Abstract | Objectives: The aim of our study is to investigate the impact, prevalence and management of
dysmenorrhea among female students of medical studies in English, medical studies in
Croatian, dental medicine and pharmacy students at University of Split School of Medicine.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out amongst the female students
of four study programs: Medical studies in Croatian, Medical studies in English, Dental
medicine and Pharmacy, enrolled at University of Split School of Medicine in Split, Croatia.
All female students enrolled into one of the four studies were eligible as participants in this
study. The questionnaires were administered to students of all academic years (1 - 6 for
medical studies and dental medicine, and 1 - 5 for pharmacy), in online version created in
Google Docs during the period of three months, from April until June of 2020. The
participation was voluntary, anonymous and without compensation. A total of 273 female
students, out of 858 enrolled at University of Split School of Medicine participated in this
Results: The mean age of the participants was 22.8 (SD± 2,1), with minimum of 18, and
maximum being 30. First year students were 19 years old on average, second year students 20,
third year students 21, fourth year students 22, fifth 23 and sixth 24 years old.
Among the participants about 98% of students reported to have some kind of menstruation
associated symptoms (problem graded >2 on the scale). The most frequent symptom was pain
and the least common was vomiting. For problems that occurred often or always about 58%
of students stating to have experienced pain, 11% nausea, 2% vomiting, 56% bloating, 16%
reflux, 54% change in appetite, 29% headache, 12,2% dizziness and 45% lower back pain.
The most often used drug overall and common for all the programs, was NSAIDs
(60,4%) with Ibuprofen being the most common choice. Ten percent reported to taking the
combination of drugs and 20.7% did not report or they stated they were not taking any drugs
for menstrual pain.
First year students of all programs most commonly used NSAIDs for pain relief, 2nd
year students the highest usage of oral contraceptives, in 3rd, 4th and 5th year NSAIDs were
most often used to ease the pain. The use of NSAIDs increased with years of the study. The
combinations of drugs were mostly used by the 6th year students.
Conclusion: This study confirmed that dysmenorrhea is a problem of large magnitude among
female students. Furthermore, the most used management strategies include use of non-steroid
anti-inflammatory drugs, mainly Ibuprofen. |
Abstract (croatian) | Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj, prevalenciju i upravljanje dismenorejom
među studenticama medicine engleskom i na hrvatskom jeziku, studenticama dentalne
medicine i farmacije Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Materijali i metode: U ovom radu napravljeno je transverzalno istraživanje među
studenticama četiri studijska programa Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu: medicina
na engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku, dentalna medicina i farmacija. Sve studentice upisane na
bilo koji od navedenih studija bile su prihvatljive kao sudionici ovog ispitivanja. Upitnici su
poslani studenticama svih akademskih godina (1 - 6 za medicinu i dentalnu medicinu, a 1 - 5
za studij farmacije), u online verziji stvorenoj u Google dokumentima u razdoblju od tri
mjeseca, od travnja do lipnja 2020. Sudjelovanje je bilo dobrovoljno, anonimno i bez naknade.
U ovom istraživanju sudjelovale su ukupno 273 studentice, od 858 upisanih na Medicinski
fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu.
Rezultati: Srednja dob sudionica iznosila je 22.8 (SD ± 2,1), minimum 18, a najviše 30.
Studentice prve godine imale su u prosjeku 19 godina, studenti druge godine 20, studenti treće
godine 21, studenti četvrte godine 22, pete 23 i šeste 24 godine.
Oko 98% studentica navelo je da ima neki od simptoma povezanih s menstruacijom (problem
ocijenjeno >2 na ljestvici). Najčešći simptom bila je bol, a najmanje čest povraćanje. Za
probleme koji su se javljali često ili uvijek oko 58% studentica navelo je bol, 11% mučninu,
2% povraćanje, 56% nadutost, 16% refluks, 54% promjenu apetita, 29% glavobolju, 12.2%
vrtoglavicu i 45% bol u donjem dijelu leđa.
Najčešće korišteni lijekovi među studentima svih studija bili su nesteoridni protuuplani lijekovi,
NSAIL (60,4%) i to ibuprofen kao najčešći izbor. Deset posto studentica uzimalo je
kombinaciju lijekova, a 20.7% nije navelo lijekove ili su izjavili da nisu uzimali nikakve
lijekove za menstrualnu bol. Studentice prve godine svih studija najčešće koriste NSAIL, kao i
studentice treće, četvrte i pete godine. Studentice druge godine u najvećem postotku su uzimale
oralne kontracepcijske pilule. Primjena NSAIL-ova povećala se s godinama studija.
Kombinacije lijekova uglavnom su koristile studentice 6. godine.
Zaključak: Ovo istraživanje potvrdilo je da je dismenoreja značajni problem među
studenticama. Najčešće korištene strategije upravljanja uključuju korištenje nesteroidnih
protuupalnih lijekova, uglavnom Ibuprofena. |