Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja je saznati incidenciju akutnih ozljeda i sindroma
prenaprezanja lokomotornog sustava u sportskih penjača članova nacionalnih reprezentacija,
tj. elitnih penjača u odnosu na kronološku dob i natjecateljsku uspješnost.
Materijali i metode: U razdoblju od 25. rujna do 25. listopada, 2022. godine anketnim
upitnikom provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje među populacijim elitnih sportskih penjača.
Kriterij uključenja u istraživanje bila je pripadnost nekoj od nacionalnih reprezentacija
zemalja članica IFSC-a. Istraživanju je pristupilo ukupno 32 ispitanika.
Rezultati: Od ukupno 32 ispitanika tek troje ih nije navelo niti jednu akutnu ozljedu, a čak
46,9% ispitanika je navelo dvije akutne ozljede. Najzastupljenija akutna ozljeda je ona
prstiju ( N=16, 50% ispitanika), nakon čega je slijedi akutna ozljeda ramena (N=13, 40,6%
ispitanika). Najmanji broj ispitanika naveo je akutnu ozljedu lakta (N=2). 47% ispitanika je
navelo kronične simptome, a na pitanje o službenoj medicinskoj dijagnozi sindroma
prenaprezanja najčešće je naveden tendinitis, tj. tenosinovitis. Rezultati ankete su pokazali da
je 26 ispitanika uzimalo nekakav oblik protuupalne, tj. analgetske terapije, a tek 17 ih se
obratilo medicinskim stručnjacima za pomoć. Statističkom obradom podataka, pokazalo se da
nema statistički značajne korelacije koja povezuje učestalost akutnih ozljeda i subjektivne
percepcije boli za vrijeme treninga, nakon treninga i tijekom svakodnevnih aktivnosti.
Rezultati jednostruka linearne regresije su pokazali kako godine ispitanika nisu statistički
značajan prediktor broja akutnih ozljeda (p = 0.118) kao ni broja kroničnih simptoma (p =
0.493). Kao značajna varijabla predikcije akutnih ozljeda pokazala se broj sati trenirannja
tjedno, pri razini signifikantnosti p = 0.01, te se prema rezultatima mogu definirati sljedeće
Ukupan broj akutnih ozljeda = 3,32 – 0,089* broj sati treninga tjedno model koji se
Ukupan broj kroničnih simptoma = - 0,31 + 0,079* broj sati treninga tjedno model koji se
Dakle, ukoliko se poveća broj sati treninga za jednu jedinicu broj akutnih ozljeda će se
smanjiti, dok će broj kroničnih simptoma porasti.
Natjecateljska uspješnost, mjerena najtežim usponom, je pokazala kako je broj akutnih
ozljeda manji ukoliko je natjecatelj uspješniji, dok dob samih ispitanika nije igrala statistički
značajnu ulogu.
Zaključak: Rezultati su pokazali kako godine ispitanika, kao ni broj godina natjecanja i
treniranja nisu statistički značajni prediktori broja akutnih ozljeda. Kao statistički znajačni
prediktor potvrdio se broj sati treniranja tjedno. Odnosno što je veći broj sati treniranja
tjedno, broj akutnih ozljeda je manji, a broj kroničnih simptoma veći. Što se tiče uspješnosti,
potvrdilo se da je najteži lead uspon (težinsko) također statsitički značajan prediktor broja
akutnih ozljeda. Odnosno, što je bolji rezultat ostvaren, broj akutnih ozljeda je manji. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Diploma thesis title: Overuse syndromes and acute injuries in sport climbing according to
age and competition success
Objectives: The aim of the research was to find out the incidence of acute injuries and
overuse syndromes of the locomotor system among sport climbers that are national team
members, i.e. elite clmbers and compare the incidence with age and and competition succes
of the participants.
Materials and methods: During the period from 25th of September to 25th of October an
research was condicted using online survey which was sent to the athletes, trainers and
national team managers. Inclusion criteria was the membership in one of the national teams
of the countries that are members of IFSC. In total, 32 athletes participated the research.
Results: Out of a total of 32 respondents, only three did not mention a single acute injury,
while 46,9% of the respondents mentioned two acute injuries. The most common acute injury
is that of the fingers (N=16, 50% of respondents), followed by acute shoulder injury (N=13,
40,6%). The least respondents mentioned an acute elbow injury (N=2). 47% of respondents
indicated chronic symptoms, and when asked about the official medical diagnosis of overuse
syndrome, tendinitis, i.e. tenosynovitis, was most often mentioned. The results of the survey
showed that 26 respondents were taking some form of anti-inflammatory, i.e. analgesic
therapy, and only 17 of them turned to medical professionals for help. Statistical processing
of the data showed that there is no statistically significant correlation between the frequency
of acute injuries and the subjective perception of pain during training, after training and
during daily activities. The results of the single linear regression showed that the age of the
subject is not a statistically significant predictor of the number of acute injuries (p = 0.118)
nor the number of chronic symptoms (p = 0.493). The number of hours of training per week
was shown to be a significant variable in the prediction of acute injuries, at a significance
level of p = 0.01, and according to the results, the following equations can be defined:
Total number of acute injuries = 3,32 – 0,089* number of hours of training per week the
model that was tested.
Total number of chronic symptoms = - 0,31 + 0,079* number of hours of training per week
the model that was tested.
So, if the number of training hours increases by one unit, the number of acute injuries will
decrease, while the number of chronic symptoms will increase.
Competitive success, measured by the most difficult climb, showed that the number of
acute injuries is lower if the competitor is more successful, while the age of the subjects
themselves did not play a statistically significant role.
Conclusion: The results showed that the age of the subjects, as well as the number of years
competing and training are not statistically significant predictors of the number of acute
injuries. The number of training hours per week was confirmed as a statistically significant
predictor. In other words, the greater the number of training hours per week, the lower the
number of acute injuries and the higher the number of chronic symptoms. In terms of
performance, it was confirmed that the most difficult lead climb is also a statistically
significant predictor of the number of acute injuries. In other words, the better the result
achieved, the lower the number of acute injuries |