Abstract | Cilj: Glavni cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi utječe li poboljšanje cestovne infrastrukture u gradu Splitu na smanjenje smrtnosti, uspoređujući petogodišnje razdoblje prije i nakon renovacije.
Materijali i metode: Rad je organiziran kao presječno istraživanje. Podaci su dobiveni od Policijske uprave Splitsko-dalmatinske županije i Prometne policije grada Splita. U istraživanje su uključeni svi poginuli u prometnim nesrećama u gradu Splitu od početka 2004. do kraja 2016. godine, s isključenjem 2009., 2010. i 2011. godine, kao godine kad se odvijala renovacija. Poginuli su razvrstani po dobi, spolu, svojstvu u prometnoj nesreći, odgovornosti te ulici u kojoj se prometna nesreća dogodila. Podaci su obrađeni metodom deskriptivne statistike i prikazani grafički.
Rezultati: Na području grada Splita u dva petogodišnja razdoblja ukupno je poginulo 65 osoba. U prvom razdoblju poginulo je 47, u drugom razdoblju 18 osoba. Ukupno je stradalo 48 muškaraca i 17 žena (36 muškaraca i 11 žena prije, te 11 muškaraca i 6 žena nakon renovacije). U oba razdoblja najčešće su stradavali pješaci (16 u prvom 8 u drugom razdoblju), zatim vozači motocikla (15 u prvom, 7 u drugom razdoblju). Muškarci su najviše stradavali kao vozači motocikla, a žene kao pješakinje. S obzirom na dob, najčešće su stradavali stariji od 60 godina. S obzirom na odgovornost, u oba razdoblja su najviše stradavali ljudi koji nisu bili odgovorni za prometnu nesreću u kojoj su poginuli. Muškarci su češće bili odgovorni za prometne nesreće, a među počiniteljima najviše stradalih ima vozača motocikla. U prvom razdoblju najviše prometnih nesreća se dogodilo u Ulici Domovinskog rata (9 smrtnih slučajeva), zatim Dubrovačka ulica, Poljička cesta, Ulica Bruna Bušića, Ulica kralja Stjepana Držislava (s četiri) te Velebitska ulica i Ulica Sedam Kaštela s po tri smrtna slučaja. Nakon rekonstrukcije uočen je značajan pad u svim ulicama, osim u Velebitskoj ulici (tri smrtna slučaja).
Zaključak: Unaprijeđenje cestovne infrastrukture pozitivno utječe na smanjenje smrtnosti u gradu Splitu. Ukupan broj se značajno smanjio, međutim uzorak najčešće poginulih je isti (muškarci, pješaci, vozači motocikla, stariji od 60 godina). |
Abstract (english) | Objective: The main objective of this paper was to determine wheter or not the improvement of traffic infrastructure in the city of Split has any influence on the decrease of death in traffic accidents, comparing a five years period before and after the renovation. Materials and methods: This work was organised as a cross-sectional research. The data was given by the Split-Dalmatian county Police department and the Traffic police of Split. The research included all those killed in traffic accidents in the city of Split from the beginning of 2004 to the end of 2016, with the exclusion of 2009, 2010 and 2011 as the year when the renovation was taking place. The deaths were sorted by age, sex, role and responsibility in the crash, and the street where the traffic accident occurred. The data were processed using the descriptive statistics method and presented graphically.
Results: In the area of Split, in two five-year periods 65 persons died in traffic accidents. In the first period, 47 died, while in the second period 18 people died. A total of 48 men and 17 women (36 men and 11 women before, 11 men and 6 women after the renovation) died. In both periods the most common role killed in accidents were pedestrians (16 in the first 8 in the second period), then motorcycle drivers (15 in the first, 7 in the second period). Men were most affected as motorcycle riders, and women as pedestrians. In terms of age, older than 60 were most common. With regard to responsibility, the people who were not responsible for the traffic accident in which they were killed were most affected in both periods. Men were more likely to be responsible for traffic accidents, and among the perpetrators most affected were motorcycle drivers. In the first period, most traffic accidents occurred in the Street Domovinskog Rata (9 deaths), then Dubrovačka Street, Poljička road, Street Bruno Bušić, Street kralja Stjepana Držislava (four) and Velebitska Street and Street Seven Kaštela with three deaths. After the reconstruction, a significant decline was noted in all streets, except in Velebitska Street (three deaths).
Conclusion: The improvement of road infrastructure positively affects the reduction of mortality in the city of Split. The total number has dropped significantly, but the sample of the most commonly killed is the same (men, pedestrians, motorcycle riders, older than 60). |