Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj rada je bio proučiti učestalost i karakteristike tumora središnjeg
živčanog sustava u pacijenata koji su bili hospitalizirani u Klinici za neurologiju KBC-a Split
u desetogodišnjem razdoblju, odnosno utvrditi postoji li trend porasta pojavnosti (incidencije)
tumora ove regije.
Ispitanici i postupci: Ovo povijesno prospektivno istraživanje je provedeno u Klinici za
neurologiju KBC-a Split. Obuhvaćeno je 859 pacijenata kojima je postavljena dijagnoza
tumora SŽS-a u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2004. do 31. prosinca 2013. godine. Uvidom u
medicinsku dokumentaciju prikupljeni su demografski i klinički podatci o pacijentima.
Istraživanje je nastavljeno prikupljanjem podataka o potencijalnom smrtnom ishodu ispitanika
iz Matičnog ureda u Splitu.
Rezultati: Od ukupnog broja oboljelih bilo je 448 muškaraca i 411 žena. Nije pronađena
statistički značajna razlika u postavljanju dijagnoze tumora s obzirom na spol (χ2 test; P =
0,0507). Medijan dobi u kojoj se postavljala dijagnoza iznosi 65 godina (min-maks: 18-95
godina). Primarni tumori su u našem istraživanju bili statistički značajno češći nego metastaze
(χ2 test, P ˂ 0,05). Primarnih tumora je bilo 527, od čega je u 30 slučajeva bilo riječ o
primarnim recidivirajućim tumorima, metastatskih je bilo 328, a u 4 slučaja se na temelju
neuroradiološkog prikaza CT/MRI nije moglo utvrditi kojoj skupini tumor pripada. Kod
metastatskih tumora češće su bile multiple nego solitarne metastaze (211 vs. 117). Zaključak
je donesen pri razini pouzdanosti od 95%. (χ2 test, P ˂ 0,05). Kao najčešće sijelo primarnog
tumora, ukoliko je riječ o metastazama u SŽS, naše istraživanje je pokazalo tumore pluća,
bronhe i pleure (46,41%) (χ2 test, P ˂ 0,05, CI 95%). Najčešća lokalizacija tumora je
supratentorijalna, sa zahvaćanjem hemisfera velikog mozga. Konačno, na temelju dvostrukologaritamskog
modela sa statističkom značajnošću je dokazano da postoji trend porasta
pojavnosti tumora SŽS-a u razdoblju od 2004. do 2013. godine (P = 0,000000).
Zaključci: Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji trend porasta pojavnosti tumora središnjeg
živčanog sustava u promatranom desetogodišnjem razdoblju. Od primarnih tumora, koji su
češći nego metastaze, na prvom mjestu po učestalosti se nalaze supratentorijalno lokalizirani
meningeomi. |
Abstract (english) | Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the incidence and characteristics of
tumors of central nervous system in patients hospitalized at Department of Neurology,
Clinical Hospital Center Split in ten-year period, also to determine whether there is an
increasing trend in the incidence of tumors of this part of the body.
Patients and methods: This historical prospective study was conducted at Department of
Neurology, Clinical Hospital Center Split. 859 patients, with the diagnosis of central nervous
system tumor, diagnosed during the period from 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2013, were
included. Access to medical records provided demographic and clinical data. This study was
continued by collecting data at Registrar's Office Split about potential death outcome of
patients that were included in this study.
Results: There were 448 male and 411 female patients. There was no statistical significant
difference between sexes in morbidity (χ2 test; P = 0,0507). Median age of cancer patients at
diagnosis was 65 years (min-max: 18-95 years). The primary tumors were, according to our
study, significantly more common than metastases (χ2 test, P ˂ 0,05). There were 527 patients
with primary central nervous system tumor, that included 30 primary recurrent tumors, 328
patients with secondary tumor and in four cases it was impossible to decide whether it is
primary tumor or metastasis by CT/MRI neuroimaging. When it comes to metastases,
multiple tumor transplants were more common than solitary (211 vs. 117). The conclusion
was made at confidence interval of 95% (χ2 test, P ˂ 0,05). The results of our study showed
that the most common primary site of metastases to brain and spinal cord was cancer of lung,
bronchus and pleura (46,41%) (χ2 test, P ˂ 0,05, CI 95%). Tumors were localized
supratentorially in the most cases, affecting hemispheres of cerebrum. Finally, based on the
double logarithmic model with statistical significance, we proved that there is an increasing
trend of incidence of tumors of this region in the period from 2004 to 2013 (P = 0,000000).
Conclusion: This study had shown that there was an increasing trend of incidence of central
nervous system tumors in observed ten-year period. From primary tumors, that are more
common than secondary, the most frequent are supratentorially localized meningiomas. |