Title Zdravstveno-ekonomska analiza najčešćih kirurških zahvata u oftalmologiji: operacije mrene i operacije regmatogenog odignuća mrežnice u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji
Title (english) Health Economic Analysis of the Most Common Surgical Procedures in Ophthalmology: Cataract and Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Procedure in Split-Dalmatia County
Author Ivan Borjan https://orcid.org/0009-0008-2856-9297
Mentor Ljubo Znaor (mentor)
Mentor Beáta Éva Petrovski (komentor) VIAF: 1531159234548703371894
Committee member Veljko Rogošić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Lešin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Barać (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine Split
Defense date and country 2025-01-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Ophthalmology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 616.31 - Stomatology
Abstract Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja bio je provesti zdravstveno-ekonomsku analizu dviju kirurških oftalmoloških intervencija: operacije mrene i operacije regmatogenog odignuća mrežnice (engl. rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, RRD). Temeljem intraoperacijskih fakoemulzifikacijskih (PHACO) parametara, htjeli smo procijeniti i usporediti troškove operacije mrene u bolesnika s i bez pseudoeksfolijacijskog sindroma (PEX-a). Također, analizom troškovne korisnosti cilj nam je bio procijeniti i usporediti isplativost triju suvremenih tehnika operacije RRD-a. Metode i ispitanici: Ovo retrospektivno istraživanje kvalitete temeljeno na registru sastoji se od dva dijela, povezana zdravstveno-ekonomskom analizom u jedinstvenu cjelinu. U prvom dijelu istraživanja u analizu je uključeno 5889 bolesnika (6236 očiju) podvrgnutih PHACO operaciji mrene u Klinici za očne bolesti KBC-a Split u razdoblju od 7 godina, podijeljenih u dvije skupine, ovisno o prisutnosti PEX-a. Analizirani su i uspoređivani intraoperacijski PHACO parametri, intraoperacijske komplikacije i troškovi zahvata (temeljeni prije svega na razlikama u duljini trajanja operacijskog zahvata) između promatranih skupina. Analizirana je i prikladnost šifri dijagnostičko-terapijskih skupina (DTS) povezanih s PHACO operacijom mrene. Drugi dio istraživanja uključio je 151 bolesnika s RRD-om, liječenog u Klinici za očne bolesti KBC-a Split tijekom trogodišnjeg razdoblja, jednom od tri kirurške tehnike (pneumoretinopeksija – PR, konvencionalna operacija – SB ili pars plana vitrektomija – PPV) kako bi se procijenili anatomski i funkcionalni ishodi pojedine tehnike. Nadalje, provedena je opsežna zdravstveno-ekonomska analiza troškova i korisnosti (mjerenih očekivanim vrijednostima QALY-a, temeljenih na anatomskim i funkcionalnim ishodima navedenih metoda) te je uspoređena isplativost kirurških tehnika izračunavanjem omjera troškovne učinkovitosti (ICER-a). Rezultati: Pseudoeksfoliacijski sindrom dijagnosticiran je u 6,13 % slučajeva uključenih u istraživanje. Svi intraoperacijski PHACO parametri bili su viši u PEX skupini bolesnika, osobito u onih sa tvrđim nuklearnim mrenama. Trajanje operacijskog zahvata bilo je 1,5 puta dulje, a intraoperacijske komplikacije značajno češće u PEX skupini. Očekivani troškovi PHACO postupka bili su značajno veći u bolesnika s PEX-om, neovisno o tvrdoći nuklearne mrene (osobito u skupini bolesnika s većom tvrdoćom nukleusa) te isti nisu pokriveni trenutačnom naknadom DTS-a, tako da se gubitak očekivanih, neobračunatih troškova po zahvatu kretao u rasponu od 36 % do čak 69 %. U drugom dijelu istraživanja, primarni anatomski uspjeh postignut je u 86%bolesnika liječenih zbog RRD-a. Nije dokazana statistički značajna razlika u anatomskom uspjehu između triju kirurških tehnika. Međutim, funkcionalni ishod (temeljen na konačnoj vidnoj oštrini) značajno se razlikovao između promatranih tehnika. Posljedično, vrijednosti očekivanog QALY-a značajno su se razlikovale među pojedinim tehnikama te su bile niže za PPV, nego za PR i SB. Nadalje, PR je pokazao dominantnu isplativost u odnosu na PPV, s vrijednošću ICER-a od -6253 €/QALY. Zaključak: Istraživanje je pokazalo da su troškovi povezani s PHACO operacijom mrene u bolesnika s PEX-om značajno veći u odnosu na one bez PEX-a, i nisu pokriveni trenutačnim sustavom naknade DTS. Stoga se nameće potreba prilagodbe sustava naknade DTS za PHACO postupke u bolesnika s PEX-om, osobito onih s većom tvrdoćom nukleusa. Prilagodba i dopuna šifri naknade DTS-a potrebna je i u slučaju RRD-a. Istraživanje je također pokazalo da je PR uodgovarajućim slučajevima, uz to što daje najbolje funkcionalne rezultate, troškovnonajisplativija tehnika za liječenje RRD-a. To bi trebalo posebno uzeti u obzir u zemljama s ograničenim zdravstvenim resursima (poput Hrvatske), gdje bi se odluke o liječenju RRD-a trebale temeljiti na analizi troškovne korisnosti.
