
Pauline Schlüter
Objectives: To compare the self-perceived health between immigrants and natives in different EU countries within the context of the type of health care system. Subjects and methods: We used EU-SILC data on self-perceived health of natives and immigrants, not born in the EU. Additionally, we selected data from the European Statistical System for population numbers on EU inhabitants and migrants who were born out-side of the EU and also grouped EU countries according to the type of health...
COVID-19 and rheumatologic disease in Dalmatia in comparison to diabetes mellitus
COVID-19 and rheumatologic disease in Dalmatia in comparison to diabetes mellitus
Lucija Markovic
Objectives: To evaluate the clinical manifestations, course, and outcomes of COVID-19 amongst patients with RAD and DM and compare these two groups concerning SARS-CoV2 infection. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was done in the Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology and Clinic of Infectiology medicine of the University Hospital Split (KBC Split) of the University of Split. Of the 148 patients selected, 74 were diagnosed with rheumatologic disease, and 74 were...
COVID-19 u bolesnika s limfomom : posebnosti kliničke slike i liječenja
COVID-19 u bolesnika s limfomom : posebnosti kliničke slike i liječenja
Anamarija Vujević
Cilj istraživanja: Prikupiti podatke o broju hospitaliziranih od COVID-19-a i limfoma u Kliničkom bolničkom centru (KBC) Split u razdoblju od ožujka 2020. godine do lipnja 2022. godine, razvrstati bolesnike po spolu, dobnim skupinama i hematološkoj dijagnozi. Odrediti broj hospitalizacija i utjecaj spola, dobi, hematološke dijagnoze i aktivnosti bolesti na broj hospitalizacija, primjenu oksigenoterapije i ishod bolesti. Procijeniti učinak terapije, naročito rituksimaba na kliničku...
Cardiac magnetic resonance tomography : clinical data on the feasibility and validity in old and very old patients
Cardiac magnetic resonance tomography : clinical data on the feasibility and validity in old and very old patients
Laura Hartnik
Objectives: Determination if cardiac MRI is a safe diagnostic tool regarding cardiac disease in everyday clinical practice in old and very old people. Additionally, this study aims to evaluate the validity of the diagnostic data obtained in the cardiac MRI. Materials and methods: For this study, all patients over 80 years of age who received a cardiac MRI (3T Verio und 1,5T Espree, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) between February 2014 and November 2021 as part of their inpatient treatment were...
Carski rez kod teške nedonošenosti u KBC-u Split
Carski rez kod teške nedonošenosti u KBC-u Split
Matea Tramontana
CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Cilj istraživanja je istražiti učestalost dovršetka jednoplodovih nedonošenih trudnoća između 28+6/7 i 31+6/7 tjedna gestacije carskim rezom te odrediti povezanost modaliteta dovršetka trudnoće s osnovnim obilježjima majke i novorođenčadi. MATERIJALI I METODE: Istraživanje uključuje sve trudnice i novorođenčad iz prijevremenog porođaja niske gestacijske dobi (28 – 31+6/7 tjedna) u Klinici za ženske bolesti i porode KBC – a Split u razdoblju od...
Carski rez u jednoplodovih prijevremenih porođaja u KBC-u Split
Carski rez u jednoplodovih prijevremenih porođaja u KBC-u Split
Luka Vulić
Cilj istraživanja: Istražiti učestalost dovršetka jednoplodovih nedonošenih trudnoća carskim rezom. Ispitanici i metode: Istraživano razdoblje obuhvaća period od 01.01.2015.-31.12.2018. Podaci su prikupljeni su popisnom metodom iz pisanih rađaoničkih protokola Klinike za ženske bolesti i porođaje KBC-a Split. Rezultati: U promatranom razdoblju je bilo 1124 prijevremena porođaja, a od toga 922 jednoplodovih trudnoća. U istraživanom razdoblju nije bilo razlike u...
