Title Alkoholiziranost u prometnim nesrećama u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji od 2001. do 2011. godine
Title (english) Alcohol in traffic accidents in Split-Dalmatia County in the period from 2001 to 2011 year
Author Antonia Šćepanović
Mentor Davorka Sutlović (mentor)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine Split
Defense date and country 2012, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Public Health
Abstract Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi udio alkoholiziranih među smrtno stradalim vozačima,
suvozačima/putnicima, pješacima i biciklistima na području Splitsko-dalmatinske županije u
vremenskom razdoblju od 2001. do 2011. godine te ih usporediti s rezultatima sličnih
istraživanja iz drugih zemalja. Također je cilj bio utvrditi udio alkoholiziranih s obzirom na
spol, dob, godišnje doba i dan u tjednu u svakoj skupini kako bi se provele ciljane mjere za
smanjenje alkoholiziranosti, a time i prometnih
... More nesreća sa smrtnim ishodom.
Ustroj istraživanja: Studija je provedena kao presječna studija podataka dobivenih iz
pismohrane Kliničkog odjela za sudsku medicinu.
Mjesto istraživanja: Istraživanje je provedeno na Odjelu za sudsku medicinu Zavoda za
patologiju, sudsku medicinu i citologiju KBC-a Split.
Sudionici: U istraživanje je uključeno 487 ispitanika smrtno stradalih u prometnim nesrećama
na području Splitsko-dalmatinske županije u vremenskom razdoblju od 8. srpnja 2001. do 27.
kolovoza 2011. godine.
Glavne mjere ishoda: Alkoholiziranost u prometnim nesrećama s obzirom na vrstu sudionika
u prometu te alkoholiziranost s obzirom na spol, dob, godišnje doba i dan u tjednu kada su
Rezultati: U razdoblju od 2001. do 2011. godine u prometnim nesrećama najveći broj smrtno
stradalih čine vozači (57,8%). U skupini vozača značajno češće stradaju osobe muškog spola
(P˳0,001), i životne dobi 18-25 godina (Pı0,001). Ukupno 53,8% vozača je u trenutku smrti
bilo alkoholizirano (P=0,254). Najveći udio alkoholiziranih je bio u dobi 18-25 i 36-45
godina (P˳0,05). Značajno više vozača je smrtno stradalo ljeti (P=0,002) kada je 57,7%
vozača bilo alkoholizirano (P=0,191) i u ponedjeljak (P=0,004) kada ih je 66% bilo
alkoholizirano (P=0,034). Među suvozačima/putnicima značajno češće smrtno stradaju
suvozači/putnici u automobilu (P˳0,001). Nešto češće stradaju žene (50,5%). Najviše smrtno
stradalih je bilo u dobnoj skupini 18-25 godina, (P=0,0006). Ukupno je 50% suvozača bilo
alkoholizirano. Najveći udio alkoholiziranih je bio u dobnoj skupini 18-25 godina (66,6%).
Najveći broj suvozača/putnika je smrtno stradao ljeti (P=0,04) kada je 40% vozača bilo
alkoholizirano. U skupini pješaka značajno češće smrtno stradaju osobe muškog spola
(P=0,0001) i dobi 46 godina (P˳0,001). Ukupno 40,3% pješaka je bilo alkoholizirano.
Najviše pješaka je smrtno stradalo ponedjeljkom i zimi (P=0,717), kada je 50% bilo pod
utjecajem alkohola. U skupini biciklista svi smrtno stradali su bili muškog spola. Ukupno je
50% biciklista bilo pod utjecajem alkohola.
Zaključci: U skupini vozača, pješaka i biciklista značajno češće smrtno stradaju muškarci, a u
skupini suvozača/putnika češće stradaju žene. Među vozačima i suvozačima/putnicima
značajno češće smrtno stradaju osobe dobi 18-25 godina, a među pješacima i biciklistima
osobe dobi 46 godina. U skupini vozača, suvozača/putnika i biciklista bilo je više
alkoholiziranih, dok je u skupini pješaka bilo više nealkoholiziranih u trenutku smrti. U
skupini vozača, suvozača/putnika i pješaka najviše alkoholiziranih je bilo među mladima, a u
skupini biciklista među starijima. U skupini suvozača/putnika, pješaka i biciklista veći udio
muškaraca je bio alkoholiziran u trenutku smrti, dok žene nisu, a u skupini vozača i među
ženama i među muškarcima veći udio je bio alkoholiziran u trenutku smrti. Less
Abstract (english) Objective: To determine the proportion of alcohol intoxicated drivers, occupants/passengers,
pedestrians and bicyclists among persons died in traffic accidents in Split-Dalmatia County in
the period from 2001 to 2011 and to compare that with the results of similar studies from
other countries. It also aimed to determine the proportion of alcohol intoxicated persons in
each group considering the gender, age, season of the year and the day of the week in order to
implement target measures
... More to reduce alcohol and fatal road accidents.
Design: The research was conducted as an intersection study based on data of the Department
of the Forensic Medicine.
Setting: The study was conducted at the Department of Forensic Medicine, Institute of
Pathology, Cytology and Forensic Medicine, Clinical Hospital Split.
Participants: The study included 487 subjects died in traffic accidents in Split-Dalmatia
County in the period from 8 July 2001 to 27 August 2011 year.
Main outcome measures: The proportion of alcohol intoxicated persons in traffic accidents
due to the type of traffic participants and their gender, age, season of the year and day of the
week when they died.
Results: In the period from 2001 to 2011 year the largest number of fatally injured
respondents were drivers. In the group of drivers significantly more men died in the observed
period (P˳0,001). About 53,8% drivers were alcohol intoxicated at the time of death
(P=0,254). The largest number of fatalities was in the group from age 18 to 25 years old
(P˳0,001). Alcohol intoxicated drivers mostly were in the group from age 18 to 25 years old
and from age 26 to 35 years old (Pı0,05). Significantly more drivers died in summer
(P=0,0002) when 57,7% drivers were under the influence of alcohol and on Monday when
66% were under the influnece of alcohol. Among the occupants/passengers significantly more
died occupants/passengers were in personal vehicles (P˳0,001). Women died more often.
Most fatalities were in the group from age 18 to 25 years old. About 50%
occupants/passengers were under the influence of alcohol. They were mostly in group from
age 18 to 25 years old (P=0,0006). The largest number died in summer (P=0,04), when 40%
were intoxicated with alcohol. In the group of pedestrians more men died (P=0,0001) and
mostly in the age of
46 (Pı0,001). About 40,3% were under the influence of alcohol when
they died. Most pedestrians died in winter (P=0,717) when 50% were alcohol intoxicated and
on Monday. In the group of bicyclists significantly more men died in the observed period.
About 50% were under the influence of alcohol.
Conclusions: Male drivers, pedestrians and byciclists significantly more likely die than
female. In the group of occupants/passengers female more likely die. Among
occupants/passengers and drivers significantly more fatally injured were persons in the group
age of 18 to 25 years old, while in the group of pedestrians and bicyclists significantly number
of fatally injured persons were in the group age of 46 years. In the group of drivers,
occupants/passengers and pedestrians the largest number of alcohol intoxicated were among
young persons, while in a group of bicylists the largest number were among old persons. In
the group of occupants/passengers, pedestrians and biciclysts the greater proportion of males
were under the influence of alcohol, while females weren't. In the group of drivers the greater
proportion of male and female respondents were intoxicated with alcohol at the time of death. Less
Prometne nesreće
Sudska medicina
Keywords (english)
Accidents Traffic
Forensic Medicine
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:797272
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2016-05-18 12:56:06