusion: The results of this research revealed significant impairment in the conversion of
fT4 to fT3 in patients with advanced CKD. The decreased fT3 levels, despite levothyroxine
therapy, suggest that new treatment methods may be needed for managing thyroid dysfunction
and counteracting the associated increased risk for mortality in this patient population.
Therefore, further research is necessary to explore the directionality of disease occurrence and
to find optimal therapeutic approaches. Additionally, clinical implications of nonthyroidal
illness syndrome within the different stages of CKD need to be further investigated as well as
the distinct degree of renal dysfunction, leading to thyroidal abnormalities.
Abstract (croatian) Ciljevi: Glavni cilj ove studije bio je promatrati razlike u stopi konverzije parametara hormona
štitnjače slobodnog tiroksina (fT4) u trijodtironin (fT3) između pacijenata s fazama 2 i 4
kronične bolesti bubrega (KBB). Sekundarni cilj bio je usporediti razine hormona štitnjače
između podskupina KBB stadija 2 i 4 među kojima su pacijenti bili na nadomjesnoj terapiji
hormonima štitnjače levotiroksinom i onih koji nisu primali nikakve lijekove za hormone
Pacijenti i metode: U ovoj retrospektivnoj opservacijskoj studiji uključeni su klinički podaci
pacijenata primljenih u REGIOMED bolnicu Coburg i Hildburghausen u Bavarskoj, Njemačka.
Kategorizacije KBB-a izvršene su na temelju međunarodne statističke klasifikacije bolesti i
srodnih zdravstvenih problema (ICD) kodova iz Orbis sustava bolnice. Odabrano vremensko
razdoblje uključivanja postavljeno je na 1. Siječanj 2020. do 31. Spranj 2023. Podaci su
pseudonimizirani za daljnju upotrebu. Ukupna populacija studije uključivala je 183 pacijenta,
nakon primjene kriterija isključenja na početnih 220 sudionika. Statistička analiza provedena
je s JMP pro 17 programom.
Rezultati: Ova studija je otkrila da pacijenti s KBB stadijem 4 imaju značajno niže razine fT3
i smanjen omjer fT3/fT4 u usporedbi s onima s KBB stadijem 2, što ukazuje na oslabljenu
konverziju fT4 u fT3 u kasnijim stadijima KBB-a. Ovo smanjenje je zabilježeno čak i među
pacijentima koji su primali terapiju levotiroksinom. TSH i fT4, međutim, nisu pokazali
značajne promjene među grupama i podskupinama te su ostali unutar referentnog raspona.
Osim toga, studija je otkrila niže razine SPINA-GD kod pacijenata s KBB stadijem 4, što
dodatno podržava hipotezu o smanjenoj aktivnosti perifernih dejodinaza kod ovih pacijenata.
Zaključak: Rezultati ovog istraživanja otkrili su značajno oštećenje u konverziji fT4 u fT3 kod
pacijenata s uznapredovalom KBB. Smanjene razine fT3, unatoč terapiji levotiroksinom,
ukazuju na to da bi mogle biti potrebne alternativne strategije liječenja za upravljanje
disfunkcijom štitnjače i suzbijanje povezanog povećanog rizika od smrtnosti u ovoj populaciji
pacijenata. Stoga je potrebno daljnje istraživanje kako bi se istražila uzročnost pojave bolesti i
pronašli optimalni terapijski pristupi. Osim toga, potrebno je dodatno istražiti kliničke
implikacije sindroma bolesti koja nije povezana sa štitnjačom u različitim stadijima KBB-a,
kao i specifični stupanj bubrežne disfunkcije koji dovodi do abnormalnosti štitnjače.
Thyroid Hormones
chronic kidney disease (CKD)
Keywords (croatian)
hormoni štitnjače
kronična bolest bubrega
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:513083
Study programme Title: Medical Studies in English Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2024-09-04
Terms of use
Created on 2024-09-03 06:15:30