Title Expression of inversin and DVL-1 in the liver of yotari (Dab1-/-) and wild-type mice
Title (croatian) Ekspresija inversina i DVL-1 u jetri yotari (Dab1-/-) i divljeg tipa miša
Author Vanessa Elena Preid Galešić
Mentor Katarina Vukojević (mentor)
Committee member Snježana Mardešić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tatijana Zemunik (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalija Filipović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine Split
Defense date and country 2024-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences Cytology, Histology and Embryology
Abstract Objectives: Invs and DVL-1 expression patterns in the liver of yot (Dab1-/-) mice are
the focus of this study, which attempts to clarify their possible roles in the pathophysiology of
hepatic abnormalities linked to the Dab1 loss. This study aims to advance knowledge of the
molecular processes that underlie the emergence of hepatic dysfunction in the context of Dab1
disruption, elucidating possible ramifications for hepatic physiology and associated treatment
Materials and
... More methods: Homozygous Dab1−/− yot mutant mice, who have an
autosomal recessive mutation of the Dab1 gene, and C57BL/6N wild-type mice were used. The
gravid mice were sacrificed on embryonic days 13.5 and 15.5 in order to obtain their embryos
and their tissue was fixed and stained using immunofluorescence antibodies for Inversin and
Dvl-1 proteins. The groups were analysed using a two-way ANOVA test.
Results: The findings revealed distinct positive expression patterns, differing in
intensity, distribution, and quantity. In wild-type mice, the percentage of Invs-positive cells
increased from gestation day E13.5 to E15.5, while it decreased in yot mice over the same
period. Specifically, at E13.5, Invs expression was significantly higher in yot mice compared
to wild-type mice but dropped significantly by E15.5. In contrast, Dvl-1 expression patterns
showed minimal variation between the two phenotypes at both time points, with generally
higher percentages of Dvl-1 positive cells in wild-type mice. Over the period from E13.5 to
E15.5, wild-type mice exhibited a decreasing trend in Dvl-1 positive cells, whereas yot mice
showed an increasing trend.
Conclusion: Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining indicates no significant liver
morphology differences between control and yot mutants, while Inversin expression increases
in wild-types and decreases in yot mutants from E13.5 to E15.5, with yot mutants showing
higher Invs expression at E13.5 but a significant decline by E15.5. Conversely, Dvl-1 positive
cells decrease in wild-types and increase in yot mutants, with Invs and Dvl-1 co-expressed in
hepatocytes, suggesting interaction in liver development and potential compensatory
mechanisms. Less
Abstract (croatian) Ciljevi: Obrasci ekspresije Invs i Dvl-1 u jetri yot (Dab1-/-) miševa fokus su ove studije, koja
pokušava razjasniti njihove moguće uloge u patofiziologiji jetrenih abnormalnosti povezanih s
gubitkom Dab1. Ova studija ima cilj unaprijediti znanje o molekularnim procesima koji su u
osnovi pojave jetrene disfunkcije u kontekstu poremećaja Dab1, razjašnjavajući moguće
posljedice za jetrenu fiziologiju i povezane pristupe liječenju.
Materijali I metode: Korišteni su homozigotni miševi
... More Dab1−/− yot mutanti, koji imaju
autosomno recesivnu mutaciju gena Dab1, i C57BL/6N miševi divljeg tipa. Gravidni miševi
žrtvovani su embrionalnih dana 13,5 i 15,5 kako bi se dobili njihovi embriji, a njihovo tkivo je
fiksirano i obojeno upotrebom imunofluorescentnih antitijela za proteine Inversin i Dvl-1.
Skupine su analizirane pomoću dvosmjernog ANOVA testa.
Rezultati: Nalazi su otkrili različite pozitivne obrasce ekspresije, koji se razlikuju po
intenzitetu, distribuciji i količini. Kod miševa divljeg tipa, postotak Invs-pozitivnih stanica
porastao je od dana gestacije E13.5 do E15.5, dok se smanjio kod Yot miševa tijekom istog
razdoblja. Konkretno, na E13.5, ekspresija Invs bila je značajno viša kod Yot miševa u
usporedbi s miševima divljeg tipa, ali je značajno pala za E15.5. Nasuprot tome, obrasci
ekspresije Dvl-1 pokazali su minimalnu varijaciju između dva fenotipa u obje vremenske točke,
s općenito višim postocima Dvl-1 pozitivnih stanica u miševa divljeg tipa. Tijekom razdoblja
od E13.5 do E15.5, miševi divljeg tipa pokazali su trend smanjenja Dvl-1 pozitivnih stanica,
dok su miševi yot pokazali trend povećanja.
Zaključci: Bojanje hematoksilinom i eozinom (H&E) ukazuje da nema značajnih razlika u
morfologiji jetre između kontrolnih i yot mutanata, dok se ekspresija Inversina povećava u
divljim tipovima i smanjuje u yot mutantima s E13.5 na E15.5, pri čemu yot mutanti pokazuju
veću ekspresiju Invs na E13 .5 ali značajan pad za E15.5. Nasuprot tome, Dvl-1 pozitivnih
stanica smanjuje se u divljim tipovima i povećava u yot mutantima, s Invs i Dvl-1 koeksprimiranim
u hepatocitima, što ukazuje na interakciju u razvoju jetre i potencijalne
kompenzacijske mehanizme. Less
Dishevelled Proteins
Keywords (croatian)
DVL proteini
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:093142
Project Number: IP-2022-10-8720 Title: Genetska dijagnostika malformacija bubrega i mokraćnog sustava Title: Genetic diagnosis of kidney and urinary tract malformations Acronym: NEPHROGEN Leader: Katarina Vukojević Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: Hrvatska zaklada za znanost Funding stream: Research Projects
Study programme Title: Medical Studies in English Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2024-07-10
Terms of use
Created on 2024-07-05 08:03:44