Abstract | Ciljevi istraživanja: Prikazati epidemiološke karakteristike pacijenata koji su zatražili pomoć liječnika fizikalne medicine u Zavodu za fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju s reumatologijom KBC- a Split.
Ispitanici i metode: Ovo prospektivno istraživanje obavljeno je u Zavodu za fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju s reumatologijom KBC- a Split s time da je uključeno 75 pacijenata koji se liječe zbog trzajne ozljede vrata te su došli na pregled u razdoblju od kolovoza 2017. do travnja 2018. godine. Podatci o epidemiološkim, kliničkim i terapijskim osobinama pacijenata liječenih od trzajne ozljede vrata prikupljeni su iz razgovora u okviru ankete, kliničkog pregleda te uvida u medicinsku dokumentaciju.
Rezultati: Skupina s trzajnom ozjedom vrata imala je 75 pacijenata od čega su bila 32 muškarca i 43 žene (43% muškaraca, 57% žena). U akutnom periodu, odnosno unutar 21 dana, javilo se 14,67% (N=11) ispitanika, dok se ostatak, 85,33% (N=64) ispitanika javio u subakutnom periodu. Medijan procjene boli pacijenata na VAS ljestvici iznosi 6, uz interkvartilni raspon od 5 do 7, dok medijan vrijednosti liječnikove procjene ozljede na VAS ljestvici iznosi 4, uz interkvartilni raspon od 3 do 6. Statistički značajna (p=0,004) je razlika liječnikove procjene na VAS ljestvici u ovisnosti o spolu u kojem su muškarci imali veću vrijednost procjene boli na VAS ljestvici boli. U prometnim nesrećama u kojima su sudjelovali, 76% ispitanika bili su vozači, a 24% suvozači. Prilikom nesreće, 96% ih je bilo vezano, a 4% nevezano. Analgetike nakon prometne nesreće uopće nije koristilo 13,33% ispitanika, povremeno ih je koristilo 64% ispitanika, dok ih je redovito koristilo 22,67% ispitanika.
Zaključak: Liječniku fizikalne medicine nakon trzajne ozljede vrata dolazi više žena nego muškaraca Pacijenti su svoj intenzitet boli na VAS ljestvici označili u višim vrijednostima, no što su njihovu bol procijenili liječnici označivanjem na istoj ocjenskoj ljestvici što ukazuje na potrebu objektivizacije VAS ocjenske ljestvice koju zapravo koriste pacijenti. Pacijenti kod liječnika fizikalne medicine najčešće dolaze u subakutnom razdoblju od trzajne ozljede vrata. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives of the research: To present the epidemiological characteristics of patients who required the help of a physical medicine physician at the Institute of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine with Rheumatology at the University Hospital of Split. Subjects and methods: This prospective study was conducted at the Institute of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine with Rheumatology, University Hospital of Split. This study included 75 patients who were being treated for a whiplash injury and came for an examination in the period of August 2017 to April 2018. Data regarding the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic characteristics of patients treated for whiplash injury were collected from a variety of sources. This included patients´ anamnesis, clinical examinations and access to medical history.
Results: The group with whiplash injury included 75 patients, of which 32 were male and 43 female (43% male, 57% female). The time frame of injury was divided into acute and subacute. The acute period of 21 days from injury consisted of 14.67% (N = 11) of patients. The subacute time frame of injury consisted of the remaining 85.33% (N = 64) of patients. The median pain assessment of patients on the VAS scale was 6, with an interquartile range of 5 to 7. The median value of physician injury assessment on the VAS scale was 4, with an interquartile range of 3 to 6. A statistical significance of (p = 0.004) in the difference in physician assessment on VAS scale depending on gender was observed in which men had a higher value of pain assessment on the VAS pain scale. In road traffic accidents, 76% of patients were drivers and remaining 24% were passengers. At the time of the accident, 96% of patients were wearing seat belt and the remaining 4% were not. Analgesics were not used in 13.33% of patients following the car accident, 64% of patients used them occasionally and 22.67% of patients used them regularly.
Conclusion: To conclude, more females than males come to a physical medicine physician following whiplash injury. Patients rated their own pain intensity on the VAS scale higher than those of which were made by physicians regarding assumption of patients´ intensity of pain by marking on the same 50 rating scale, indicating the need to objectify the VAS rating scale which is actually used solely by patients. Patients coming to see a physical medicine physician most often come within the subacute period from whiplash injury. |