Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj dobi i spola na kognitivne i psihomotorne sposobnosti ispitane testovima CRD serije.
Materijali i metode: U ovom istraživanju sudjelovao je ukupno 3421 ispitanik, od čega 1427 muškaraca (prosječne dobi 30, s rasponom od 18 do 88 godina) i 1994 žena (prosječne dobi 22, s rasponom od 18 do 84 godine). Ispitanici su rješavali tri reprezentativna testa CRD serije koji se temelje na kronometriji, i to od najjednostavnijih do najsloženijih: CRD311 (test diskriminacije položaja svjetlosnog signala), CRD411 (test kompleksne psihomotorne koordinacije) i CRD11 (test rješavanja jednostavnih aritmetičkih operacija). Od rezultata postignutim na testovima analizirani su ukupno vrijeme rješavanja testa (UKT), najkraće vrijeme rješavanja jednog zadatka (MinT), broj pogrešaka na testu, početna disocijacija (D1), te početni (SB), završni (ZB) i ukupni (UB) balasti koji su predstavljali izgubljeno vrijeme u prvoj i drugoj polovici testa te ukupno izgubljeno vrijeme.
Rezultati: Na testu CRD11 muškarci su imali statistički značajno kraće UKT od žena (134,47 ± 56,43 vs. 139,17 ± 57,60 s, P = 0,021), kraći početni, završni i ukupni balast (P <0,001), te manje pogrešaka nego žene (2,86 ± 2,61 vs. 3,46 ± 3,33, P < 0,001). Na testu CRD311 žene su imale značajno kraći UKT (33,15 ± 7,73 vs. 33,76 ± 8,88 s, P = 0,033), te kraći početni, završni i ukupni balast (P < 0,001) od muškaraca. Na testu CRD411 muškarci su bili bolji od žena u svim mjerenim varijablama. MinT na testu CRD411 bio je 0,49 ± 0,17 s u muškaraca, dok je u žena bio 0,53 ± 0,20 s (P < 0,001). Također, muškarcima je UKT bio prosječno 40,43 ± 23,29 s, a ženama 46,33 ± 32,17 s (P < 0,001) i imali su manje pogrešaka od žena (11,26 ± 10,44 vs. 13,01 ± 12,09, P < 0,001). Na testu CRD11 postojala je korelacija između MinT i dobi (r = 0,758, P < 0,001) i između UKT i dobi (r = 0,696, P < 0,001). Zatim na testu CRD311 postojala je pozitivna korelacija između MinT i dobi (r = 0,699, P < 0,001) te UKT i dobi (r = 0,770, P < 0,001). Također i na testu CRD411 pronađena je pozitivna korelacija između MinT i dobi (r = 0,706, P < 0,001) te UKT i dobi (r = 0,661, P < 0,001). Na sva tri korištena testa CRD serije postojalo je statistički značajno povećanje D1, SB i ZB s dobi (P < 0,001).
Zaključak: Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su da muškarci imaju bolje rezultate od žena na testovima jednostavnih aritmetičkih operacija i kompleksne psihomotorne koordinacije, a žene bolje rezultate od muškaraca na testu diskriminacije svjetlosnog signala. Za utjecaj dobi pokazano je da osobe starije životne dobi imaju lošije kognitivne i psihomotorne sposobnosti ispitane testovima CRD serije u odnosu na mlađu populaciju. |
Abstract (english) | Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the influence of age and gender on cognitive and psychomotor abilities measured by tests of the CRD series.
Material and methods: A total of 3421 subjects participated in this study, of which 1427 men (median age 30, ranging from 18 to 88 years) and 1994 women (median age 22, ranging from 18 to 84 years). Subjects solved three representative CRD series tests based on chronometry, from the simplest to the most complex one: CRD311 (discrimination of the light signal position), CRD411 (complex psychomotor coordination), and CRD11 (simple arithmetic operations). The total test solving time (UKT), the minimum single task solving time (MinT), the number of errors, initial dissociation (D1), and start (SB), end (ZB), and total (UB) ballasts that represented the lost time in the first and second half of the test, and the total lost time were analyzed.
Results: On the CRD11 test, men had significantly shorter UKT than women (134.47 ± 56.43 vs. 139.17 ± 57.60 s, P = 0.021), shorter start, end and total ballasts (P <0.001), and less errors than women (2.86 ± 2.61 vs. 3.46 ± 3.33, P <0.001). On the CRD311 test women had significantly shorter UKT (33.15 ± 7.73 vs 33.76 ± 8.88 s, P = 0.033), shorter start, end, and total ballasts (P <0.001) than men. On the CRD411 test, men were better than women in all measured variables. MinT on the CRD411 test was 0.49 ± 0.17 s in men, while it was 0.53 ± 0.20 s (P <0.001) in women. Also, UKT was 40.43 ± 23.29 s in men, and 46.33 ± 32.17 s in women (P <0.001) and men had fewer errors than women (11.26 ± 10.44 vs. 13.01 ± 12.09, P <0.001). On the CRD11 test there were positive correlations between MinT and age (r = 0.758, P <0.001) and between UKT and age (r = 0.696, P <0.001). There were positive correlations between MinT and age (r = 0.699, P <0.001) and the UKT and age (r = 0.770, P <0.001) on the CRD311 test. Also, positive correlations between MinT and age (r = 0.706, P <0.001) and UKT and age (r = 0.661, P <0.001) were found on CRD411 test. On all three CRD tests used, there were statistically significant increases of D1, SB, and ZB with age (P <0.001).
Conclusion: The results of this study have shown that men achieve better results than women on simple arithmetic and complex psychomotor coordination tests, and women achieve better results than men on the test of discrimination of light signal of the CRD series. Regarding the influence of age, it was demonstrated that older persons have poorer cognitive and psychomotor abilities measured by the tests of the CRD series, compared to the younger population. |