Title Primjena evociranih potencijala u istraživanju neurofizioloških biljega disleksije
Title (english) Application of evoked potentials in research on neurophysiological markers of dyslexia
Author Maja Perkušić Čović
Mentor Maja Rogić Vidaković (komentor)
Mentor Marijan Palmović (komentor)
Committee member Ivana Pavlinac Dodig (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Grković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Marušić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine Split
Defense date and country 2024-11-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences Neuroscience
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 61 - Medical sciences
Abstract Cilj je ove EEG/ERP studije bio istražiti procese čitanja i imenovanja naglas procjenom amplituda električnog potencijala (eng. evoked related potential, ERP) u odraslih ispitanika s disleksijom u transparentnom hrvatskom jeziku. Rezultati odraslih ispitanika s disleksijom uspoređeni su s rezultatima kontrolnih ispitanika. Rezultati su uspoređeni u trima fazama: predleksičkoj (150 – 260 ms), leksičkoj (280 – 700 ms) i postleksičkoj (750 – 1000 ms) fazi obrade tijekom zadatka čitanja riječi i imenovanja naglas. Dvanaest odraslih ispitanika i dvanaest kontrolnih ispitanika bilo je uključeno u zadatak čitanja riječi naglas i zadatak imenovanja slika naglas dok im je snimana kontinuirana EEG aktivnost. Zadatak čitanja riječi i imenovanja slika sadržavao je dizajn „rijetkih susjedstva“(riječi/slike koje započinju istim početnim slovom). Za analizu prosječne vrijednosti ERP odgovora za predleksičku, leksičku i postleksičku fazu provedena je ANOVA miješanog dizajna s desnim (F4, FC2, FC6, C4, T8, CP2, CP6, P4) i lijevim (F3, FC5, FC1, T7, C3, CP5, CP1, P7) elektrodama, varijabilitetom unutar grupa i grupom ispitanika (odrasli ispitanici s disleksijom naspram kontrolnim ispitanicima) i varijabilitetom između grupa ispitanika. Pronađene su ERP razlike između odraslih ispitanika s disleksijom i kontrolnih ispitanika u predleksičkoj fazi (160 – 200 ms) u desnoj hemisferi u zadatku čitanja riječi naglas. Nadalje, u zadatku imenovanja slika naglas pronađene su ERP razlike u postleksičkoj fazi (900 – 1000 ms) u odraslih ispitanika s disleksijom u odnosu na kontrolne ispitanike. U cilju provjerljivosti i usporedbe nalaza rezultata naše studije i budućih ERP studija čitanja i imenovanja u osoba s disleksijom, nužne je da buduće studije imaju sličan metodološki dizajn u istraživanjima predleksičke, leksičke i postleksičke faze koji bi se odnosio na vrstu podražaja (čitanje riječi/imenovanje slika iz rijetkog susjedstva sa zatvorenim fonemskim početkom), sličnost jezičnih sustava (transparentni), te način izvršavanja zadatka čitanja (čitanje/imenovanje naglas).
Abstract (english) This EEG/ERP study explored overt reading and naming processin adult participants with dyslexia and healthy control participants using event related potentials, ERPs in transparent Croatian orthography. The behavioral and ERP results of adult participants with dyslexia were compared with adult healthy control participants. Results of both groups (dyslexia participants and control participants) were compared in three stages: pre-lexical stage (150-260 ms), lexical stage (280- 700 ms) and post-lexical stage (750-1000 ms). Twelve adult participants with dyslexia and twelve healthy control participants were engaged in overt word reading task and overt picture naming task while their electrophysiological activity was recorded. The reading and naming blocks had similar phonemic onset (the words and objects started with the same grapheme/phoneme) and were considered as words and objects from sparse neighbourhoods. Mixed design ANOVA was used for the analysis of mean ERP amplitudes for reading and naming stages (pre-lexical, lexical, post-lexical). Comparisons were made according to the right electrodes of interest (F4, FC2, FC6, C4, T8, CP2, CP6, P4) versus left electrodes of interest (F3, FC5, FC1, T7, C3, CP5, CP1, P7, P3), adult partcipants with dyslexia versus healthy control participants and also comparisons beween-subjects factor. Behavioural statistical analysis showed significantly longer reading latencies in adult dyslexic participants while no significant differences were found in naming latencies in both groups (adult participants with dyslexia and control participants). ERP differences were found in the pre-lexical reading stage (160-260 ms) in overt rading task in adult participants with dyslexia and control participants in the right hemisphere. Furthermore, ERP differences in overt naming task were found in post-lexical naming stage (900-1000 ms) in the right hemisphere in adult participants with dyslexia and control participants. In order to verify and compare the findings of our study and other ERP studies investigating reading and naming in people with dyslexia, it is necessary that future studies have a similar methodological design in the research of the pre-lexical, lexical and post-lexical stages, which would refer to the type of stimulus (word reading), the similarity of language systems (transparent), and the way of performing the reading task (reading aloud).
disleksija odraslih
otvoreno čitanje
otvoreno imenovanje
faze čitanja i imenovanja
Keywords (english)
adult dyslexia
overt reading
overt naming
reading and naming stages
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:811855
Study programme Title: Translational Research in Biomedicine - TRIBE Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2024-11-29
Terms of use
Created on 2024-11-19 12:59:07