
Assessment of adverse drug reaction reports : metformin and metformin fixed drug combinations
Assessment of adverse drug reaction reports : metformin and metformin fixed drug combinations
Ina Larsen Matić
Objectives: The aim of the present study was to compare adverse drug reaction reports of metformin and metformin in fixed combination in Croatia from 2007 to 2018. Materials and Methods: The data of adverse drug reaction reports received from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2018 was analyzed in this retrospective study. Metformin reports were categorized into two main groups: single‐drug formulations and fixed‐dose combinations of drugs. The data of the year of the adverse drug...
Assessment of diagnostic sensitivity of various detection tools and biomarkers for the identification of sepsis/septic shock at ICU admission
Assessment of diagnostic sensitivity of various detection tools and biomarkers for the identification of sepsis/septic shock at ICU admission
Duje Bjelić
Objectives: This study aimed to test the sensitivity (true positive vs false negatives) of various diagnostic tools (SIRS, NEWS2 and qSOFA) and laboratory parameters (LAC, PCT, CRP) in detecting sepsis/septic shock (S/SS) at ICU admission. An additional goal was to assess prognostic value of detection tools in predicting overall mortality. Subjects and methods: A total of 52 patients with S/SS were enrolled into this retrospectively conducted study, 32 (61.54%) had an end point diagnosis...
Assessment of nutritional status and nutritional habits in patients on hemodialysis
Assessment of nutritional status and nutritional habits in patients on hemodialysis
Lars Brake
Objectives: CKD is a pathological condition characterized by a progressive decline of renal function. It frequently results in ESRD which will require HD. The aim of this study was to assess nutritional status and adherence to Mediterranean diet in patients on hemodialysis treatment. Materials and methods: The study included the 55 patients on HD treatment for at least 6 months that were older than 18 years. Venous blood samples were taken for evaluation of laboratory parameters. All...
Assessment of nutritional status and quality of life in patients with percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
Assessment of nutritional status and quality of life in patients with percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
Borna Lojpur
Objectives : The main objectives of this study were to assess nutritional status and quality of life of patients who are enterally feeding via percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy for a period of at least 3 months in the home environment. Materials and methods: This study included a total of 31 participants, aged between 21 and 85 years, who have been feeding via percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy for a period of at least 3 months in the home environment. Quality of life was assessed by...
Association between advanced glycation end products and intake of different types of beverages in a healthy population of students
Association between advanced glycation end products and intake of different types of beverages in a healthy population of students
Maja Victorin
Aim: An increase in skin autofluorescence (SAF), which is used for assessing the accumulation of the advanced glycation end products (AGEs), has been found to be associated with the development of many chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between AGEs and intake of different types of beverages in a healthy population of students. Materials and methods: We included 516 students, attending medical studies (N=219) and health studies (N=297) at the...
Association of European Union funding for pediatric cancer research on pediatric cancer burden in the European Union
Association of European Union funding for pediatric cancer research on pediatric cancer burden in the European Union
Lydia Sekulovski
Objectives: To analyze the association of European Union funding for pediatric cancer research on pediatric cancer burden in the European Union. Methods: EU grants awarded for childhood cancer research between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2019 were selected from CORDIS using MeSH-derived terms and then categorized based on the six cancer categories (leukemia, brain/CNS, Hodgkin lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, kidney, and other malignancies). The IHME database was used to derive...
Atezolizumab u liječenju metastatskog raka urotela : retrospektivna analiza : iskustva u Klinici za onkologiju i radioterapiju u Splitu
Atezolizumab u liječenju metastatskog raka urotela : retrospektivna analiza : iskustva u Klinici za onkologiju i radioterapiju u Splitu
Dubravka Komić
Ciljevi: Primarni ciljevi istraživanja su bili preživljenje bez progresije bolesti (PFS) i ukupno preživljenje (OS) nakon liječenja atezolizumabom u drugoj liniji liječenja metastatskog raka urotela. Ispitanici i postupci: Retrospektivno je analizirano 26 bolesnika koji su započeli drugolinijsko liječenje atezolizumabom metastatskog raka urotela u Klinici za onkologiju i radioterapiju KBC-a Split prije 1. siječnja 2022. Praćeni su u razdoblju od 1. siječnja do 1....
