Sažetak | Cilj: Glavni cilj istraživanja je usporediti osjetljivost i specifičnost testova probira za
opstrukcijsku apneju tijekom spavanja (OSA): STOP, STOP-BANG, Berlinskog upitnika,
Briselskog upitnika i Epworthove ljestvice pospanosti (ESS).
Ispitanici i postupci: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 1286 pacijenata, koji su upućeni u
Centar za medicinu spavanja u Splitu zbog sumnje na poremećaj spavanja, najčešće OSA-u.
Antropometrijski, anamnestički, polisomnografski i/ili poligrafski podatci te rezultati testova
probira bili su dostupni isključivo u šifriranom obliku.
Rezultati: Od ukupnog broja ispitanika 1009 je imalo OSA-u, a 277 nije imalo. Broj muškaraca
s OSA-om je iznosio 686 (85,0%) naspram 323 (15,0%) žena. Prosječna dob pacijenata koji
boluju od OSA-e iznosila je 56,34 ± 12,58 godina, dok je za pacijente koji ne boluju iznosila
45,90 ± 14,96 (P<0,001). Pacijenti s OSA-om su imali AHI 31,54 ± 24,74, a u pacijenata koji
nemaju OSA-u AHI je bio 2,21 ± 1,33 (P<0,001). Također najniža saturacija je u pacijenata s
OSA-om bila 78,73 ± 13,90, dok je u pacijenata bez OSA-e bila 90,31 ± 6,96 (P<0,001).
Najčešći komorbiditeti su bili arterijska hipertenzija koju je imalo 436 (43,2%) pacijenata s
OSA-om i šećerna bolest koju je imalo 126 (12,5%) pacijenata. Testovi probira s najvišom
osjetljivosti su STOP 83,15 (AUC 0,69, P<0,001) i Berlinski upitnik 75,89 (AUC 0,69,
P<0,001) dok su visoku specifičnost imali STOP-BANG 88,27 (AUC 0,72, P<0,001) i Briselski
upitnik 90,25 (AUC 0,59, P<0,001).
Zaključak: Osjetljivost i specifičnost se razlikuju kod svakog pojedinog testa. Visoku
osjetljivost su imali STOP i Berlinski upitnik, a visoku specifičnost STOP-BANG i Briselski
upitnik. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objectives: The main objective of the study is to compare the sensitivity and specificity of the
screening tests for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): STOP, STOP-BANG, Berlin Questionnaire,
Brussels Questionnaire and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS).
Subjects and methods: A total of 1286 adult patients were included in the study. These were
patients of the Sleep Medicine Center in Split, who were referred for diagnosis due to suspicion
of a sleep disorder, the most often OSA. Anthropometric, anamnestic,
polysomnography/polygraphy findings were used only in encrypted form from the digital
database of the Sleep Medicine Center.
Results: Of the total number of subjects, 1009 had OSA, and 277 did not have. The number of
men with OSA was 686 (85.0%) and the women 323 (15.0%). The average age of patients
suffering from OSA was 56.34 ± 12.58 and in controls was 45.90 ± 14.96 (P<0.001). Patients
with OSA had AHI 31.54 ± 24.74, while it was 2.21 ± 1.33 (P<0.001) in controls. In addition,
the lowest oxygen saturation in patients with OSA was 78.73 ± 13.90 while in controls it was
90.31 ± 6.96 (P<0.001). The most common comorbidities were arterial hypertension in 436
(43.2%) OSA patients and diabetes mellitus in 126 (12.5%). Screening tests with highest
sensitivity were STOP 83.15 (AUC 0.69, P<0.001) and Berlin questionnaire 75.89 (AUC 0.69,
P<0.001), while tests with highest specificity were STOP-BANG 88.27 (AUC 0.72, P<0.001)
and Bruxelles questionnaire 90.25 (AUC 0.59, P<0.001).
Conclusion: There were differences in sensitivity and specificity among analyzed tests. STOP
and Berlin questionnaire had the highest sensitivity, while the highest specificity was in STOPBANG and Bruxelles questionnaire. |