Title Procjena auksoloških parametara novorođenčadi s Down sindromom
Title (english) Evaluation of the development parameters of the newborns with Down syndrome
Author Petra Kalajžić
Mentor Martina Šunj (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Unić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slavica Kozina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Pecotić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine (Gynecology and obstetrics) Split
Defense date and country 2018, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Gynecology and Obstetrics
Abstract Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja jest prikazati vrijednosti auksoloških parametara novorođenčadi s Down sindromom rođene u Klinici za ženske bolesti i porode KBC Split u vremenskom razdoblju od 1990. do 2015. godine, a potom i usporediti kategorizacije auksoloških parametara prema normama razvoja za zdravu djecu te prema onima za djecu sa sindromom Down.
Ispitanici i postupci: Provedena je retrospektivna kohortna studija. Uključena su novorođenčad s dokazanom trisomijom 21 rođena u
... More Klinici za ženske bolesti i porode KBC Split u vremenskom razdoblju od 1990. do 2015. godine. Podatci su dobiveni retrospektivno, iz povijesti bolesti majke i djeteta te rađaonskog protokola. Promatrani su auksološki parametri ispitivane novorođenčadi, a koji uključuju porođajnu masu, porođajnu duljinu i opseg glave pri porodu. Dobiveni podatci uspoređivani su s onima zdrave novorođenčadi, a prema studiji Voigta i suradnika, koja se temelji na rezultatima istraživanja porođajne mase, porođajne duljine i opsega glave sve novorođenčadi rođene u Njemačkoj 1992. godine, te onima novorođenčadi sa sindromom Down, a prema studiji Hoffmana i suradnika, koja se temelji na rezultatima istraživanja porođajne mase, porođajne duljine i opsega glave djece s Down sindromom u Njemačkoj.
Rezultati: Pri usporedbi vrijednosti porođajne mase ispitanika s onima zdrave novorođenčadi, dobije se rezultat da su vrijednosti 27,0% muške i 20,9% ženske novorođenčadi ispod 10. percentile, dok su vrijednosti 6,8% muške i 4,5% ženske novorođenčadi iznad 90. percentile. Vrijednosti preostalih 66,2% muške i 74,6% ženske novorođenčadi su u normalnom rasponu od 10. do 90. percentile. Kada se navedene vrijednosti usporede s onima novorođenčadi s Down sindromom, dobije se rezultat da su vrijednosti 10,8% muške i 9,0% ženske novorođenčadi ispod 10. percentile, dok su vrijednosti 10,8% muške i 11,95% ženske novorođenčadi iznad 90. percentile. Vrijednosti preostalih 78,4% muške i 79,1% ženske novorođenčadi su u normalnom rasponu od 10. do 90. percentile. Pri usporedbi vrijednosti porođajne duljine ispitanika s onima zdrave novorođenčadi, dobije se rezultat da su vrijednosti 40,5% muške i 52,2% ženske novorođenčadi ispod 10. percentile, dok nijedno dijete, ni muško ni žensko, nema vrijednosti porođajne duljine iznad 90. percentile. Vrijednosti preostalih 59,5% muške i 47,8% ženske novorođenčadi su u normalnom rasponu od 10. do 90. percentile. Kada se navedene vrijednosti usporede s onima novorođenčadi s Down sindromom, dobije se rezultat da su vrijednosti 21,6% muške i 10,4% ženske novorođenčadi ispod 10. percentile, dok su vrijednosti 1,4% muške i 1,5% ženske novorođenčadi iznad 90. percentile. Vrijednosti preostalih 77,0% muške i 88,1% ženske novorođenčadi su u normalnom rasponu od 10. do 90. percentile. Pri usporedbi vrijednosti opsega glave pri porodu ispitanika s onima zdrave novorođenčadi, dobije se rezultat da su vrijednosti 61,4% muške i 47,1% ženske novorođenčadi ispod 10. percentile, dok nijedno dijete, ni muško ni žensko, nema vrijednosti opsega glave pri porodu iznad 90. percentile. Vrijednosti preostalih 38,6% muške i 52,9% ženske novorođenčadi su u normalnom rasponu od 10. do 90. percentile. Kada se navedene vrijednosti usporede s onima novorođenčadi s Down sindromom, dobije se rezultat da su vrijednosti 15,8% muške i 14,0% ženske novorođenčadi ispod 10. percentile, dok su vrijednosti 3,5% muške i 6,0% ženske novorođenčadi iznad 90. percentile. Vrijednosti preostalih 80,7% muške i 80,0% ženske novorođenčadi su u normalnom rasponu od 10. do 90. percentile.
