Sažetak | Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the correlations between IQ test scores performed through the Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) and cognitive testing through the Complex Reactionmeter Drenovac (CRD) test battery.
Subjects and methods: From 2017-2019, 224 medical students at the University of Split School of Medicine (USSM) studying in the English and Croatian programme were recruited for this study. The IQ scores of the students were assessed using Raven’s APM where students had 30 minutes to complete 36 items of the abstract reasoning test. The computerised test of CRD-series was used for testing reaction times of light stimulus perception (CRD311), complex psychomotor limb coordination (CRD411) and solving simple arithmetic operations (CRD11). The total test solving time (TTST) and the minimum single task solving time (MinT),
were analyzed.
Results: On test of convergent thinking (CRD11), task solving times were shorter in students with a higher APM score (r = -0.48 for TTST and r = -0.44 for MinT; P < 0.001 for both tests. The light signal position discrimination test (CRD311) had shorter task solving times in correlation with a greater APM score (r = -0.30 for TTST and r = -0.33 for MinT, P < 0.001 for both variables). The test of operative thinking (CRD411) also demonstrated a negative correlation between task solving times and APM scores and with a higher APM score, task solving times were shorter (r = -0.40 for TTST and r = -0.30 for MinT, P < 0.001 for both). Men displayed a significantly shorter TTST than women on these tests; CRD11 (97.52 ± 18.82s vs. 107.69 ± 20.57s, P < 0.001), CRD311(27.13±2.17s vs. 28.13±2.46s, P = 0.002) and on CRD411 (26.93 ± 5.13s vs. 30.77±7.26s, P < 0.001).
Conclusion: This study concludes that achieving a higher APM score is associated with a greater performance on the CRD-series tests, and therefore greater cognitive abilities for convergent thinking, operative thinking and speed of perception. Men overall also were slightly better than women on these tests. |
Sažetak (hrvatski) | Ciljevi: Cilj ove studije je istražiti povezanost između inteligencije ispitane pomoću Ravenovih naprednih progresivnih matrica (APM) i kognitivnih sposobnosti ispitanih testovima Complex Reactionmeter Drenovac (CRD) serije.
Materijali i metode: Od 2017. do 2019. godine u ovom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 224 studenta medicine Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu koji studiraju na engleskom ili hrvatskom programu. Inteligencija studenata izmjerena je pomoću Ravenovih APM-a gdje su studenti tijekom 30 minuta rješavali 36 zadataka testa apstraktnog rasuđivanja. Kompjuterizirani test CRD serije korišten je za ispitivanje vremena reakcije prilikom percepcije svjetlosnih podražaja (CRD311), složene psihomotoričke koordinacije udova (CRD411) i rješavanja jednostavnih aritmetičkih operacija (CRD11). Od rezultata postignutim na testovima analizirani su ukupno vrijeme rješavanja testa (TTST) i najkraće vrijeme rješavanja jednog zadatka (MinT).
Rezultati: Na testu konvergentnog mišljenja (CRD11) vrijeme rješavanja zadataka bilo je kraće u studenata s višim APM rezultatom (r = -0,48 za TTST i r = -0,44 za MinT; P <0,001 za oba testa). Na testu razlikovanja položaja svjetlosnog signala (CRD311) vremena rješavanja zadataka su bila kraća u studenata s višim APM rezultatom (r = -0,30 za TTST i r = -0,33 za MinT, P <0,001 za obje varijable). Na testu operativnog mišljenja (CRD411) također je pronađena negativna korelacija između vremena rješavanja zadataka i rezultata APM-a (r = -0,40 za TTST i r = -0,30 za MinT, P <0,001 za oba). Muškarci su imali kraće TTST od žena na testovima: CRD11 (97,52 ± 18,82s vs. 107,69 ± 20,57s, P <0,001), CRD311 (27,13 ± 2,17s vs. 28,13 ± 2,46s, P = 0,002) i na CRD411 (26,93 ± 5,13s vs. 30,77 ± 7,26 s, P <0,001).
Zaključci: Ovo istraživanje pokazalo je da je bolji APM rezultat povezan s boljim učinkom na testovima CRD serije, a time i boljim kognitivnim sposobnostima za konvergentno mišljenje, operativno mišljenje i brzinu percepcije. Muškarci su također bili nešto bolji od žena na ovim testovima. |