Abstract | Cilj istraživanja:
Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je ispitati kliničke osobitosti novorođenčadi sa sindromom Down obzirom na spol, gestacijsku dob i dob majke, rođenih u KBC Split od 1989. do 2015. godine.
Materijali i metode:
Promatrana su novorđenčad s dokazanom trisomijom 21 rođena u Klinici za ženske bolesti i porode KBC Split od 1989. do 2015. godine. Podaci su dobiveni iz povijesti bolesti majke i djeteta te rađaonskog protokola. Retrospektivno je ispitan perinatalni ishod 162 djece kod kojih je zbog kliničke sumnje učinjena i potvrđena dijagnoza SD. Ispitivani čimbenici su bili dob majke, gestacijska dob pri porodu,spol djeteta, citogenetski nalaz, tjelesna duljina i masa djeteta, opseg glave, fenotipske karakteristike SD, tonus muskulature, kardiovaskularne i gastrointestinalne malformacije te UZV nalaz mozga.
Od ukupno 162 novorođenčadi sa SD 15,4% ih je imalo istovremeno neko oštećenje mozga i anomaliju srca. Od ukupno 72 djece sa srčanom greškom njih 20 je rođeno prije termina. Od ukupno 37 djece s oštećenjem mozga njih je 14 rođeno prije termina što je statistički značajno. Nadalje, uočeno je da se kod novorođenčadi oboljele od SD javljaju češće oštećenja mozga i anomalije srca što je majka starija (>35 godina). Ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u tjelesnoj masi i duljini, opsegu glave i tonusu muskulature između muške i ženske djece, dok postoji statistički značajna razlika u tjelesnoj masi, tjelesnoj duljini i opsegu glave između djece rođene prije termina i u terminu.
Komorbidne bolesti srca i mozga kod djece sa SD su česte, ali njihova povezanost je nedovoljno istražena. Dosada se nije spominjalo u literaturi utjecaj dobi majke na pojavu oštećenja. Ovaj rad otvara mnoga pitanja i traži mnoge odgovore koji će se u skoroj budućnosti u slijedećim radovima detaljnije obraditi i pokušati odgovoriti. Potreban je veći broj ispitanika, opreznije provođenje rađaonskog protokola te usporedba podataka kod novorođenčadi i kod djece starije dobi. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives:
The aim of this research was to investigate the characteristics of infants with SD, taking sex, gestation and mother's age in consideration, born in the Clinical Hospital in Split from 1989. to 2015.
Patients and Methods:
We observed the infants with proven trisomy 21, born at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics in Hospital Center Split from 1989. to 2015. Data were obtained from case-history and produce protocol. Retrospectively the perinatal outcome of 162 infants was examined at which is due to clinical suspicion and made confirmed genetics SD. Factors examined were: mother's age, gestation, sex of child, children cytogenetic findings, length and weight of children at birth, perimeter of the head, phenotypic characteristics of SD, tonus of muscles, cardiovascular and gastointestinal malformations and ultrasound of brain in children with SD.
From the total of 162 infants with SD, 15,4% of them had a simultaneous comorbidity of heart and brain. From a total 72 infants with heart defects, twenty of them were born before the due date, which holds certain relevance. Furthermore, results show that these brain and heart defects occur more often when mother is over 35 years of age. There is no relevant statistical difference concerning newborns of different gender ragarding body weight and length, perimeter of the head or tonus of muscles, but there is a significant difference regarding body weight and length, and perimeter of head between the children who were born before the due date and those born at the due date.
Comorbidity of heart and brain defects are a commonplace with children with SD but their interrelation is not thoroughly investigated. The literature insofar hasn't inquired about influence of the mother's age on the occurrance of the defects. This thesis poses many questions which will hopefully be answered by future work in this field. There is still insufficient number of examinees which would, along with more scrutiny in examination and contrasting of the data between the infants and older children had to more detailed and precise overview of this problem. |