@mastersthesis{ozs:1536, author = {{Caktaš, Sara}}, title = {{Uloga medicinske sestre u provođenju eras programa za operacije kolorektalnog karcinoma}}, } @mastersthesis{mefst:2170, author = {{Anso, Anna Husebo}}, title = {{Hormones FSH, LH and Inhibin B levels in adolescent treated and followed due to varicocele at pediatric surgery Split}}, } @mastersthesis{mefst:1957, author = {{Birley, Jana Ros}}, title = {{Hyponatremia – A new diagnostic marker for complicated acute appendicitis in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis}}, } @mastersthesis{mefst:1528, author = {{Berggren, Thale}}, title = {{Parental experiences and satisfaction of their child`s hospital admission undergoing surgery at the department for pediatric surgery in the University hospital of Split}}, } @mastersthesis{mefst:1502, author = {{Artuković, Leon}}, title = {{Comparison of the outcomes of testicular torsion during the COVID-19 pandemic versus the pre-pandemic period : A systematic review and meta-analysis}}, } @mastersthesis{mefst:1472, author = {{Boko, Katarina}}, title = {{Disease free interval and survival analysis after surgical treatment in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer}}, } @mastersthesis{mefst:1430, author = {{Tesch, Alexander}}, title = {{Evaluation of one day discharge after the laparoscopic appendectomy in children operated for uncomplicated appendicitis at Department of pediatric surgery, University hospital of Split}}, } @mastersthesis{mefst:1474, author = {{Tavra, Ante}}, title = {{Opravdanost incidentalne apendektomije s obzirom na patohistološki nalaz}}, } @mastersthesis{mefst:1556, author = {{Šego, Andrea}}, title = {{Utjecaj dobi dana operacijskog zahvata na poslijeoperacijske ishode bolesnika operiranih zbog mehaničke opstrukcije debelog crijeva uzrokovane karcinomom}}, } @mastersthesis{mefst:1214, author = {{Stipić, Ana}}, title = {{Fazni kut kao prediktor ranih poslijeoperacijskih komplikacija u bolesnika elektivno operiranih zbog kolorektalnog karcinoma}}, } @mastersthesis{mefst:1243, author = {{Kapitanović, Ivan}}, title = {{Učinak perioperacijske imunonutricije na nutritivni i upalni status te poslijeoperacijske ishode kod bolesnika s nemetastatskim kolorektalnim karcinomom}}, } @mastersthesis{mefst:969, author = {{Maleš, Ivan}}, title = {{Utjecaj prijeoperacijske oralne nutritivne potpore na nutritivni status pacijenata s ne-metastatskim kolorektalnim karcinomom}}, } @phdthesis{mefst:1878, author = {{Kraljević, Jasenka}}, title = {{Effect of aerobic interval training on pathological remodelling and mitochondrial dysfunction in the post-infarction failing rat heart}}, }