Title Izražaj profibrotičkih biljega u vezivnom tkivu oboljelih od sindroma karpalnog tunela i Dupuytrenove kontrakture
Title (english) Expression of profibrotic markers in the connective tissue of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome and Dupuytren's disease
Author Ivo Tripković
Mentor Snježana Mardešić (mentor)
Committee member Zenon Pogorelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Snježana Tomić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Violeta Šoljić (član povjerenstva) VIAF: 305752385
Granter University of Split School of Medicine Split
Defense date and country 2024-06-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences Cytology, Histology and Embryology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 611 - Anatomy
Abstract Uvod: Sindrom karpalnog tunela (CTS) je najčešća vrsta kompresivne neuropatije na ljudskom tijelu, manifestirajući se kroz ispade u inervacijskom području medijanog živca. Dupuytrenova kontraktura (DD) je bolest karakterizirana kroničnom progresivnom fibrozom palmarne fascije koja dovodi do nastanka fleksijskih deformiteta prstiju. Precizan molekularni mehanizam fibroze u CTS-u i DD-i je nejasan, a do sada su istraženi samo određeni profibrotični čimbenici. Cilj ove disertacije je ispitati
... More izražaj molekula povezanih sa signalnim putem receptora fibroblastnih čimbenika rasta (FGFR) u palmarnim tkivima ispitanika s CTS-om i DD-om. Materijali i metode: U ovom presječnom istraživanju korišteni su uzorci tkiva palmarne fascije i fleksornog retinakuluma 15 ispitanika s CTS-om te makroskopski izmijenjene i neizmijenjene palmarne fascije 15 ispitanika s DD-om. Na uzorcima je provedeno bojenje hematoksilinom i eozinom i trikromno bojenje po Malloryju u svrhu morfološke analize te imunofluorescencijsko bojenje na biljeg proliferacije Ki-67, FGFR1, FGFR2, čimbenik rasta vezivnog tkiva (CTGF), transformirajući čimbenik rasta β (TGF-β) i sindekan-1. Izražaj navedenih čimbenika kvantificirao se brojenjem pozitivnih stanica u krvnim žilama, vezivnom tkivu i žlijezdama znojnicama ispitivanih uzoraka. Provedena je i analiza kvantitativnom reakcijom lančane polimeraze za odrediti izražaj FGFR1 i FGFR2 gena na istim tkivima. Rezultati: Promjene u gustoći kolagenih vlakana prisutne su u makroskopski neizmijenjenim palmarnim fascijama ispitanika s DD-om. Proliferacija stanica krvnih žila i okolnog vezivnog tkiva povećana je u uzorcima palmarne fascije ispitanika s DD-om u usporedbi s zdravom palmarnom fascijom. Značajne razlike u izražaju FGFR1-a, FGFR2-a i CTGF-a primijećene su u stijenkama krvnih žila i okolnim stanicama vezivnog tkiva u analiziranim skupinama, s promijenjenim izražajem čak i u makroskopskim neizmijenjenim tkivima ispitanika s DD-om. U ekrinim žlijezdama znojnicama ispitanika s DD-om pronašli smo promijenjen izražaj FGFR1-a, FGFR2-a, CTGF-a, TGF-β-a i sindekana-1. Izražaj ispitivanih čimbenika općenito je veći u uzorcima makroskopski neizmijenjene palmarne fascije u usporedbi s izmijenjenom fascijom ispitanika s DD-om. Nisu pronađene značajne razlike u izražaju glasničke ribonukleinske kiseline za FGFR1 i FGFR2 gene među analiziranim skupinama uzoraka. Zaključci: Pojačan izražaj profibrotičnih čimbenika u makroskopski neizmijenjenoj palmarnoj fasciji ispitanika s DD-om nalaže potrebu za opsežnijom ekscizijom tijekom kirurškog liječenja, a ispitivani čimbenici mogu poslužiti kao potencijalne mete za razvoj farmakoloških terapijskih strategija usmjerenih na fibrozu povezanu s CTS-om i DD-om. Ekrine žlijezde znojnice imaju potencijalnu ulogu u patofiziologiji DD-e. Less
Abstract (english) Introduction: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common type of compressive neuropathy in the human body, manifesting itself through dysfunction in the innervation area of the median nerve. Dupuytren's disease (DD) is a condition characterized by chronic progressive fibrosis of the palmar fascia that leads to flexion deformities of the fingers. The precise molecular mechanism of fibrosis in CTS and DD is unclear, and only certain profibrotic factors have been investigated so far.
... More The aim of this dissertation is to examine the expression of molecules related to the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) signaling pathway in the palmar tissues of patients with CTS and DD. Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study tissue samples of the palmar fascia and flexor retinaculum of 15 patients with CTS and macroscopically affected and unaffected palmar fascia of 15 patients with DD were used. The samples were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Mallory trichrome staining for the purpose of morphological analysis, and immunofluorescence staining for the proliferation marker Ki-67, FGFR1, FGFR2, connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) and syndecan-1. The expression of the mentioned factors was quantified by counting positive cells in the blood vessels, connective tissue and sweat glands of the tested samples. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis was also performed to determine the expression of FGFR1 and FGFR2 genes on the same tissues. Results: Changes in the density of collagen fibers are present in the macroscopically unaffected palmar fascia of patients with DD. Cell proliferation of blood vessels and surrounding connective tissue was increased in palmar fascia samples from subjects with DD compared to healthy palmar fascia. Significant differences in the expression of FGFR1, FGFR2 and CTGF were observed in blood vessel walls and surrounding connective tissue cells in the analyzed groups, with altered expression even in macroscopically unaffected tissues of patients with DD. In the eccrine sweat glands of patients with DD, we found altered expression of FGFR1, FGFR2, CTGF, TGF-β and syndecan-1. The expression of the investigated factors is generally higher in samples of macroscopically unaffected palmar fascia compared to the affected fascia of patients with DD. No significant differences were found in the expression of messenger ribonucleic acid for FGFR1 and FGFR2 genes among the sample groups analyzed. Conclusions: Increased expression of profibrotic factors in the macroscopically unaffected palmar fascia of patients with DD dictates the need for more extensive excision during surgical treatment and the investigated factors can serve as potential targets for the development of pharmacological therapeutic strategies aimed at fibrosis associated with CTS and DD. Eccrine sweat glands have a potential role in the pathophysiology of DD. Less
sindrom karpalnog tunela
Dupuytrenova kontraktura
Keywords (english)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Dupuytren Contracture
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:790335
Study programme Title: Evidence-Based Clinical Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-06-04 08:09:01