Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike u stupnju ovisnosti o nikotinu među ispitanicima sa shizofrenijom, poremećajima sličnim shizofreniji i sumanutim stanjima liječenih u Klinici za psihijatriju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split, obzirom na generaciju antipsihotika u terapiji.
Materijali i metode: Ispitanici su bili bolesnici s odjela Klinike za psihijatriju Kliničkog bolničkog centra u Splitu koji su bili u stanju akutne psihotične dekompenzacije te bolesnici u remisiji, a koji su u sklopu Dnevne bolnice Klinike dolazili na injekciju depo-preparata antipsihotika. Temelj istraživanja bila je anketa kojom se dobio uvid u demografske podatke, pušačke navike i stavove, te validirani Fagerströmov test nikotinske ovisnosti. Ukupno je anketirano 66 bolesnika, od čega je 51 ispunio kriterije uključenja (pušač, dijagnoza F20-F29 i liječenje antipsihoticima koje je propisao psihijatar).
Rezultati: Od 51 ispitanika s dijagnozama F20-F29, 27 je bilo u fazi akutne dekompenzacije, a preostala 24 liječena su u sklopu Dnevne bolnice Klinike za psihijatriju KBC-a Split. Nije dokazana statistički značajna razlika distribucije ispitanika prema fazi liječenja (P=0,132), dobi (P=0,093), spolu (P=0,631) i zaposlenju (P=0,811) u odnosu na stupanj ovisnosti o nikotinu. Razdioba ispitanika s dijagnozama F20-F29 Klinike za psihijatriju KBC-a Split prema broju popušenih cigareta dnevno statistički se značajno razlikovala (P=0,001) u skupini ispitanika s visokim stupnjem ovisnosti o nikotinu u odnosu na skupinu s niskim i umjerenim stupnjem ovisnosti. 70% ispitanika izjasnilo se kako pušenje smatra štetnim. 29% ispitanika s visokim stupnjem ovisnosti o nikotinu izjasnilo se kako ne smatraju da je pušenje štetno. U najvećem broju ispitanika (47%), nagovor društva bio je glavni faktor započinjanja pušačke karijere. 57% ispitanika je barem jednom u životu pokušalo prestati pušiti, a kao glavni razlog većina (55%) navodi zdravlje. 54% ispitanika koji nikada nisu prestali pušiti navode preveliki užitak u pušenju kao glavni razlog. Stupanj ovisnosti o nikotinu pokazuje negativnu korelaciju s dobi (P=0,028) i stupnjem obrazovanja (P=0,044), a pozitivnu korelaciju sa brojem cigareta popušenih u danu (P<0,001).
Zaključci: Nismo ustanovili razliku između ispitanika liječenih u KBC-u Split koje boluju od shizofrenije, poremećaja sličnih shizofreniji i sumanutih stanja prema fazi liječenja, spolu, zaposlenju, duljini pušačkoga staža, godinama liječenja ni vrsti antipsihotika u odnosu na njihov stupanj ovisnosti o nikotinu. Stupanj ovisnosti o nikotinu razlikuje se među ispitanicima liječenim u KBC-u Split koje boluju od shizofrenije, poremećaja sličnih shizofreniji i sumanutih stanja prema dobi, stupnju obrazovanja i broju cigareta popušenih u danu. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine possible differences in the degree of nicotine dependence between patients with schizophrenia, schizotypal, delusional and other non-mood psychotic disorders based on the type of antipsychotics in their therapy.
Materials and methods: The subjects were patients from the Department of Psychiatry of the University Hospital of Split who were in a state of acute psychotic decompensation, and patients in remission who came for injections of depot antipsychotics. The research was based on a survey that provided insight into demographic data, smoking habits and beliefs and on a validated Fagerström's Test for Nicotine Dependence. A total of 66 patients were interviewed, of whom 51 met the inclusion criteria (smoker, diagnosis F20-F29 and the receiving antipsychotic treatment).
Results: Out of 51 interviewed patients from the Department of Psychiatry of the University Hospital of Split, who had F20-F29 diagnosis, 27 were in a state of acute decompensation and the remaining 24 were treated as patients in remission. There was no statistically significant difference in the distribution of patients according to the stage of their disease (P=0,132), age (P=0,093), gender (P=0,631) and employment status (P=0,811) in relation to the degree of nicotine dependence. The distribution of patients from the Department of Psychiatry of the University Hospital of Split, who had F20-F29 diagnosis, by the number of cigarettes smoked per day was statistically significant (P=0,001) in the group of patients with a high degree of nicotine dependence compared to the subjects with a low and moderate degree of dependence. 70% of questioned patients considered smoking as harmful behavior. 29% of questioned patients with a high degree of nicotine dependence did not consider smoking as harmful behavior. In the largest number of questioned subjects (47%), peer pressure was the main factor for starting a smoking career. 57% of questioned subjects have quit smoking at least once in their lives, and 55% of them mention health as the main reason for doing so. 54% of questioned subjects who have never quit smoking cite excessive pleasure in smoking as the main reason. The degree of nicotine dependence shows a negative correlation with age (P=0,028) and level of education (P=0,044), and a positive correlation with the number of cigarettes smoked per day (P<0,001).
Conclusion: We can not distinguish patients with schizophrenia, schizotypal, delusional and other non-mood psychotic disorders by the stage of their disease, by gender, by employment status, by years of smoking, by years of treatment, or by antipsychotics in correlation to their degree of nicotine dependence. The degree of nicotine dependence varies among patients with schizophrenia, schizotypal, delusional and other non-mood psychotic disorders by age, by the level of education, and by number of cigarettes smoked per day. |