Atopija i bronhalna hiperreaktivnost kao rizični čimbenici za dijagnozu astme
Atopija i bronhalna hiperreaktivnost kao rizični čimbenici za dijagnozu astme
Ana-Marija Buljan
CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Ispitati povezanost atopije i bronhalne hiperreaktivnosti (BHR) s dijagnozom astme u populaciji bolesnika u kojih su prisutni simptomi koji upućuju na astmu bez opstruktivnih smetnji ventilacije. Ispitati u kolikoj su mjeri atopija i bronhalna hiperreaktivnost rizični (prediktivni) čimbenici u dijagnostici astme u skupini bolesnika koji imaju simptome koji upućuju na moguću astmu a dijagnoza im nije potvrđena. USTROJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Provedena je prospektivna...
BRCA mutacije kod karcinoma jajnika - iskustva KBC Split
BRCA mutacije kod karcinoma jajnika - iskustva KBC Split
Natko Čović
CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Mutacije BRCA1 i BRCA2 gena su poznati čimbenici rizika za nastanak raka dojke i jajnika. Spektar BRCA1/2 mutacija u bolesnica sa seroznim karcinomom jajnika visokog gradusa u Hrvatskoj još nije opisan. Ovakve izvješća su važna za optimizaciju genetskog testiranja, strategiju primarne i sekundarne prevencije te za individualizaciju liječenja naših pacijenata s rakom jajnika. ISPITANICE I METODE: Retrospektivno su analizirani podaci iz povijesti bolesti...
BeAM vrijednost u inzulin naivnih bolesnika sa šećernom bolešću tipa 2 liječenih s dvije vrste bazalnih inzulina i njegovo značenje za inteziviranje inzulinske terapije
BeAM vrijednost u inzulin naivnih bolesnika sa šećernom bolešću tipa 2 liječenih s dvije vrste bazalnih inzulina i njegovo značenje za inteziviranje inzulinske terapije
Sven Hodžić
Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li i kolika je promjena BeAM vrijednosti i prosječnih koncentracija glukoze u krvi ujutro natašte i navečer prije spavanja nakon korištenja bazalnog inzulina degludec, odnosno nakon korištenja bazalnog inzulina glargin U-300, odnosno utvrditi postoji li razlika između ova dva inzulina u učinku nanavedene parametre. Ispitanici i metode: Provedena je ukrižena studija koja je uključivala 22 ispitanika (7 žena i 15...
Bezreceptni lijekovi izvan ljekarne : regulatorni pregled
Bezreceptni lijekovi izvan ljekarne : regulatorni pregled
Marija Pelaić
Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja je napraviti regulatorni pregled izdavanja bezreceptnih lijekova izvan ljekarni u zemljama Europske unije i Ujedinjenoj Kraljevini. Materijal i metode: Sastavljen je pregled regulatornih sustava bezreceptnih lijekova u europskim zemljama, s naglaskom na dostupnost bezreceptnih lijekova izvan ljekarni. Pregledani su regulatorni zahtjevi 24 zemlje EU i Ujedinjene Kraljevine i napravljena je usporedba regulatornih sustava zemalja obuhvaćenih...
Biljni ekstrakti kao inhibitori kolinesteraza
Biljni ekstrakti kao inhibitori kolinesteraza
Petra Jurić
Cilj ovog rada je istražiti sposobnosti različitih ekstrakata i čistih spojeva koji dolaze kao sastavnice ekstrakata u inhibiciji dvaju enzima važnih u patogenezi Alzheimerove bolesti; acetilkolinesteraze (AChE) i butirilkolinesteraze (BChE). Predmet istraživanja su bili fenolni spojevi, prvenstveno flavonoidi. S ovim ciljem, pretražene su znanstvene baze podataka (ScienceDirect, Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar, PMC i PubChem). AChE i BChE imaju važnu ulogu u hidroliziranju...
