Abstract | Ciljevi: Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi stupanj adherencije mediteranskoj prehrani u
školske djece i adolescenata te odrediti stupanj fizičke aktivnosti u školske djece i
Ispitanici i postupci: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 200 djece i adolescenata koji su došli na
Hitni dječji prijem Kliničkog bolničkog centra (KBC-a) Split zbog akutne bolesti u razdoblju
od 1. prosinca 2022. do 30. travnja 2023. godine. Standardni postupci uključivali su
anamnezu i klinički status, antropometrijska mjerenja, ispunjavanje upitnika o načinu
prehrane (KIDMED) te ispunjavanje upitnika o fizičkoj aktivnosti (PAQ).
Rezultati: Utvrđen je adekvatan stupanj tjelesne aktivnosti kod 68% ispitanika, te
neadekvatan stupanj tjelesne aktivnosti kod 32% ispitanika. Prosječnu adherenciju
mediteranskoj prehrani imalo je 55% ispitanika, odličnu adherenciju 27,5% te lošu
adherenciju 17,5% ispitanika. Utvrđena je statistički značajna negativna povezanost između
antropometrijskih karakteristika i bodova na PAQ upitniku i to za TM (r=-0,415; p=<0.001),
ITM (r=-0,323; p=<0.001) i OT (r=-0,322; p=<0.001). Također, utvrđena je statistički
značajna negativna korelacija za TM (r=-0,167; p=0,018), ITM (r=-0,224; p=0,001); ITM z
vrijednost (r=-0,167; p=0,018) te OT (r=-0,162; p=0,024) i postignute bodove na KIDMED
Zaključak: Određena je uglavnom prosječna adherencija mediteranskoj prehrani (N=110;
55%) i adekvatan stupanj fizičke aktivnosti (N=136; 68%) u djece i adolescenata. Nadalje,
utvrđena je negativna povezanost između rezultata ostvarenih na KIDMED i PAQ upitniku s
antropometrijskim karakteristikama djece i adolescenata te je povezanost varijabli bila
statistički značajna. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The objective of this research was to determine the level of adherence to the
Mediterranean diet in school children and adolescents and to determine the physical activity
level in school children and adolescents.
Subjects and methods: The study involved 200 children and adolescents who came to the
Children's Emergency Department of the Clinical Hospital Center (KBC) Split due to an acute
illness in the period from December 1, 2022 to April 30, 2023. Standard procedures included
anamnesis and clinical status, anthropometric measurements, completion of a dietary
questionnaire (KIDMED) and completion of a physical activity questionnaire (PAQ).
Results: Adequate level of physical activity was determined in 68% of respondents, and
inadequate level of physical activity in 32% of respondents. 55% of respondents had average
adherence to the Mediterranean diet, 27,5% had excellent adherence, and 17,5% had poor
adherence. A statistically significant negative correlation was found between anthropometric
characteristics and scores on the PAQ questionnaire, for body mass (r=-0.415; p=<0.001), body
mass indeks (BMI) (r=-0.323; p=<0.001) and waist circumference (WC) (r=-0.322; p=<0.001).
p=<0.001). Also, a statistically significant negative correlation was found for body mass (r=-
0.167; p=0.018), BMI (r=-0.224; p=0.001); BMI z value (r=-0.167; p=0.018) and WC (r=-
0.162; p=0.024) and achieved points on the KIDMED questionnaire
Conclusion: In this study, we determined average adherence to the Mediterranean diet (N=110;
55%) and adequate level of physical activity (N=136; 68%) in children and adolescents.
Furthermore, a negative correlation was established between the results achieved on the
KIDMED and PAQ questionnaire with the anthropometric characteristics of children and
adolescents, and the correlation of the variables was statistically significant. |