Abstract (english) Objective: The aim of the study was to conduct a health-economic analysis of two ophthalmic surgical interventions: cataract surgery and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) surgery. Based on intraoperative phacoemulsification (PHACO) parameters, we sought to evaluate and compare the costs of cataract surgery in patients with and without pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEX). Additionally, through a cost-utility analysis, we aimed to assess and compare the cost-effectiveness of three modern surgical techniques for RRD treatment. Methods and Participants: This retrospective quality registry-based study consists of two parts, linked by health-economic analysis into a single whole. In the first part, 5,889 patients (6,236 eyes) who underwent PHACO cataract surgery at the Eye department, Split University Hospital, over a 7-year period were included in the analysis. Patients were divided into two groups based on the presence or absence of PEX. Intraoperative PHACO parameters, intraoperative complications, and procedural costs were analyzed and compared between the groups, with a focus on differences in costs arising from the duration of surgical procedures. The appropriateness of diagnosis-related group (DRG) codes associated with PHACO cataract surgery was also evaluated. The second part included 151 patients with RRD treated at the Eye department, Split University Hospital, over a 3-year period using one of three surgical techniques: pneumatic retinopexy (PR), scleral buckling (SB), or pars plana vitrectomy (PPV). The anatomical and functional outcomes of each method were assessed. Additionally, an extensive health-economic analysis of costs and utility (measured by expected QALY values based on anatomical and functional outcomes) was performed. The cost-effectiveness of surgical techniques was compared using incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER). Results: Pseudoexfoliation syndrome was diagnosed in 6.13% of cases included in the study. All intraoperative PHACO parameters were higher in the PEX group, particularly in patients with harder nuclear cataracts. The duration of the procedure was 1.5 times longer in the PEX group, and intraoperative complications were significantly more frequent. The expected costs of PHACO procedures were significantly higher in patients with PEX, regardless of nuclear cataract hardness (especially in patients with harder nuclei). These costs were not covered by the current DRG reimbursement system, leading to an expected unreimbursed cost loss per procedure ranging from 36% to as high as 69%. In the second part of the study, primary anatomical success was achieved in 86% of patients treated for RRD. There was no statistically significant difference in anatomical success among the three surgical techniques. However, functional outcomes (based on final visual acuity) significantly differed between the techniques. Consequently, expected QALY values also significantly varied, being lower for PPV compared to PR and SB. Furthermore, PR demonstrated dominant cost-effectiveness compared to PPV, with a cost-effectiveness ratio of -6,253 €/QALY. Conclusion: The study revealed that costs associated with PHACO cataract surgery in patients with PEX are significantly higher than in those without PEX and are not adequately covered by the current DRG system. This underscores the need to adjust the DRG reimbursement system for PHACO procedures in PEX patients, particularly those with harder nuclei. Adjustments and supplements to DRG reimbursement codes are also needed for RRD cases. The study also demonstrated that PR, in appropriate cases, is not only the most cost-effective technique for RRD repair but also yields the best functional outcomes. This should be particularly considered in countries with limited healthcare resources (such as Croatia), where decisions regarding RRD treatment should be based on cost-utility analyses.
operacija mrene
odvajanje mrežnice
sindrom eksfolijacije
ekonomika zdravstva
Keywords (english)
Cataract Extraction
Retinal Detachment
Exfoliation Syndrome
Health Care Economics and Organizations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:772779
Study programme Title: Evidence-Based Clinical Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2025-01-24 08:25:04