Title Učestalost i čimbenici rizika za hipovitaminozu D u djece predškolske dobi Splitsko-dalmatinske županije
Title (english) The frequency and the risk factors for vitamin D deficiency in preschool children at Split and Dalmatian County
Author Željka Karin
Mentor Joško Markić (mentor)
Committee member Vjekoslav Krželj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vera Musil (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Kolčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine Split
Defense date and country 2020, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Public Health
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 614 - Public health and hygiene. Accident prevention
Abstract Iako nedostatak vitamina D predstavlja globalni problem, posebno kod djece, postoji manjak
informacija o ovoj problematici u odnosu na predškolsku djecu iz jugoistočne Europe. Cilj ove
studije ustanoviti je prevalenciju nedostatka vitamina D, te povezanost u odnosu na spol,
vrijeme provedeno na otvorenom, tjelesnu aktivnost (TA), indeks tjelesne mase (ITM), omjer
opsega struka i visine WHtR, mediteranski tip prehrane (prediktori) i status vitamina D
(rezultat/ishod) kod zdrave predškolske djece. Sudionici su bili predškolci (svi u dobi od 5 do
6 godina) iz južne Hrvatske. Svi sudionici su testirani tijekom obveznog sistematskog pregleda,
6-7 mjeseci prije upisa u školu. TA je izračunata uz pomoć Pre-Paq upitnika koji kategorizira
TA na pet razina (od sjedilačke do visoke razine tjelesne aktivnosti). Prevalencija nedostatka
vitamina D bila je visoka; kod 58% djece razine vitamina D, 25(OH)D bile su <50 nmol/l
(VDD), dok je kod ostalih 29% zabilježena nedostatna koncentracija vitamina D, 25(OH)D 50-
75 nmol/l (VDI). Kod dječaka razine vitamina D bile su više nego kod djevojčica (49.61±19.67
i 43.37±20.23 nmol/l, pojedinačno; t-test: 2.52, P < 0.01). Uz pomoć multinomijalne regresije
kojom se računao učinak vitamina D i dostatna razina (25(OH)D >75 nmol/l) kao referentna
vrijednost, utvrđeno je kako je spol signifikantni prediktor statusa vitamina D, pri čemu su
dječaci pod nižim rizikom od razvoja nedostatka vitamina D u odnosu na djevojčice (OR: 0.33;
95%CI: 0.15-0.74). ). Kao značajan čimbenik više razine D vitamina utvrđen je Kidmed indeksa
veći od 7 što govori o optimalnom pridržavanju principa mediteranske prehrane. Pomoću
Bayesianske selekcije modela, dokazana je pozitivna povezanost razina D vitamina sa
konzumacijom više od dva obroka voća dnevno i upotrebom maslinovog ulja, dok je
preskakanje obroka imalo negativan utjecaj na razine D vitamina. Model je mogao objasniti
samo 5,2% raznolikosti u razinama VD u krvi, ali je statistički značajan.
Ovi rezultati pokazali su visoku prevalenciju nedostatka vitamina D kod predškolaca iz južnog
dijela Hrvatske, što je posebno alarmantno s obzirom na geografski položaj promatrane regije
(42oN) kao i veliki broj sunčanih sati (>2600 sati godišnje). Postoji potreba za daljnjim
istraživanjima ostalih potencijalnih poveznica s vitaminom D i utemeljenje javnozdravstvene
platforme za nadoknadu vitamina D.
Abstract (english) The deficiency of the vitamin D is an important global problem, particularly in children.
However, in relation to preschool children from Southern Europe there is a lack of information
regarding this issue. The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of
vitamin D deficiency and the association in relation to gender, time spent out doors, physical
activity (PA), body mass indeks (BMI), waist and height ratio (WhtR), Mediterranean diet
(predictors) and vitamin D status (outcome) in healthy preschool children. The participants
were preschool children (all aged 5 to 6 years) from South Croatia. All participants were tested
during mandatory medical examination, 6-7 months prior to school enrollment. The PA was
calculated using Pre-Paq questionnaire categorizing PA in to five levels (from sedentiary to
high level of physical activity). The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was high; 58% of
children had vitamin D, 25(OH)D levels <50 nmol/l (VDD), while in the remaining 29% an
insufficient concentration of vitamin D, 25(OH)D 50-75 nmol/l (VDI) was reported. The boys
had higher levels of vitamin D than girls (49.61±19.67 i 43.37±20.23 nmol/l, respectively; ttest:
2.52, P < 0.01). Using multinomial regression in order to calculate the effectof vitamin D
and the sufficient level (25(OH)D >75 nmol/l) as the reference value, the gender was
determined as a significant predictor for vitamin D status, with boys being at lower risk for
vitamin D deficiency in relation to girls (OR: 0.33; 95%CI: 0.15-0.74). As a significant factor
of high vitamin D levels, the KIDMED index higher than 7 points was indicated, which
suggested an optimal following of the Mediterranean diet. The implementation of Bayesian
model selection enable devidence of the postive correlation between vitamin D and the intake of more than two servings of fruit per day as well as the olive oil consumption, where as
skipping meals had negative effect on vitamin D levels. The model could have accounted for
only 5.2% of variations in blood levels of VD, but it was statistically significant. These results
indicated the high prevalence of the vitamin D deficiency in the preschool children from South
Croatia, which is especially alarming given the geographical position of the studied region (42
o N) as well as the high number of sunlight hours(>2600 hours per year). Further investigation
for other potential correlations with vitamin D is essential, also the establishment of a public
health platform for vitamin D supplementation.
nedostatak vitamina D
predškolsko dijete
Keywords (english)
Vitamin D Deficiency
Preschool Child
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:298259
Study programme Title: Evidence-Based Clinical Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-05-08 07:12:52