Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati stavove i praksu studenata Medicinskog
fakulteta u Splitu o cijepljenju cjepivom protiv COVID-19.
Ispitanici i metode: Ispitanici uključeni u ovo istraživanje su studenti Medicinskog fakulteta u
Splitu u akademskoj godini 2022./2023. Stavovi i praksa studenata o cijepljenju cjepivom protiv
COVID-19 ispitani su pomoću anketnog upitnika, koji se sastojao od četiri dijela u kojima su
prikupljeni: sociodemografski podatci, općeniti i osobni stavovi o cjepivima, COVID-19 bolesti
i cjepivu protiv COVID-19 bolesti, osobno iskustvo s COVID-19 bolesti i osobno ponašanje
vezano uz cijepljenje. Studenti su podijeljeni u dvije skupine prema godini studija (1., 2. i 3.
godina studija= studenti nižih godina, 4., 5. i 6. godina studija= studenti viših godina), kako bi
se usporedio utjecaj obrazovanja studenta viših i nižih godina na stavove i navike povezane s
cjepivom protiv COVID-19.
Rezultati: U istraživanju je sudjelovao ukupno 181 student Medicinskog fakulteta u Splitu, od
čega 99 (54,7%) studenata medicine, 51 (28,2%) studenata farmacije i 31 (17,1%) student
dentalne medicine. Studenti su sveukupno pokazali pozitivne stavove o cjepivima i cijepljenju,
međutim pronađene su statistički značajne razlike između studenata viših i nižih godina. S
izjavom da ljudi primaju više cjepiva nego što je dobro za njih se slaže 14,2% studenata nižih
godina u odnosu na 4,9% studenata viših godina (p=0,009). U usporedbi sa 69,5% studenata
viših godina, 46,5% studenata nižih godina smatra da su cjepiva važna kako bi kao budući
zdravstveni radnici ostali zdravi (p=0,001). Stavovi o cjepivu protiv COVID-19 bolesti su
sveukupno pozitivni, ali uz prisutnu veću sumnjičavost i suzdržanost u vezi s cjepivom protiv
COVID-19 u odnosu na uobičajena cjepiva.
Zaključak: Studenti Medicinskog fakulteta u Splitu su pokazali pozitivne stavove o cijepljenju
cjepivom protiv COVID-19 bolesti. Studenti viših godina imaju pozitivnije stavove o
cijepljenju cjepivom protiv COVID-19 od studenata nižih godina Medicinskog fakulteta u
Splitu. Moguća je potreba za proširenjem trenutnih kurikuluma kako bi se uključile teme
povezane s neodlučnošću u vezi s cjepivom protiv COVID-19 bolesti. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the attitudes and practices of students at
the University of Split School of Medicine regarding COVID-19 vaccination.
Respondents and methods: The participants in this study were students of the University of
Split School of Medicine enrolled in the academic year 2022/2023. The attitudes and practices
of students regarding COVID-19 vaccination were assessed using a structured questionnaire
consisting of four sections. These sections gathered information on sociodemographic
characteristics, general and personal opinions about vaccines, perceptions of COVID-19 and
the COVID-19 vaccine, personal experiences with COVID-19, and individual behaviors
regarding vaccination. We categorized the students into two groups based on their academic
year (1st, 2nd, and 3rd-year students as "lower-year students," and 4th, 5th, and 6th-year
students as "higher-year students") to compare their attitudes and practices concerning the
COVID-19 vaccine and to evaluate the influence of their education on these attitudes and
Results: Our study included a total of 181 participants from the University of Split School of
Medicine. This cohort consisted of 99 (54.7%) medical students, 51 (28.2%) pharmacy
students, and 31 (17.1%) dental medicine students. In general, students exhibited favorable
attitudes towards vaccines and vaccination. However, statistically significant differences were
found between higher-year and lower-year students. For example, 14.2% of lower-year students
agreed with the statement that people receive too many vaccines, compared to 4.9% of higheryear students (p=0.009). Additionally, 46.5% of lower-year students believed that vaccines are
important to stay healthy as future healthcare professionals, in contrast to 69.5% of higher-year
students (p=0.001). Attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine were generally positive but more
mixed, with greater skepticism and hesitancy compared to traditional vaccines.
Conclusion: Students enrolled at the University of Split School of Medicine generally held
positive attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination. Notably, higher-year students tended to
exhibit more favorable attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination compared to their lower-year
counterparts. These findings suggest the potential need to expand the current curriculum to
encompass topics related to vaccine hesitancy concerning COVID-19. |