Zaključak: Rast i razvoj djece s Down sindromom razlikuje se od rasta i razvoja zdrave djece. Promatrani auksološki parametri (porođajna masa, porođajna duljina, opseg glave pri porodu) i praćenje njihove dinamike tijekom djetinjstva dobar su indikator kako zdravlja, tako i raznih patoloških stanja koja mogu imati utjecaj na rast djeteta. Budući da se promatrani auksološki parametri djece s Down sindromom razlikuju od onih zdrave djece, standardne tablice i krivulje rasta ne bi se trebale koristiti u praćenju djece s ovim sindromom. Postoji, dakle, izrazita potreba za razvijanjem specifičnih percentilnih krivulja za populaciju hrvatske djece s Down sindromom. Less
Abstract (english) Objective: The aim of this study is to present development parameters of newborns with Down syndrome born in the University Hospital of Split from 1990. to 2015., as well to compare the categorizations of development parameters according to development standards for healthy newborns and the ones for the newborns with Down syndrome.
Patients and methods: A retrospective cohort study was carried out. The study involved newborns with proved trisomy 21 who were born in the University Hospital
... More of Split from 1990. to 2015. Relevant data was collected retrospectively, from medical history of the mother and the child, as well from the delivery protocol. Development parameters, which include birth weight, birth length and birth head circumference, were observed. Collected data was first compared with the data for the healthy newborns that we got from the study of Voigt, which was based on the values of development parameters for all newborns from Germany in 1992. Then our data was compared with the data of the newborns with Down syndrome that we got from the study of Hoffman, which was based on the values of development parameters for newborns with Down syndrome in Germany.
Results: When we compared the birth weight values of our subjects with the ones of the healthy newborns, we got the result that the values of 27,0% male and 20,9% female newborns are beneath the 10th percentile, while the values of 6,8% male and 4,5% female newborns are above the 90th percentile. The values of the remaining 66,2% male and 74,6% female newborns are in the normal range between the 10th and the 90th percentile. When we compared those values with the ones of the newborns with Down syndrome, we got the result that the values of 10,8% male and 9,0% female newborns are beneath the 10th percentile, while the values of 10,8% male and 11,95% female newborns are above the 90th percentile. The values of the remaining 78,4% male and 79,1% female newborns are in the normal range from 10th to 90th percentile. When we compared the birth length values of our subjects with the ones of the healthy newborns, we got the result that the values of 40,5% male and 52,2% female newborns are beneath the 10th percentile, while none of the subjects have birth length values above the 90th percentile. The values of the remaining 59,5% male and 47,8% female newborns are in the normal range between the 10th and the 90th percentile. When we compared those values with the ones of the newborns with Down syndrome, we got the result that the values of 21,6% male and 10,4% female newborns are beneath the 10th percentile, while the values of 1,4% male and 1,5% female newborns are above the 90th percentile. The values of the remaining 77,0% male and 88,1% female newborns are in the normal range from 10th to 90th percentile. When we compared the birth head circumference values of our subjects with the ones of the healthy newborns, we got the result that the values of 61,4% male and 47,1% female newborns are beneath the 10th percentile, while none of the subjects have values of the birth head circumference above the 90th percentile. The values of the remaining 38,6% male and 52,9% female newborns are in the normal range between the 10th and the 90th percentile. When we compared those values with the ones of the newborns with Down syndrome, we got the result that the values of 15,8% male and 14,0% female newborns are beneath the 10th percentile, while the values of 3,5% male and 6,0% female newborns are above the 90th percentile. The values of the remaining 80,7% male and 80,0% female newborns are in the normal range from 10th to 90th percentile.
Conclusion: Growth and development of children with Down syndrome differ from the ones of the healthy children. Observed development parameters (birth weight, birth length, birth head circumference) and the changes in their dynamics through childhood can be a good indicator not just of health, but also of various pathological conditions that may have influence on the children's growth. Since there is a difference between the observed development parameters of the children with Down syndrome and the ones of the healthy children, standard growth charts should not be used for children with Down syndrome. Therefore, there is a distinct need to develop percentile curves special for the population of the Croatian children with Down syndrome. Less
Sindrom Down
Tjelesna težina i mjere
Keywords (english)
Down Syndrome
Body Weights and Measures
Infant Newborn
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:812519
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-10-31 08:19:11