Abstract | Cilj: Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi sposobnost učenika srednjoškolskog uzrasta da kritički procijene zdravstvene tvrdnje, kao i njihove stavove i ponašanja u vezi s donošenjem odluka o zdravlju. Specifični ciljevi istraživanja bili su procijeniti postoji li razlika u sposobnosti procjene zdravstvenih tvrdnji s obzirom na spol ispitanika i ispitati razlike u procjeni zdravstvenih tvrdnji s obzirom na različite srednjoškolske programe koje ispitanici pohađaju.
Materijali i metode: U ovom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 302 učenika srednjih škola Splitsko-dalmatinske županije, no 13 učenika nije u potpunosti ispunilo upitnik pa je ukupno 289 upitnika analizirano. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja koristili smo test sačinjen od validiranih pitanja sastavljenih u sklopu projekta pod nazivom Informed Health Choices, a koja su dostupna u bazi podataka pitanja tzv. CLAIM Evaluation Tools Database. Upitnik je bio u potpunosti anoniman i sastojao se od 18 pitanja u kojima su učenici trebali pokazati sposobnost procjene ponuđenih zdravstvenih tvrdnji. Korišten je online obrazac za izradu upitnika. Podatci su obrađeni u programu Microsoft Excel 2007 i kodirani za daljnju statističku obradu. Podaci su analizirani korištenjem statističkoga paketa SPSS (IBM Corp., Armonk, New York).
Rezultati: Kad su u pitanju znanja i stavovi o zdravstvenim tvrdnjama, statističkom analizom je utvrđena je razlika u broju točnih i netočnih odgovora. Tri učenika imala su samo tri točna odgovora, što je ujedno i najlošiji rezultat upitnika. Niti jedna učenik nije imao svih 18 točnih rezultata, a najbolje riješeni test sa 17 točnih odgovora imala su dva učenika. S obzirom na spol ispitanika, druga hipoteza je odbačena pa su stoga daljnje analize za muški i ženski spol rađene zasebno. vidljivo je kako su učenice u prosjeku odgovorile točno na 11,43 pitanja, dok su učenici točno odgovorili na 10,33 pitanja. Nisu uočene razlike između gimnazija i zdravstvene škole (p=0,25). Nisu utvrđene razlike u rezultatima upitnika među učenicima s obzirom na tip škole, no zamjetna je tendencija ka postojanju razlike (P < 0,10). Naknadnom, tzv. post-hoc analizom korištenjem LSD Fisherova testa, međutim, utvrđeno je da postoji značajna razlika između učenika koji pohađaju strukovne škole i učenika iz gimnazija (p=0,032).
Zaključak: Sveukupno znanje učenika o zdravstvenim tvrdnjama raznoliko je izraženo. Primjećena je statistički značajna razlika u znanju između muškog i ženskog spola. Također, unutar poduzorka ispitanika i ispitanica postoji razlika s obzirom na tip škole koju pohađaju. Ovo istraživanje učenicima bi moglo poslužiti kao poticaj za razvijanje boljih vještina u traženju i procjeni točnosti zdravstvenih podataka i tvrdnji. Buduća istraživanja trebala bi uzeti u obzir više varijabli, kao što su srednjoškolski programi o zdravlju koji se provode, količinu literature koju učenik čita, razinu obrazovanja roditelja i pokušati analizirati istraživane vještine kritičke prosudbe u odnosu na ova varijable. |
Abstract (english) | Objective: The main objective of this study was to determine the ability of high school students to critically evaluate health claims as well as their attitudes and behaviors regarding health decision making. The specific objectives of the study were to assess whether there is a difference in the ability to assess health claims with respect to the gender of the respondents and to examine differences in the assessment of health claims with respect to the different high school programs that respondents attend.
Materials and methods: 302 high school students from Split-Dalmatia County participated in this research, but 13 students did not complete the questionnaire, so a total of 289 questionnaires were analyzed. For the purposes of this research, we used a test composed of validated questions compiled as part of a project called Informed Health Choices, which are available in the database of so-called questions. CLAIM Evaluation Tools Database. The questionnaire was completely anonymous and consisted of 18 questions in which students were required to demonstrate the ability to assess the health claims offered. The data were processed in Microsoft Excel 2007 and coded for further statistical processing. The data were anzlysed by using the SPSS statistical software (IBM Corp., Armonk, New York).
Results: When it comes to knowledge and attitudes about health claims, statistical analysis found a difference in the number of correct and incorrect answers. Three students had only three correct answers, which is also the worst result of the questionnaire. No student had all 18 correct answers, and the best solved test with 17 correct answers. With regard to the gender of the respondents, the second hypothesis was rejected and therefore further analyzes for male and female sex were done separately. It is noticed that the female students answered exactly 11.43 questions on average, while the male students answered 10.33 questions correctly. No differences were observed between grammar schools and health schools (p = 0.25). No differences were found in the results of the questionnaire among students with regard to the type of school, but there is a noticeable tendency towards a difference (P <0.10). Subsequent, the so-called post-hoc analysis using the LSD Fisher test, however, found that there was a significant difference between students attending vocational schools and high school students (p = 0.032).
Conclusion: Students' overall knowledge of health claims is varied. A statistically significant difference in knowledge between males and females was observed. Also, within the subsample of respondents there is a difference depending on the type of school they attend. This research could serve as an incentive for students to develop better skills in seeking and assessing the accuracy of health data and claims. Future research should take into account several variables, such as the high school health programs being conducted, the amount of literature the student reads, the level of parental education, and try to analyze the researched critical judgment skills against these variables. |