Abstract | Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare cognitive and psychomotor performance between men and women and to compare daytime sleepiness assessed with the Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) and Stanford sleepiness scale (SSS), subjective sleep quality assessed with Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) and sleep habits between men and women. Furthermore, we investigated the association between cognitive and psychomotor performance on three tests of the computer based system Complex Reactionmeter Drenovac (CRD-series), and daytime sleepiness assessed and subjective sleep.
Patients and methods: A total of 168 medical students from the University of Split School of Medicine were included in the research: 49 men with a median age of 20, ranging from 19 to 25, and 119 women with a median age of 21, ranging from 19 to 23. All students filled in the SSS, ESS, PSQI and sleep habits questionnaire. Afterwards the students performed three tests on the CRD-series battery (CRD11, CRD311, CRD411).
Results: In the PSQI there was a statistically significant higher score in women (5.68±2.53) compared to men (4.80±2.14, P=0.023). The SSS score was also significantly higher in women in contrast to men (2.82±1.22 vs. 2.23±0.98, respectively, P=0.002). Women also stated to sleep shorter (6h35min ± 1h 8min) than men (6h 58min ± 58 min, P=0.024). Chronic tiredness was significantly more frequent among women than men (P=0.007). On the CRD11 test men had statistically significant shorter MinT and TTST (TTST 94.46±14.84 s and MinT 1.61±0.23 s) than women (TTST 105.82±17.78 s and MinT 1.78±0.28 s, P<0.001 for both comparisons). In the CRD411 men were also significantly faster than women (TTST 26.94±4.76 s vs. 31.22±7.12 s for TTST and 0.30±0.07s vs. 0.43±0.08 s for MinT, respectively, P<0.001 for both comparisons). On the CRD311 test women needed significantly more time to complete the whole test than men (TTST was 28.18±2.46 s in women and 27.43±2.09 s in men, P=0.047).
No significant correlation was found between the performance on CRD series test and sleepiness, assessed with the ESS and SSS, sleep quality assessed with PSQI and subjective sleep duration.
Conclusion: Our results showed that men had shorter reaction times than women on three tests (CRD11, CRD311 and CRD411) of the CRD-series, while women had shorter sleep duration and worse sleep quality assessed with PSQI than men and experienced more daytime sleepiness assessed with SSS but there was no difference in daytime sleepiness assessed with ESS between men and women. We found no correlation between daytime sleepiness and performance on the tests of the CRD-series and between sleep quality and performance on the tests of the CRD-series. |
Abstract (croatian) | Ciljevi: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti kognitivne i psihomotoričke učinke muškaraca i žena te usporediti dnevnu pospanost procijenjenu s Epworthovom ljestvicom pospanosti (ESS) i Stanfordskom ljestvicom pospanosti (SSS), subjektivnu kvalitetu spavanja procijenjenu Pittsburgh upitnikom kvalitete spavanja (PSQI) i navike spavanja između muškaraca i žena. Nadalje, istražit ćemo povezanost kognitivnih i psihomotoričkih učinaka na tri testa sustava Complex Reactionmeter Drenovac (CRD-serija), te dnevne pospanosti i subjektivne kvalitete spavanja.
Pacijenti i metode: U istraživanje je bilo uključeno ukupno 168 studenata medicine iz Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu i to 49 muškaraca sa srednjom dobi od 20 (raspon 19-25) i 119 žena srednje dobi od 21 (raspon 19-23) godina. Svi su studenti popunili SSS, ESS, PSQI i upitnik o navikama spavanja. Nakon toga studenti su riješili tri testa na CRD seriji (CRD11, CRD311, CRD411).
Rezultati: U PSQI zabilježen je viši rezultat u žena (5,68±2,53) nego u muškaraca (4,80±2,14, P=0,023). SSS rezultat je također bio značajno viši u žena za razliku od muškaraca (2,82±1,22 naspram 2,23±0,98, odnosno P=0,002). Žene su također izjavile da spavaju kraće (6h35min ± 1h 8min) od muškaraca (6h 58min ± 58 min, P=0,024). Kronični umor bio je značajno češći u žena nego u muškaraca (P=0,007). Na CRD11 testu muškarci su imali značajno kraće MinT i TTST (TTST 94,46±14,84 s i MinT 1,61±0,23 s) od žena (TTST 105,82±17,78 s i MinT 1,78±0,28 s, P<0,001 za obje usporedbe). Na CRD411 muškarci su također bili značajno brži od žena (TTST 26,94±4,76 s nasuprot 31,22±7,12 s za TTST i 0,30±0,07 s naspram 0,43±0,08 s za MinT, odnosno P<0,001 za obje usporedbe). Na CRD311 testu ženama je trebalo više vremena da ispune cijeli test nego muškarcima (TTST je bio 28,18±2,46 s u žena i 27,43±2,09 s u muškaraca, P=0,047).
Nije pronađena značajna korelacija između učinka na testu CRD serije i pospanosti, procijenjene ESS i SSS te kvalitete spavanja procijenjene PSQI i subjektivnog trajanja spavanja.
Zaključak: Naši su rezultati pokazali da su muškarci imali kraća vremena reakcije od žena na tri testa (CRD11, CRD311 i CRD411) CRD serije, dok su žene imale kraće trajanje sna i lošiju kvalitetu spavanja procijenjenu PSQI upitnikom od muškaraca te su imale veću dnevnu pospanost procijenjenu SSS-om, ali nije bilo razlike u dnevnoj pospanosti procjenjenoj ESS-om između muškaraca i žena. Nismo pronašli korelaciju između dnevne pospanosti i učinka na testovima CRD serije te između kvalitete spavanja i učinka na testovima serije CRD. |