Sažetak | Aim: An increase in skin autofluorescence (SAF), which is used for assessing the accumulation of the advanced glycation end products (AGEs), has been found to be associated with the development of many chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between AGEs and intake of different types of beverages in a healthy population of students.
Materials and methods: We included 516 students, attending medical studies (N=219) and health studies (N=297) at the University of Split, in this cross- sectional study. Students have filled out anonymous questionnaire about their habits, including food and drinks intake and we measured AGEs in the skin of the dominant forearm using a non-invasive AGE Reader device (DiagnOptics, Groningen, Netherlands). Data were analyzed using chi-square test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test, student’s t-test and Spearman rank test.
Results: Intake of coffee was associated with a higher value of AGEs (rho=0.221, P<0.001). We found no correlation between AGEs accumulation and other types of drinks, namely tea, wine, sugar-sweetened drinks or energy drinks. Additionally, AGEs were positively correlated with age (rho=0.405, P<0.001) and BMI (rho=0.163, P<0.001), and negatively correlated with the frequency of breakfast intake (rho=-0110, P=0.015). Subjects who smoked (both active smokers and ex- smokers) had on average higher levels of AGEs in their skin compared to non- smokers (P<0.001). Students attending health studies compared to medical students displayed higher levels of AGEs (P<0.001).
Conclusion: The increase in SAF due to coffee intake might be a spurious finding of AGEs accumulation, and coffee intake should be taken into account as a confounding factor when evaluating patients with chronic diseases. Furthermore, a healthy lifestyle, with a daily breakfast intake and a lower BMI, can be recommended to reduce the AGEs accumulation in the body and improve overall health. |
Sažetak (hrvatski) | Cilj: Pokazalo se da je porast autofluorescencije kože (engl. skin autofluorescence, SAF), koji se koristi za procjenu nakupljanja krajnjih produkata glikacije (engl. advanced glycation end products, AGEs), povezan s razvojem mnogih kroničnih bolesti. Cilj ove studije bio je procijeniti povezanost između AGEs-a i unosa različitih vrsta pića u zdravoj populaciji studenata.
Materijali i metode: U ovaj presječnoj studij uključili smo 516 studenata medicine (N=219) i zdravstvenih studija (N=297) sa Sveučilišta u Splitu, a studenti su ispunili anonimni upitnik o svojim navikama, uključujući konzumaciju različitih skupina namirnica i unos različitih vrsta pića te smo izmjerili AGEs u koži dominantne podlaktice pomoću neinvazivnog AGE Reader uređaja (DiagnOptics, Groningen, Nizozemska). Podaci su analizirani uporabom hi-kvadrat testa, Mann- Whitney U testa, Kruskal-Wallisov testa, studentovog t-testa i Spearmanovog testa korelacije.
Rezultati: Unos kave bio je povezan s većom vrijednošću AGEs-a (rho=0,221; P<0,001). Nismo pronašli povezanost između nakupljanja AGEs-a i ostalih vrsta pića (čaja, vina, napitaka zaslađenih šećerom ili energetskih pića). Uz to, AGEs su bili pozitivno korelirani s dobi (rho=0,405; P<0,001) i indeksom tjelesne mase (rho= 0,163; P<0,001), a negativno su korelirali s učestalošću konzumacije doručka (rho=-0110; P=0,015). Ispitanici koji su pušili (i aktivni pušači i bivši pušači) imali su u prosjeku višu razinu AGEs-a u koži u usporedbi s nepušačima (P<0,001). Studenti zdravstvenih studija imali su u prosjeku višu razinu AGEs-a u usporedbi sa studentima medicine (P<0,001).
Zaključak: Povećanje SAF-a zbog unosa kave mogao bi biti djelomično lažan nalaz u prilog nakupljanja AGEs-a, tako da unos kave treba uzeti u obzir kao zbunjujući čimbenik prilikom kliničke procjene bolesnika s kroničnim bolestima. Nadalje, možemo preporučiti zdrav način života, uz svakodnevno doručkovanje i niži indeks tjelesne mase, kako bi se smanjilo nakupljanje AGEs-a u tijelu i općenito poboljšalo zdravlje. |