Celulitisi liječeni na Klinici za infektivne bolesti KBC Split u razdoblju 2015. - 2016. godine : epidemiologija, klinička slika i liječenje
Celulitisi liječeni na Klinici za infektivne bolesti KBC Split u razdoblju 2015. - 2016. godine : epidemiologija, klinička slika i liječenje
Ana Brnas
Ciljevi: Cilj ovog rada je bio istražiti glavne predispozicijske čimbenike bolesnika s celulitisom, istražiti koji su laboratorijski nalazi i slikovne metode najkorisniji za dijagnosticiranje celulitisa, koliko često se javljaju komplikacije u bolesnika s celulitisom te koje regije celulitis najčešće zahvaća. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje je uključeno 125 pacijenata s dijagnozom celulitisa koji su liječeni na Klinici za infektivne bolesti kliničkog bolničkog centra Split...
Chailletove međunarodne krivulje zrelosti za određivanje dentalne dobi u djece liječene na Odjelu za maksilofacijalnu kirurgiju KBC Split
Chailletove međunarodne krivulje zrelosti za određivanje dentalne dobi u djece liječene na Odjelu za maksilofacijalnu kirurgiju KBC Split
Jelena Bačić
Cilj: Potreba za određivanjem dentalne dobi javlja se u mnogim kliničkim i znanstvenim disciplinama.Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je provjeriti točnost i mogućnost primjene Chailletovih međunarodnih krivulja za određivanje dentalne dobi u djece liječene na Odjelu za maksilofacijalnu kirurgiju KBC Split u dobi od 6 do 15 godina. Materijali i metode: Korišten je uzorak panoramskih snimaka (OPT) pohranjenih na Odjelu za maksilofacijalnu kirurgiju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split....
Changes of pain intensity results with different follow-up times in randomized controlled trials of osteoarthritis : a case study of celecoxib
Changes of pain intensity results with different follow-up times in randomized controlled trials of osteoarthritis : a case study of celecoxib
Nys Siebers
Objectives: The aim of this Thesis was to conduct comprehensive analysis of efficacy data for pain in randomized controlled trial RCTs about Celecoxib in osteoarthritis (OA). The ultimate purpose of this study is to improve long-term management of pain for patients suffering from OA by guiding clinical decision making, and to create evidence that will inform design of future RCTs about OA. Material and Methods: This was a methodological study in which publicly available data from...
Characteristics and biomarkers in patients with heart failure to indicate necessity of ventilatory support
Characteristics and biomarkers in patients with heart failure to indicate necessity of ventilatory support
Erik Pinochet
Aim: The aim of this study was to try to identify differences between the characteristics and biomarkers in patients with HF. Furthermore, to explore if these differences could be used as an early indication as to whom an early application of ventilatory support would benefit the most. Methods: We did a retrospective study analyzing characteristics and biomarkers in patients with a primary diagnosis of heart failure, that were admitted to the hospitals in Firule and Križine in Split,...
Characteristics of gene editing clinical trials from public trial registries
Characteristics of gene editing clinical trials from public trial registries
Michael Zlatin
Objectives: To analyze technological and ethical aspects of studies involving modern gene editing therapies registered in public trial registries: genetic diseases targeted for gene therapy; technologies used (CRISPR, ZFN, TALEN, viral vectors); status; if modern methods for off target and on target mutations were used as part of safety assessment: transparency of the trials, based on availability of publications, results posted to registry, IPD sharing and completeness of data. ...
Characteristics of patients with preserved, mildly reduced and reduced ejection fraction heart failure treated in Split
Characteristics of patients with preserved, mildly reduced and reduced ejection fraction heart failure treated in Split
Hishaam Ashraf
Objectives: The aims and objectives of this study were to compare the baseline characteristics of patients treated for heart failure with reduced (HFrEF), mildly-reduced (HFmrEF) and preserved (HFpEF) ejection fraction according to data obtained from the Croatian registry for patients with heart failure. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study included a total of 869 patients hospitalised with heart failure of which 322 had HFpEF, 150 had HFmrEF and 397 had HFrEF. All patient ...
