Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost između tjelesne aktivnosti i razine općeg stresa u studenata medicine, dentalne medicine i farmacije Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu.
Materijali i metode: Presječno istraživanje obuhvatilo je 902 studenta Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Split, s visokim postotkom odaziva od 79,7%. U istraživanje su uključeni studenti medicine na hrvatskom jeziku (N=380), studenti medicine na engleskom jeziku (N=123), studenti dentalne medicine (N=161) i studenti farmacije (N=106) tijekom svibnja i lipnja 2018. godine. Kako bismo ispitali tjelesnu aktivnost studenata, koristili smo Međunarodni upitnik o tjelesnoj aktivnosti, kratku verziju (engl. International Physical Activity Questionnaire - Short Form, IPAQ-SF). Pitanja su se odnosila na tjelesnu aktivnost u posljednjih 7 dana u trajanju od najmanje 10 minuta, a cilj je bio procijeniti intenzivnu tjelesnu aktivnost, umjerenu tjelesnu aktivnost i hodanje. Za procjenu razine stresa koristili smo PSS upitnik (Perceived Stress Scale). Upitnik se sastoji od 10 pitanja i ispituju se osjećaji i misli ispitanika u posljednjih mjesec dana. Ispitanici su podijeljeni u skupine prema studijskom programu (medicina na hrvatskom jeziku, medicina na engleskom jeziku, dentalna medicina i farmacija), spolu (studenti i studentice) i prema godinama studija (pretkliničke i kliničke studijske godine). U analizi podataka korišten je hi-kvadrat test, Mann-Whitney U test i Kruskal-Wallis test te Spearman-ov test korelacije.
Rezultati: Studenti koji su imali visoku razinu tjelesne aktivnosti imali su nižu razinu doživljenog stresa (69% nasuprot 51% u studenata s niskom razinom tjelesne aktivnosti). Statistički značajna negativna korelacija dobivena je za razinu percepcije stresa i MET-minute intenzivne (r=-0,144, P<0,001) i ukupne tjelesne aktivnosti (r=-0,128, P<0,001). Studenti su imali višu razinu tjelesne aktivnosti u odnosu na studentice, pri čemu se 63,6% studenata bavilo visokom razinom tjelesne aktivnosti, dok je kod studentica taj postotak iznosio 51,3%. Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike u razini tjelesne aktivnosti u odnosu na studijski program (P=0,215) i godine studija (P=0,267). Statistički značajna razlika s obzirom na studijski program pronađena je za intenzivnu tjelesnu aktivnost izraženu u MET-minutama na tjedan (P=0,003), ali ne i za umjerenu tjelesnu aktivnost (P=0,420) i hodanje (P=0,358). Nije bilo razlike u razini doživljenog stresa u odnosu na studijski program (P=0,522). Studenti su u manjem postotku doživljavali visoku razinu stresa u odnosu prema studenticama (21,2% nasuprot 39%). Pokazana je statistički značajna razlika u percepciji stresa u odnosu na godine studija (P=0,006), pri čemu su studenti viših godina imali nižu razinu stresa.
Zaključak: U ovom istraživanju potvrđena je povezanost između razine tjelesne aktivnosti i doživljaja stresa u studenata medicine, dentalne medicine i farmacije, na način da je visoka razina tjelesne aktivnosti bila povezana s nižom razinom doživljavanja stresnih podražaja. Ovaj rezultat bi se trebao iskoristiti za motivaciju studenata na postizanje više razine tjelesne aktivnosti. |
Abstract (english) | Objective: The aim of the study was to examine the association between physical activity and the level of general stress in medical students, dental medicine and pharmacy students at the University of Split, School of Medicine.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 902 students at the University of Split Medical School, with a high response rate (79.7%). The study included 380 medical students in Croatian studies, 123 medical students in English studies, 161 dental medicine students and 106 pharmacy students during May and June 2018. In order to examine the physical activity of students, we used the International Physical Activity Questionnaire - Short Form (IPAQ-SF). The questions related to physical activity in the last 7 days lasting for at least 10 minutes, separately assessing intense level of physical activity, moderate physical activity and walking. To assess stress levels, we used the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 10 questions and examines the feelings and thoughts in the last month. Subjects were divided into groups according to the study program (medicine in Croatian language, English medicine, dental medicine and pharmacy), sex and years of study (pre-clinical and clinical studies). We used chi-square test, Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test, and Spearman's correlation test in data analysis.
Results: Students with a high level of physical activity more frequently reported lower level of stress (69% vs. 51% in low-level physical activity students). Statistically significant negative correlation was obtained for the level of stress perception and the MET-minutes for intensive physical activity (r=-0.144, P<0.001) and total physical activity (r=-0.128, P<0.001). Male students reported higher level of physical activity than female students (63.6% vs 51.3%). There was no statistically significant difference in the level of physical activity according to the study program (P=0.215) and the study year group (P=0.267). A statistically significant difference according to the study program was found for intensive physical activity expressed in MET-minutes per week (P=0.003), but not for moderate physical activity level (P=0.420) and walking (P=0.358). There was no difference in the level of perceived stress according to the study program (P=0.522). Male students less frequently reported high level of stress compared to female students (21.2% versus 39%). There was a statistically significant difference in perception of stress compared to the years of study (P=0.006), with students in their later, clinical study years reported lower perceived stress levels.
Conclusion: We confirmed the association between the level of physical activity and stress experience in medical students, dental medicine and pharmacy students, and high level of physical activity was associated with a lower level of perceived stress. This result should be used to motivate students to achieve higher levels of physical activity. |