Abstract | Cilj istraživanja:
Utvrditi učinak terapije mobilnom potpunom protezom nakon procesa prilagodbe na kvalitetu života ovisno o oralnom zdravlju i procijeniti povezanost zadovoljstva pacijenta estetikom potpune proteze i kvalitete života ovisno o oralnom zdravlju.
Materijali i metode:
U ovo istraživanje je bilo uključeno ukupno 30 bezubih pacijenata, koji su u terapiji potpunom protezom na Odjelu protetike Stomatološke poliklinike Split. Prosječna dob ispitanika muškog spola bila je 69,13 godina, dok je prosječna dob ispitanika ženskog spola bila 67,82 godina. Za određivanje učinka mobilne terapije i zadovoljstvo estetikom proteze koristili smo OHIP14 upitnik, OES upitnik i jedno opće pitanje za procjenu estetike iz VAS upitnika.
Prema OHIP14 upitniku utvrđen je mali do umjeren (0,34) učinak mobilne terapije nakon procesa prilagodbe. Postoji značajna razlika (p<0,05), za OHIP14 prije i poslije mobilne terapije. OHIP zbroj bodova prije terapije iznosio je 9,80, a OHIP zbroj bodova poslije terapije iznosio je 6,17. Prema OES upitniku utvrđen je umjeren (0,55) učinak mobilne terapije nakon procesa prilagodbe. Aritmetička sredina OES zbroja bodova prije terapije iznosila je 4,18, a OES zbroj bodova nakon terapije iznosio je 4,75. Prema podacima prikupljenim u našem istraživanju, postoji statistički značajna pozitivna povezanost zadovoljstva estetikom mobilne proteze mjerene pomoću dva upitnika (OES i VAS 1-10), (r=0,485; p<0,05). Iako prema podacima iz našeg istraživanja, postoji povezanost između zadovoljstva estetikom mobilne proteze i kvalitete života ovisne o oralnom zdravlju (r=-0,225), ta povezanost nije statistički značajna (p>0,05).
Učinak mobilne terapije prema OHIP zbroju bodova prije i poslije terapije je relativno malen, međutim može se zaključiti da je ipak bilo poboljšanja, te da su ispitanici zadovoljniji nakon procesa prilagodbe. Veći učinak mobilne terapije ustanovljen je pomoću OES zbroja bodova prije i nakon terapije. Ispitanici su kroz cijeli period veoma zadovoljni estetikom mobilne proteze. |
Abstract (english) | Objective:
To determine the effect of complete denture therapy after the adjustment period on oral health-related quality of life and evaluate the correlation between patient satisfaction with the aesthetic of complete denture and oral health-related quality of life.
Materials and methods:
The total of 30 edentulous patients undergoing the complete denture therapy at the Department of Prosthodontics of the Split Dental Clinic were included in this study.The average age of the male respondents was 69.13 years, while the average age of the female respondents was 67.82 years. To determine the effect of mobile therapy and satisfaction with prosthetic aesthetics, we used the OHIP14 questionnaire, the OES questionnaire, and one general question to evaluate aesthetics from the VAS questionnaire.
According to the OHIP14 questionnaire, small to moderate (0.34) effect of mobile therapy after the adjustment process was determined. There was a significant difference (p <0.05) for OHIP14 before and after complete denture therapy. The OHIP total score before treatment was 9.80 and the OHIP total score after treatment was 6.17. According to the OES questionnaire, a moderate (0.55) effect of mobile therapy after the adjustment process was determined. The arithmetic mean of the OES before the therapy was 4.18 and the OES after was 4.75. According to the data collected in our study, there is a statistically significant positive correlation between satisfactions with prosthetic aesthetics (r=0.485; p<0.05), which were measured with two questionnaires (OES and VAS 1-10). Although according to the data from our study, there is a correlation between satisfaction with prosthetic aesthetics and oral health-related quality of life (r= -0.225), the correlation is not statistically significant (p>0.05).
The effect of mobile therapy on the OHIP score before and after therapy was relatively small, however it can be concluded that there were improvements, and that the respondents were more satisfied after the adjustment process. A greater effect of mobile therapy was found using the OES total score before and after therapy. Throughout the whole period, respondents were very satisfied with the aesthetics of the complete denture. |