Sažetak | Objectives: The aim of our study was to analyze if there is a difference in perinatal outcome between pregnancies with Late Preterm Birth and those with Early Term Birth.
Materials and Methods: Our study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University Hospital Split (KBC Split) of the University of Split, School of Medicine; Observed variables were age of mother in years, parity of mother, pregnancy duration in completed weeks, weight of neonate in grams, length of neonate in cm, Apgar Score (0-3; 4-7; 8-10), delivery mode (Vaginal or Cesarean Section), and size of the neonate in relation to gestational age (SGA, AGA, LGA); for statistical analysis of the data Student's t-Test was applied for numeric and normally distributed variables, and Mann-Whitney U test for numeric variables without normal distribution. For non-numeric variables Pearson Chi square test was used and alternatively Fisher exact test. The significance level was set at P < 0.05.
Results: We found no statistically significant difference between the two groups for the variables age and pH (P = 0.987 and P = 0.377 respectively); for the variables parity, weight, and length we did find results with a statistical significant difference between the groups (P = <0.020, P = <0.001, P = <0.001). Regarding the delivery mode, we did not observe any statistically significant difference between the two studied groups (P = 0.170), but we did find a statistically significant difference regarding the Apgar scores (P < 0.001) between the two groups. For the size for gestational age, in both studied groups the majority of infants were appropriate for gestational age (AGA). After using Chi-square test we found that there is no statistically relevant difference in the values of sizes for gestational ages between the two groups (P = 0.447).
Conclusion: The perinatal outcome of Late Preterm births and Early Term births does not differ significantly, since in just as many parameters there was no significant difference between the two groups as where there was a difference. A tendency towards a worse perinatal outcome of late preterm births could be described, since whenever there was a significant difference observed it was associated with worse outcomes in the Late Preterm group, especially when looking at the Apgar scores. |
Sažetak (hrvatski) | Ciljevi: Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je ispitati postoji li razlika u perinatalnom ishodu između trudnoća s kasnim prijevremenim porođajem i trudnoća s ranim porođajem.
Materijali i metode: Naše istraživanje provedeno je na Zavodu za ginekologiju i opstetriciju Sveučilišne bolnice Split (KBC Split) Sveučilišta u Splitu. Promatrane varijable bile su dob majke, paritet majki, trajanje trudnoće u navršenim tjednima, težina novorođenčeta u gramima, dužina novorođenčeta u centimetrima, Apgar test (03; 4-7; 8-10), način porođaja (vaginalno ili carski rez) te veličina novorođenčeta u odnosu na gestacijsku dob (SGA, AGA, LGA); za statističku analizu podataka upotrijebljeni su Students t-test za brojčane i normalno zastupljene varijable te Mann-Whitney U-test za brojčane varijable bez normalne raspodjele. Za nebrojčane varijable korišten je Pearson Chi-kvadrat test, a kao alternativa Fisherov egzaktni test. Utvrđena razina značajnosti iznosila je P <0,05.
Rezultati: Za varijable dobi i pH (P = 0,987 odnosno P = 0,377) nismo utvrdili statistički značajnu razliku između dviju skupina; za varijable pariteta, težine i dužine utvrdili smo statistički značajne razlike između skupina (P = <0,20, P = <0,001, P = <0,001). Kad je riječ o načinu porođaja, nismo uočili statistički značajnu razliku između dviju promatranih skupina (P = 0,170), međutim, utvrdili smo statistički značajnu razliku između dviju skupina u pogledu Apgar testa (P < 0,001). Kad je riječ o gestacijskoj dobi, većina novorođenčadi u objema promatranim skupinama bila je u skladu s gestacijskom dobi (AGA). Nakon primjene Chi-kvadrat testa utvrdili smo da između dviju skupina ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u vrijednostima veličine za gestacijsku dob (P = 0,447).
Zaključci: Između perinatalnog ishoda trudnoća s kasnim prijevremenim porođajem i trudnoća s ranim porođajem ne postoje značajne razlike s obzirom na to da je broj parametara u kojima nije uočena značajna razlika i onih u kojima jest jednak. Kod kasnog prijevremenog porođaja može se primijetiti tendencija prema lošijem perinatalnom ishodu jer je svaka uočena značajna razlika bila povezana s lošijim ishodom u skupini s kasnim prijevremenim porođajem, osobito ako se uzme u obzir Apgar test. |