Sažetak | Cilj: Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi mogući utjecaj volumena defekta alveolarne
kosti na pojavnost boli tijekom sedam postoperativnih dana.
Ispitanici i postupci: U ovo je istraživanje uključeno 30 ispitanika kod kojih je bilo indicirano
kirurško odstranjenje vrška korijena zuba. Sve kirurške zahvate izveo je isti oralni kirurg
koristeći isti kirurški pristup. Sve pismene i usmene postoperativne upute bile su jednake za sve
ispitanike. Svaki je ispitanik prije zahvata dobio poseban upitnik pomoću kojeg je samostalno
bilježio parametre: intenzitet boli te ukupna količina uzetih analgetika prvih tjedan dana nakon
operativnog zahvata.
Rezultati: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 30 osoba sa srednjom životnom dobi od 37,00 ± 12,47
godina. BMI ispitanika pozitivno korelira sa trenutkom uzimanja prvog analgetika nakon
zahvata (R = 0,401, P = 0,028), te količinom uzetih analgetika treći dan nakon zahvata (R =
0,492, P = 0,006). PAI, volumen te visina i širina defekta alveolarne kosti nakon operacije nisu
značajno utjecali na pojavnost, intenzitet postoperativne boli i količinu konzumiranih
analgetika ni za jedno ispitivano vrijeme (P > 0,05). Postojanje fistule pozitivno korelira sa
postojanjem preoperativnih fenestracija (R = 0,552, P = 0,002), dok negativno korelira sa boli
šest sati nakon zahvata (R = -0,362, P = 0,050), trenutkom uzimanja prvog analgetika (R = -
0,390, P = 0,033) te količinom uzetih analgetika treći dan nakon zahvata (R = - 0,468, P =
0,009). Preoperativno prisutna fenestracija negativno korelira sa pojavom boli četvrti (R= -
0,368, P = 0,045), peti (R= - 0,391, P = 0,033) i šesti (R= - 0,364, P = 0,048) dan nakon
Zaključak: Najveća bol među ispitanicima je zabilježena dan nakon operacije, a najviše uzetih
analgetika na dan operacije. Ispitanici sa većim indeksom tjelesne mase konzumirali su veći
broj analgetika. Ispitanici sa preoperativnom prisutnom fistulom konzumirali su manji broj
analgetika, dok su ispitanici sa preoperativnom prisutnom fenestracijom imali manju
postoperativnu bol. Volumen defekta alveolarne kosti nakon operacije, visina i širina defekta
alveolarne kosti, spol i PAI nisu značajno utjecali na pojavnost intenzitet postoperativne boli i
količinu konzumiranih analgetika za sva ispitivana vremena. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objective: The main objective of this study was to determine the potential influence of alveolar
bone defect volume on the occurrence of pain during seven postoperative days.
Subjects and methods: This study included 30 participants who required surgical removal of
the root apex of their teeth. All surgical procedures were performed by the same oral surgeon
using the same surgical approach. All written and oral postoperative instructions were identical
for all participants. Prior to the surgical procedure, each participant received a specific
questionnaire to independently record parameters: pain intensity and the total amount of
analgesics taken during the first week after the surgical procedure.
Results: In the study, 30 participants with a mean age of 37.00 ± 12.47 years were involved.
The participants' BMI positively correlated as well as with the time of taking the first analgesic
after the surgical procedure (R = 0.401, P = 0.028) and the amount of analgesics taken on the
third day after the surgical procedure (R = 0.492, P = 0.006). PAI, volume, height, and width
of the alveolar bone defect after the operation did not significantly affect the occurrence and
intensity of postoperative pain or the amount of consumed analgesics at any investigated time
point (P > 0.05). The presence of a fistula positively correlated with the presence of
preoperative fenestrations (R = 0.552, P = 0.002), while it negatively correlated with pain six
hours after the operation (R = -0.362, P = 0.050), the time of taking the first analgesic (R = -
0.390, P = 0.033), and the amount of analgesics taken on the third day after the operation (R =
-0.468, P = 0.009). Preoperative fenestration negatively correlated with the occurrence of pain
on the fourth (R = -0.368, P = 0.045), fifth (R = -0.391, P = 0.033), and sixth (R = -0.364, P =
0.048) day after the operation.
Conclusion: The highest level of pain among the participants was recorded on the day after the
operation, with the highest amount of analgesics taken on the day of the surgical procedure.
Participants with higher body mass index consumed a greater number of analgesics. Participants
with preoperative fistula consumed a lower number of analgesics, while those with preoperative
fenestration experienced lower postoperative pain. The volume of the alveolar bone defect after
the operation, height and width of the alveolar bone defect, gender, and PAI did not significantly
affect the occurrence, intensity of postoperative pain, or the amount of consumed analgesics at
all investigated time points. |