Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Endoskopska instilacija inertne tvari danas je prva linija terapije vezikoureteralnog refluksa. Deflux® je sterilan, visoko viskozan gel dekstrana na nosaču hijaluronske kiseline neživotinjskog podrijetla. Druga često korištena tvar, Vurdex®, sastoji se od hijaluronske kiseline i pozitivno nabijenih čestica dekstrana, koje stimuliraju regeneraciju tkiva i urastanje kolagena na mjestu implantacije. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti kliničku djelotvornost dvaju sličnih sredstva, Defluxa® i Vurdexa®, koji se koriste u endoskopskoj terapiji VUR-a u našoj instituciji.
Ispitanici i metode: Retrospektivno su pregledane povijesti bolesti 104 djece, koja su endoskopski liječena zbog primarnog VUR-a u razdoblju od siječnja 2010. do siječnja 2015. Do 2012. korišten je Deflux®, nakon čega je u uporabu uveden Vurdex®. Od tada je Vurdex® u primarnoj uporabi u endoskopskom liječenju VUR-a. Kriteriji isključenja bili su: bolesnici sa sekundarnim vezikoureteralnim refluksom, primarno operirani bolesnici i bolesnici koji su operirani odmah nakon prve ili druge injekcije. Srednja dob djece bila je 4,8 godina (raspon 0 - 13 godina). Srednje ukupno praćenje bolesnika bilo je 2 godine (raspon 6 mjeseci - 4 godine). Srednja duljina boravka u bolnici bila je 2 dana (raspon 1-3 dana).
Rezultati: Endoskopsko liječenje VUR-a koristeći Deflux® (Skupina I) primijenjeno je u 65 djece (ukupno 106 uretera; od toga VUR stupnja I: 14 uretera; stupnja II: 30; stupnja III: 40; stupnja IV: 19; stupnja V: 3). Odnos muške prema ženskoj djeci bio je 15 : 50. Od 65 djece, 24 je bilo sa unilateralnim i 41 sa bilateralnim VUR-om. Nakon prve injekcije Defluxa® uspjeh je ostvaren u 74 uretera (69,8%), nakon druge injekcije u 91 ureter (85,8%), a nakon treće injekcije u 99 uretera (93,3%). Isti postupak, ali koristeći Vurdex® (Skupina II), proveden je u 39 djece (ukupno 58 uretera; od toga VUR stupnja I: 12; stupnja II: 17; stupnja III: 20; stupnja IV: 7; stupnja V: 2). Odnos muške prema ženskoj djeci u ovoj skupini je bio 9 : 30. Od 39 djece, 20 je bilo sa unilateralnim i 19 sa bilateralnim VUR-om. Nakon prve injekcije Vurdexa® uspjeh je ostvaren u 43 uretera (74,1%), nakon druge injekcije u 52 uretera (89,6%), a nakon treće injekcije u 55 uretera (94,8%). Cijena jedne injekcije (1 ml) je značajno manja kad se koristi Vurdex® (€ 481.77) u odnosu na Deflux® (€ 708.08).
Zaključci: Ukupna stopa uspjeha za bolesnike liječene Defluxom® bila je 93,3% (99/106), a za bolesnike liječene Vurdexom® 94,8% (55/58). Nije utvrđena značajna statistička razlika u uspjehu endoskopske terapije VUR-a između dviju promatranih skupina (p=0,714). Međutim, u odabiru sredstva koje će se koristiti u endoskopskoj terapiji VUR-a, Vurdex® ima prednost pred Defluxom® zbog značajno niže cijene, a s istim terapijskim uspjehom. |
Abstract (english) | Aims of the study: Endoscopic instillation of inert substance today is the first line treatment for vesicoureteral reflux. Deflux® is a sterile, highly viscous gel of dextranomer microspheres in a carrier gel of non-animal hyaluronic acid. On the other side, Vurdex® consists of positively charged dextranomer-based micro-particles, that stimulates patient's own tissue to regenerate collagen at implantation site, and cross-linked hyaluronic acid. The objective of this study was to compare the clinical efficacy of two similar tissue bulking agents, Deflux® and Vurdex®, used for a treatment of vesicoureteral reflux in our institution.
Methods: The case records of 104 children, treated endoscopically for primary vesicoureteral reflux from January 2010 to January 2015, were retrospectively reviewed. Most of the patients were treated with Deflux® until 2012, when using of Vurdex® was introduced. Exclusion criteria were patients with secondary reflux due to neurogenic bladder, duplicated refluxing ureters, primary operated patients and patients operated after first or second injection. The children's mean age was 4,8 years (range, 0 - 13 years). Mean overall follow-up was 2 years (6 months – 4 years). Mean hospital stay was 2 days (range, 1 – 3 days).
Results: Endoscopic treatment of vesicoureteral reflux using Deflux® (Group I) was performed in 65 children (106 ureters; grade I: 14; grade II: 30; grade III: 40; grade IV: 19; grade V: 3). Male to female ratio was 15 : 50. There were 24 patients with unilateral and 41 patients with bilateral VUR. After first injection of Deflux® success was achieved in 74 ureters (69,8%), after second injection in 91 ureters (85,8%) and after third injection in 99 ureters (93,3%). The same procedure using Vurdex® (Group II) was performed in 39 children (58 ureters; grade I: 12; grade II: 17; grade III: 20; grade IV: 7; grade V: 2). Male to female ratio was 9 : 30. There were 20 patients with unilateral and 19 patients with bilateral reflux. After first injection of Vurdex® success was achieved in 43 ureters (74,1%), after second injection in 52 ureters (89,6%) and after third injection in 55 ureters (94,8%). The costs of the single injection (1 ml) were significantly lower when the Vurdex® was used (€ 481.77) compared to the Deflux® (€ 708.08).
Conclusion: Overall success rate for patients treated with Deflux® was 93,3% (99/106) and for patients treated with Vurdex® 94,8% (55/58). No significant difference in success rates between two groups was observed (p=0.714). However, Vurdex® has an advantage because of the significantly lower price, but with same treatment results as Deflux®. |