Abstract | Cilj: Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati postoji li povezanost između doživljenog intenziteta feniltiokarbamida (PTC) i prehrambenih navika, te ispitati povezanost između intenziteta okusa feniltiokarbamida i različitih zdravstvenih pokazatelja.
Materijali i metode: U ovo istraživanje uključene su punoljetne osobe iz grada Splita i okolice te osobe koje žive na otoku Korčuli. Za svakog ispitanika učinjen je niz zdravstvenih pregleda, poput mjerenja krvnog tlaka, spirometrije, EKG, elastičnost krvnih žila, izmjerena su antropometrijska svojstva te su ispitana osjetila: prag osjeta okusa, mirisa i prag boli. Prehrana ispitanika je okarakterizirana pomoću dva upitnika. Prvi upitnik je služio za dobivanje informacije o učestalosti konzumiranja pojedinih namirnica, dok je drugi upitnik imao za svrhu ispitati koliko se pojedine namirnice sviđaju ispitanicima(upitnik o prehrambenim preferencijama). Svaki ispitanik dobio je 1 mililitar vodene otopine praha feniltiokarbamida. Nakon što je ispitanik progutao pripremljenu otopinu izjasnio se o intenzitetu okusa te otopine.
Rezultati: Uzorak se sastojao od 207 muškaraca (33,3%) i 415 žena (66,7%). U analizi doživljenog intenziteta PTC otopine prema spolu dobivena je statistički značajna razlika (Mann-Whitney U test, P=0,005).. Korelacija između intenziteta otopine PTC-a i indeksa tjelesne mase, opsega trbuha, opsega kukova te sistoličkog i dijastoličkog tlaka je bila statistički neznačajna. Korelacija između doživljenog intenziteta PTC-a i doživljenog intenziteta otopina ostalih temeljnih okusa pokazala je najveću razinu korelacije s intenzitetom okusa slane otopine (ρ=0,246; P<0,001). U korelaciji između doživljenog intenziteta PTC-a i učestalosti konzumacije 50 različitih namirnica identificirana je negativna povezanost s učestalošću konzumacije slanih srdela (ρ=-0,092; P=0,035), bijele ribe (ρ=-0,092; P=0,035), piva (ρ=-0,088; P=0,044) i bevande (ρ=-0,099; P=0,024). Dodatno je provedena analiza konzumacije grupe namirnica s doživljenim intenzitetom PTC otopine, pri čemu je identificirana negativna povezanost između intenziteta PTC-a i konzumacije ugljikohidrata (ρ=-0,115; P=0,010) i nezdrave hrane (ρ =-0,120, P=0,012).
Zaključak: Osobe ženskog spola, imale su veću sposobnost raspoznavanja okusa feniltiokarbamida u odnosu na muškarce. Nije dokazana povezanost između intenziteta okusa feniltiokarbamida i indeksa tjelesne mase, opsega trbuha, opsega kukova te sistoličkog i dijastoličkog tlaka. Osobe koje snažnije osjećaju okus PTC-a, jače osjete i okus slanog. Osobe koje snažnije osjećaju okus PTC-a manje konzumiraju bijelo vino, crno vino, bevandu, pivo, slane srdele i bijelu ribu, namirnica bogatih ugljikohidratima i namirnice iz skupine nezdrave hrane. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The main objective of the study was to examine whether there is a correlation between the intensity of experienced phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) and dietary habits, and examine the relationship between the intensity of phenylthiocarbamide flavor and various health indicators.
Patients and Methods: This study included adults from the city of Split and its surroundings and the people who live on the island. For each subject underwent a series of medical examinations, such as measuring blood pressure, spirometry, ECG, blood vessel elasticity, measured the anthropometric characteristics and investigation of the senses: the threshold of taste, smell and pain threshold. Food respondents characterized by two questionnaires. The first questionnaire was used to obtain information about the frequency of consumption of certain foods, while the second questionnaire had the purpose to examine how certain foods like respondents (questionnaire on dietary preferences). Each subject received one milliliter of aqueous powder phenylthiocarbamide. After the subject has engulfed the prepared solution, said about the intensity of flavor and solutions.
Results: The sample consisted of 207 men (33.3%) and 415 women (66.7%). In the analysis of experienced intensity of PTC solutions by sex was obtained statistically significant difference (Mann-Whitney U test, P = 0.005) .. The correlation between the intensity of the solution PTC and body mass index, abdominal circumference, hip circumference, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure was statistically insignificant. The correlation between the intensity experienced PTC and experienced the intensity of the solution of other basic tastes showed the highest level of correlation with the intensity of the taste of saline (ρ = 0.246, P <0.001). The correlation between experienced PTC intensity and frequency of consumption of 50 different foods identified a negative correlation between the frequency of consumption of salted anchovies (ρ = -0.092, P = 0.035), white fish (ρ = -0.092, P = 0.035), beer (ρ = -0.088, P = 0.044) and wine and water (ρ = -0.099, P = 0.024). In addition, the analysis of the consumption of food groups to experience the intensity of PTC solutions, whereby the identified negative correlation between the intensity of the PTC and the consumption of carbohydrates (ρ = -0.115, P = 0.010) and junk food (ρ = -0.120, P = 0.012).
Conclusion: Females had a greater ability to discern flavors phenylthiocarbamide compared to men. No relationship was found between the intensity of flavor phenylthiocarbamide and body mass index, abdominal circumference, hip circumference, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure. People who strongly feel the taste of PTC, a stronger sense and taste salty. People who feel powerful taste PTC and less consuming white wine, red wine, beer, salted fish and white fish, high carbohydrate foods and foods from unhealthy food groups. |