Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procjeniti razinu depresije, anksioznosti i stresa roditelja čija djeca imaju rani dječji karijes, te ju usporediti s razinom depresije, anksioznosti i depresije roditelja čija djeca nemaju rani dječji karijes. Osim toga, željelo se procjeniti da li je KEP indeks djece u ovisan o psihološkom profilu roditelja.
Materijali i metode: Studija je provedna na 235 djece mlađe od 72 mjeseca starosti te njihovim roditeljima. Djeci je uzet dentalni status, a roditelji su ispunili DASS upitnik, te odgovorili osim na demografska pitanja, na ona vezana za navike pranja zubi djece, konzumaciji slatkiša, navikama posjeta doktorima dentalne medicine.
Rezultati: Rezultati Student T-testa nisu potvrdili razliku između psihološkog profila roditelja čija djeca imaju ili nemaju rani dječji karijes (P > 0,05). Multipla regresijska anliza pokazala je da su za incidenciju aktivnih karijesa kod djece ispitanika predilektorske varijable razina depresije roditelja (β = 0,289; P = 0,040), ali i razina anksioznosti (β = 0,186; P = 0,038) i stresa (β = - 0,120; P = 0,036), dok je KEP indeks djece ovisi o razini depresije izražene kod roditelja (β = -0,305; P = 0,032).
Zaključak: Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazala su da roditelji djece s većim brojem aktivnih karijesa imaju izraženu i višu razinu anksioznosti i depresije, ali manju razinu stresa.
Ključne riječi: rani dječji karijes, anksioznost, depresija, stres, DASS upitnik |
Sažetak (engleski) | Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the level of depression, anxiety, and stress of parents whose children have early childhood caries and compare it with the level of depression, anxiety, and stress of parents whose children do not have early childhood caries. Also, we wanted to assess whether the DMF (dmf) index of children depends on the psychological profile of parents.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 235 children under 72 months of age and their parents. Children's dental status was examined, and the parents completed the DASS questionnaire and responded except for demographic issues, those related to the habits of the children's teeth washing, the consumption of sweets, the habits of visiting doctors of dental medicine.
Results: The Student T-test results did not confirm the difference between the psychological profile of parents whose children have or do not have early childhood caries (P > 0.05). Multiple regression analysis showed that the incidence of active caries is in correlation with parents' level of depression (β = 0.289; P = 0.040), the level of anxiety (β = 0.186; P = 0.038) and stress (β = - 0.120; P = 0.036), while the DMF (dmf) index of children depends on the level of depression expressed by parent (β = - 0.305; P = 0.032).
Key words: early childhood caries, anxiety, depression, stress, DASS questionnaire |