Sažetak | Ispitanici i metode: U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 339 studenata Medicinskih fakulteta
Sveučilišta u Splitu i Sveučilišta u Mostaru sa svih godina studija od kojih su 73 bili muškarci,
263 žene i 3 osobe neodređenog spola. U prvom dijelu upitnika ispitivana su njihova
demografska i antropometrijska obilježja. U drugom dijelu ispitivano je koje društvene mreže
koriste i koliko vremena dnevno provode koristeći ih. Treći dio upitnika ispitivao je emocije,
ponašanja, navike i stavove o korištenju društvenih mreža, a četvrti dio ispitivao je tjelesne
znakove i simptome, emocionalne znakove i promjene ponašanja karakteristične za sindrom
Rezultati: Studenti koji su koristili digitalne medije duže od 3 h dnevno pokazali su više
simptoma sindroma izgaranja u odnosu na studente koji su ih koristili kraće od 3h (40,10±21,41
vs. 28,55±18,68; P<0,001). Nadalje, studenti koji su koristili digitalne medije duže od 3h
dnevno su značajno češće osjećali umor i iscrpljenost (1,63±1,23 vs. 2,21±1,27; P<0,001), te
nedostatak energije i motivacije za izvršavanje vlastitih obaveza (1,70±1,28 vs.2,31±1,26;
P<0,001). Također su pokazali značajno manju želju za društvenim interakcijama (0,63±0,96
vs.1,30±1,25; P<0,001) u odnosu na studente koji su digitalne medije koristili kraće od 3h
dnevno. Društvene mreže koje su među studentima imale najveći broj korisnika su WhatsApp
(98,2%) i YouTube (92,6%).
Zaključci: Ovim istraživanjem potvrđena je povezanost između dužeg korištenja digitalnih
medija i pojave sindroma izgaranja među studentima medicine. Studenti koji duže vremena
dnevno koriste digitalne medije češće osjećaju umor, iscrpljenost, demotiviranost i manju
potrebu za društvenim interakcijama. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objective: To investigate the association between the time spent using digital media and the
appearance of burnout syndrome among medical students.
Subjects and methods: 339 students of the University of Split School of Medicine and the
University of Mostar School of Medicine from all years of study participated in the study, of
whom 73 were men, 263 women and 3 students of unspecified gender. In the first part of the
questionnaire, demographic and anthropometric data were assessed. In the second part, it was
examined which social networks they use and how much time they spend using them per day.
The third part of the questionnaire assessed emotions, behaviors, habits and attitudes about the
use of social networks, and the fourth part examined physical signs and symptoms, emotional
signs and behavioral changes characteristic of burnout syndrome.
Results: Students who used digital media for more than 3 hours a day had more burnout
symptoms compared to students who used it less than 3 hours per day (40.10±21.41 vs.
28.55±18.68; P<0.001). Furthermore, students who used digital media for more than 3 hours a
day more often felt tired and exhausted (1.63±1.23 vs. 2.21±1.27; P<0.001), had lack of energy
and motivation to perform daytime activities (1.70±1.28 vs. 2.31±1.26; P<0.001), and had
lower need for social interactions (0.63±0.96 vs. 1.30±1.25; P<0.001), compared to students
who used digital media for less than 3 hours a day. Social networks with the highest number
of users were WhatsApp (98.2%) and YouTube (92.6%).
Conclusions: This research confirmed the association between excessive use of digital media
and the appearance of burnout syndrome among medical students. Students, who use digital
media for a long time, often feel tired, exhausted, demotivated and have lower need for social
interactions. |