Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja bio je prikazati demografske i kliničke karakteristike bolesnika s opeklinama liječenih u Zavodu za intenzivnu pedijatriju s postintenzivnom skrbi Klinike za dječje bolesti KBC-a Split.
Materijali i metode: Provedeno je retrospektivno istraživanje u Zavodu za intenzivnu pedijatriju s postintenzivnom skrbi u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2010. do 31. prosinca 2019. svih liječenih s otpusnom dijagnozom opeklina. Prikazali smo spol i dob ispitanika, postotak opečene površine tijela, uzrok opeklina i duljinu liječenja u JIL-u.
Rezultati: U promatranom razdoblju u Zavodu za intenzivnu pedijatriju s postintenzivnom skrbi Klinike za dječje bolesti KBC-a Split liječeno je ukupno 14 djece s opeklinama, od čega 9 dječaka i 5 djevojčica. Veći je broj opečenih dječaka u odnosu na djevojčice u skoro svim dobnim skupinama. Najčešći uzrok opeklina djece jest kontakt kože s vrućim tekućinama (64,29%). Ostatak ispitanika opekao se različitim zapaljivim tvarima. Isti broj ispitanika (21,43%) je imao opekline do 9%TBSA, kao i opekline od 20 do 29% površine tijela. Od 10 do 19%TBSA opečeno je bilo 57,14% ispitanika. Prosječna dob djece koja su opečena do 9% TBSA iznosila je 10,69 godina, onih opečenih između 10 i 19% bila je 4,57, a onih s 20 do 29% TBSA 1,83 godine. Liječenje u JIL-u trajalo je prosječno 2,86 dana, odnosno 0,2 dana po postotku opečene površine. Čak 13 ispitanika imalo je opekline na više područja. Najviše ih je imalo opekline nogu (57,14%). Opekline ruku zadobilo je 50% bolesnika. Više od 40% imalo je opekline glave i prsnog koša, a trbuha njih 21,43%. Vrat, leđa, spolovilo i glutealna regija bile su najmanje zastupljene regije, s po 7,14%.
Zaključci: Liječenje opeklina u djece predstavlja izazov koji zahtijeva stalna usavršavanja. Iako je stopa smrtnosti kod opeklina mala, one često uzrokuju morbiditet i smanjuju kvalitetu života u djece pa je zbog toga potrebno raditi na poboljšanju preventivnih programa i edukaciji. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The aim of the study was to present the demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with burns treated in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital of Split.
Patients and methods: A retrospective study was conducted in the Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital of Split for the period from January 1st 2010 until December 31st 2019. Patients with discharge diagnosis of burns were included. We analyzed gender and the age of the subjects, the percentage of burnt total body surface area (TBSA), the cause of the burns, and the length of the ICU treatment.
Results: In the observed period, a total of 14 children with burns were treated in PICU, Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital of Split, of which 9 boys and 5 girls. There is a higher number of burnt boys compared to girls in almost all age groups. The most common cause of burns in children was skin contact with hot liquids (64.29%). The rest of the subjects were burned with various flammable substances. The same number of patients (21.43%) had burns on <9%TBSA, as well on 20 to 29% TBSA. Burns affecting 10 to 19% of TBSA were found in 57.14% children. The average age of children with burns <9% TBSA was 10.69 years, in those with 10-19% TBSA was 4.57, and in those with 20-29% TBSA was 1.83 years. An average length of stay in the ICU was 2.86 days, or 0.20 days per percentage of burnt TBSA. As many as 13 subjects had burns in multiple areas. Most of them had leg burns (57.14%). In 50% of patients burns affected hands. More than 40% had burns to the head and chest, and 21.43% to the abdomen. The neck, back, genitals and gluteal region were the least represented regions, with 7.14% each.
Conclusion: Treating burns in children is a challenge that requires constant improvement. Although the mortality rate from burns is low, one often causes morbidity and reduces the quality of life of children, which is why it is necessary to work on improving prevention programs and education. |