Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je ispitati prehrambene navike i stavove u pacijenata s upalnim bolestima crijeva.
Materijali i metode: U ovo presječno anketno istraživanje je uključeno ukupno 78 ispitanika s upalnom bolesti crijeva (34 s Crohnovom bolesti i 44 s ulceroznim kolitisom). Svi uključeni ispitanici su liječeni na Zavodu za gastroenterologiju i hepatologiju KBC-a Split, te su anketne upitnike popunjavali na Katedri za patofiziologiju Medicinskog fakulteta u Splitu u dogovorenim terminima. Upitnik se sastojao od ukupno 26 pitanja koja su ispitivala simptomatologiju i težinu bolesti, prehrambene navike i stavove, te odnos i važnost prehrane na vlastitu bolest.
Rezultati: Pacijenti s Crohnovom bolesti su statistički značajno češće bili podvrgnuti operaciji nego ispitanici koji imaju ulcerozni kolitis (36 vs. 5,9 %; P=0,002). Preparate namijenjene prehrambenoj potpori je koristio najveći broj pacijenata s ulceroznim kolitisom (52,9%) i Crohnovom bolesti (75%) kao dodatak prehrani. Od ukupnog broja pacijenata, većina smatra da im određeni prehrambeni proizvodi izazivaju pogoršanje/nastanak tegoba vezanih uz upalnu bolest crijeva (87,2%). Pacijenti su uglavnom dobili informacije od svojih liječnika o prehrani u upalnoj bolesti crijeva (89,7%). U pacijenata s ulceroznim kolitisom gotovo svi smatraju da prehrana ima važnu ulogu u njihovoj bolesti (97,1%), a u skupini s Crohnovom bolesti taj postotak je manji (84,1%). Ispitanici smatraju da bi edukativni programi o prehrani bili korisni za bolesnike s upalnom bolesti crijeva, i to svi pacijenti s ulceroznim kolitisom i 84,1% pacijenata s Crohnovom bolesti, dok bi ukupno 83,3% njih posjetilo takav program kada bi postojao. Ispitanici uglavnom ne konzumiraju „fast food“ hranu (74,4%), dok voće i povrće uglavnom konzumiraju skoro svaki dan (43,6% i 44,9%). Od probavnih tegoba nastalih nakon uzimanja prehrambenih proizvoda, bolovi i težina u trbuhu su zastupljeni u više od polovice ispitanika (62,8%), proljev je značajno više zastupljen u ispitanika s Crohnovom bolesti (31,6 vs. 68,4 %; P=0,038), dok je sluz u stolici značajno više zastupljena u pacijenata s ulceroznim kolitisom (72,7 vs. 27,3 %; P=0,037). Najveći broj ispitanika je označio da im začinjena hrana izaziva tegobe (71,8%).
Zaključci: Većina ispitanika smatra da prehrana i prehrambene navike imaju velik utjecaj na upravljanje upalnim bolestima crijeva, te imaju izrazito pozitivne stavove prema edukativnim programima kojima bi se moglo olakšati kontroliranje simptoma i tegoba uzrokovanih prehranom. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine dietary habits and attitudes in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional survey, a total of 78 subjects with inflammatory bowel disease were included
(34 patients with Crohn's disease and 44 with ulcerative colitis). All involved subjects were treated at the Regional Centre for Gastroenterology and Hepatology of Split University Hospital. They completed questionnaires at the Department of Pathophysiology of the Faculty of Medicine in Split in agreed terms. The questionnaire consisted of 26 questions that examined the symptomatology and the severity of the disease, nutritional habits and attitudes and their opinion of the importance of diet for their illness.
Results: Patients with Crohn's disease were statistically significantly more frequent in the operation than those with ulcerative colitis (36 vs 5.9%, P = 0.002). Preparations intended for the diet support were used by the largest number of patients with ulcerative colitis (52.9%) and Crohn's disease (75%) as dietary supplements. Of the total number of patients, most believe that certain food products are causing the emergence/ impairment symptoms associated with inflammatory bowel disease (87.2%). Patients have mostly received information from their doctors about nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease (89.7%). In patients with ulcerative colitis almost everyone feels that nutrition plays an important role in their disease (97.1%), and in the Crohn's disease group this percentage is lower (84.1%). Participants believe that dietary education programs for patients with inflammatory bowel disease would be useful. It includes all patients with ulcerative colitis and 84.1% of patients with Crohn's disease, while 83.3% of them would visit such a program if it would exist. Most people do not consume "fast food" foods (74.4%), while fruits and vegetables consume almost daily (43.6% and 44.9%). of the gastrointestinal symptoms after the intake of food products, abdominal pain is present in more than half of the respondents (62.8%), diarrhea is significantly more common in Crohn's disease (31.6 versus 68.4%, P = 0.038 ), while the mucus in the stool was significantly more represented in patients with ulcerative colitis (72.7 vs 27.3%, P = 0.037). The highest number of participants noted that spicy food causes gastrointestinal symptoms (71.8%).
Conclusions: Most participants believe that nutrition and dietary habits have a major impact on managing inflammatory bowel disease, and have very positive attitudes towards educational programs that could help control the symptoms and problems caused by nutrition. |