Abstract | Objectives: Macular edema describes the slow and fluctuating accumulation of fluid in the central portion of the retina around the fovea. Intraocular surgery and other different eye conditions can trigger this process. Our study was aimed to determine the impact and persistence of macular edema after pars plana vitrectomy.
Materials and methods: A retrospective study was carried out on 91 eyes in 91 patients with past scheduled history of pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) and an age range of 31 to 85 (mean 68.5) years. Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) imaging was performed to evaluate macular thickness, including measurements of central subfield thickness (CST), cube volume (CV), cube average thickness (CAT) and manual measurement of macular foveal thickness (MFT).
Results: There was significant difference of macular thickness in between preoperative OCT and postoperative OCT1 follow-ups in 40 included patients. Indeed, CST, CV, CAT and MFT were significantly decreased on postoperative OCT1 (P=0.004, P=0.016, P=0.026, P=0.047). Similarly, macular thickness was significantly decreased postoperatively (OCT1) in patients with existing macular edema prior to surgery (n=34), with OCT measurements (CST, CV, CAT and MFT) significantly decreased on OCT1 (P=0.002; P=0.007; P=0.008; P=0.026). Postoperative macular foveal thickness was significantly increased in between OCT1 and OCT2 (n=35) and in between OCT2 and OCT3 (n=15) follow-ups (P=0.015, P=0.013).
Conclusion: The macular thickness of non-existing macular edema prior to surgery has not be significantly increased after (PPV). However, macular thickness of existing macular edema prior to surgery was significantly decreased after PPV. Finally, macular edema after vitreoretinal surgery is still present after the third optical coherence tomography follow-up (approximately 3 months postoperatively). |
Abstract (croatian) | Ciljevi: Makularni edem predstavlja sporo nastajuće i fluktuirajuće nakupljanje tekućine u centralnom dijelu mrežnice oko fovee. Intraokularna kirurgija i druge očne bolesti mogu pokrenuti ovaj proces. Naša studija je imala za cilj istražiti učestalost i klinički tijek makularnog edema uzrokovanog pars plana vitrekromijom
Materijali i metode: Studija je provedena retrospektivno na 91 oku 91 pacijenta koji su bili podvrgnuti pars plana vitrektomiji (PPV). Uključeni bolesnici su bili u rasponu od 31 do 85 godina starosti (srednja vrijednost 68,5 godina). Optička koherentna tomografija spektralne domene (engl. Spectral Domain Oprical Coherence Tomography – SD-OCT) je bila snimana kako bi se procijenila debljina makule, uključujući mjere kao što su CST (engl. Central subfield thickness), CV (engl. Cube volume), CAT (engl. Cube avarage thisckess) te je bila manualno izmjerena debljina fovee (engl. Macular foveal thickness – MFT).
Rezultati: U 40 praćenih bolesnika nađeno je značajno smanjenje debljine makule zabilježene prilikom preoperativnog OCTa i prvog postoperativnog OCTa. Naime, CST, CV, CAT i MFT su bili značajno smanjeni na prvom postoperativnom OCTu (P=0,004; P=0,016; P=0,026; P=0,047). Također, makularna debljina je bila značajno smanjena na prvom opostoperativnom OCTu u bolesnika s prisutnim predoperativnim makularnim edemom (n=34). Kod tih bolesnika CST, CV, CAT i MFT su bili značajno niži (P=0,002; P=0,007; P=0,008; P=0,026). Makularna fovealna debljina postoperativno je bila značajno veća između OCT1 i OCT2 (n=35) i između OCT2 i OCT3 (n=15) (P=0,015; P=0,013).
Zaključak: Debljina makule nije bila značajno povećana nakon PPVa u odnosu na preoperativne vrijednosti. Također smo zabilježili da se makularni edem, koji je bio prisutan prije operacije, značajno smanjio nakon PPVa. Na koncu je zabilježeno da se postoperativni makularni edem zadržava i nakon treće postoperativne kontrole (aproksimativno 3 mjeseca nakon operacije). |