Title Razvoj i tumori moždanih i seroznih ovojnica u čovjeka
Title (english) Development and tumors of the brain and serous membranes in man
Author Joško Petričević VIAF: 305773635
Mentor Mirna Saraga-Babić (mentor)
Committee member Snježana Tomić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Darko Chudy (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Valić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine Split
Defense date and country 2011, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences Anatomy
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 611 - Anatomy
Abstract Cilj: Istražiti vremensku i prostornu raspodjelu epitelnog membranskog antigena (EMA), mezotelina i nestina u moždanim ovojnicama u razvoju i u odraslih, seroznim ovojnicama i tumorima meningeomima i mezoteliomima kako bi se otkrile razlike u tijeku mezenhimsko-epitelne pretvorbe, koja dovodi do diferencijacije površinskih mezotelnih stanica.
Materijal i metode: Parafinski rezovi moždanih ovojnica u razvoju, pleure i perikarda u 12 ljudskih embrija i fetusa starosti od 7. do 22. tjedna, 6
... More uzoraka moždanih ovojnica, pleure i perikarda u odraslih i 6 uzoraka meningeoma i mezotelioma, obojani su primjenom imunohistokemijske i imunofluorescentne tehnike. Imuno-lokalizacija korištenih biljega je analizirana primjenom semi-kvantitativne metode.
Rezultati: U moždanim ovojnicama tijekom razvoja, nestin se pojavio u 7. tjednu razvoja, EMA u 8. tjednu, a mezotelin u 22. tjednu razvoja. U kasnijem fetalnom razdoblju i nakon rođenja, izražaj nestina se smanjio, dok se izražaj EMA i mezotelina povećao. EMA se pojavio u svim stanicama, dok je mezotelin bio prisutan samo u nekim leptomeningealnim stanicama, lokaliziran u površinskom mezotelu i meningealnim granulacijama. U meningotelijskim meningeomima, EMA se pojavio u svim tumorskim stanicama osim u endotelnim stanicama krvnih žila, mezotelin u gnijezdima tumorskih stanica, dok je nestin bio svojstven samo krvnim žilama. U seroznim ovojnicama, EMA se pojavio u fetalnom mezotelu, a kasnije se zadržao samo u mezotelu perikarda, te mezotelu i vezivnom tkivu pleure. Mezotelin se prvi put pojavio u submezotelnim stanicama perikarda, a u pleuri odmah u mezotelu, dok su u odraslih EMA i mezotelin bili izraženi samo u mezotelu. Tijekom razvoja, nestin je bio izražen u vezivnom tkivu i stanicama miokarda, dok se nakon rođenja izražaj zadržao samo u endotelnim stanicama krvnih žila.
Zaključak: Tijekom normalnog razvoja i tumorogeneze, nestin je bio svojstven nezrelim stanicama, dok su EMA i mezotelin bili izraženi u zrelim epitelnim (mezotelnim) stanicama. Submezotelne stanice perikarda i mezotelne stanice pleure, kao i leptomeningealne stanice vjerojatno pripadaju populaciji matičnih stanica. Neoplastična pretvorba ovih staničnih linija može dovesti do stvaranja meningeoma i mezotelioma. Less
Abstract (english) Objective: To investigate spatial and temporal distribution of epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), mesothelin and nestin in developing and adult human meninges, serous membranes and tumors meningiomas and mesotheliomas in order to detect differences in the course of mesenchymal to epithelial transformation, leading to differentiation of surface mesothelial cells.
Materials and methods: Paraffin sections of developing meninges, pleura and pericardium in 12 human conceptuses (7-22 weeks), 6
... More adult samples and 6 tumors were stained using immunohistochemical and immunofluorescent techniques. Immunolocalization of used markers was analyzed using semi-quantification.
Results: In developing meninges, nestin appeared in the 7th week, EMA in 8th and mesothelin in 22nd week of development. In the late fetal period and postnatally, nestin expression decreased, whereas expression of EMA and mesothelin increased. EMA appeared in all cells, while mesothelin only in some meningeal cells, localized in the surface mesothelium and meningeal nodules. In meningothelial meningiomas, EMA characterized all tumor cells except endothelial, mesothelin nests of tumor cells, while nestin characterized blood vessels. In serous membranes, EMA appeared in fetal mesothelium, later on retained only in pericardial mesothelium and in mesothelium and connective tissue of pleura. Mesothelin appeared first in pericardial submesothelial cells, in pleura immediately in mesothelium, while in adults EMA and mesothelin were expressed in mesothelium. During development, nestin characterized connective tissues and myocardial cells, while postnatally remained only in blood vessels.
Conclusions: During normal development and tumorigenesis, nestin characterized immature cells, while EMA and mesothelin characterized maturing epithelial (mesothelial) cells. Submesothelial pericardial and mesothelial pleural cells, as well as leptomeningeal cells might belong to population of stem cells. Neoplastic transformation of those cell lineages may cause meningiomas and mesotheliomas. Less
Moždane ovojnice
Serozna membrana
Keywords (english)
Serous Membrane
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:409423
Study programme Title: Biology of Neoplasms Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-06-06 08:26:11