Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati znanja i stavove pacijenata o primjeni
Materijal i metode: U istraživanju su sudjelovali pacijenti u Republici Hrvatskoj. Stavovi i
znanja su ispitani anketnim upitnikom koji je sadržavao 30 pitanja podijeljenih u 3 dijela, a
korišten je prevedeni alat istraživanja Esa Aromaa i suradnika.
Rezultati: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 750 osoba s područja Republike Hrvatske.
Većina ispitanika (85,1%) bile su osobe ženskog spola, a prosječna dob ispitanika bila je 32,8
godina. U ovom istraživanju 12,5% ispitanika navelo je da su u prethodnih 12 mjeseci
koristili medicinske usluge zbog poteškoća s mentalnim zdravljem. Statistički značajne
razlike pronađene su među ispitanicima koji u obitelji imaju i onih koji nemaju osobu
oboljelu od depresije u stavovima prema bolesti. Osobe koje imaju oboljelog u obitelji
pokazale su pozitivnije stavove od druge skupine ispitanika. Češće su bili mišljenja da osobe
nisu same krive za svoje poteškoće, da je depresija pravi poremećaj. Pokazali su nižu razinu
povjerenja u medicinske djelatnike. Obje skupine ispitanika pokazale su manjak znanja o
sigurnosti primjene antidepresiva, ali visoki stupanj znanja o mogućnosti izlječenja mentalnih
poremećaja. Četvrtina ispitanika za pomoć s poteškoćama mentalnog zdravlja obratilo se
specijalistu, dok je 20% njih pomoć potražilo kod liječnika obiteljske medicine, dakle gotovo
polovina oboljelih u našem istraživanju obratila se liječnicima. Samo se 5 ispitanika (5,3%)
obratilo psihoterapeutu, a 9,6% terapeutima iz područja komplementarne i alternativne
medicine.Čak 695 ispitanika (92,7%) posjetilo bi poznanika koji je na psihijatrijskoj
bolničkoj njezi, a velika većina njih (83,7%) ne bi se usprotivila gradnji rehabilitacijskog
centra u svom susjedstvu. Najveći broj ispitanika, njih 52,7% ne bi dali svoje dijete na skrb i
čuvanje osobi s poteškoćama mentalnog zdravlja.
Zaključak: Provedeno istraživanje ukazuje na pozitivnije stavove o depresiji kod ljudi koji
su u obiteljskom odnosu s oboljelom osobom. Uočena je niska razina znanja o sigurnosti
primjene antidepresiva i prisutnost stigme o depresivnim osobama. Rezultati ovog
istraživanja pokazuju da se oboljeli najčešće obraćaju specijalistima, dok se manji dio njih za
pomoć obraća psihoterapeutu ili stručnjacima alternativne i komplementarne medicine. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objectives: The aim of this research is to determine the knowledge and attitudes of the
patients on usage of antidepressant drugs.
Materials and methods: Patients in Republic of Croatia participated in the research. The
attitudes and knowledge of patients were examined by a survey which contained 30
questions divided into 3 parts for the preparation of which previously published
questionnaire was used (Esa Aromaa et al). After collecting the data from the survey, a
statistical analysis was performed.
Results: A total of 750 people from the Republic of Croatia participated in the research. Most
of the respondents (85.1%) were female and the average age was 32,8 years. In tnis research
12.5% of respondents used medical services for mental health problems in the previous 12
months. Statistically significant differences were found between respondents who have and
those who do not have a person suffering from depression in their family in their attitudes
towards the disease. People who have a sick person in family showed more positive attitudes
than the other group of respondents. They were more often of the opinion that people are not to
blame for their difficulties and that depression is a real disorder. They showed a lower level of
trust in medical professionals. Both groups showed a lack of knowledge about the safety of
antidepressants, but a high level of knowledge about the possibility of curing mental disorders.
Quarter of respondents turned to a specialist, while 20% contacted a primary health care
profesional, so almost half of the patients in our research turned to doctors. Only 5.3% turned
to a psychotherapist and 9.6% to therapists from the field of complementary and alternative
medicine. High number of respondents, 695 of them (92.7%) would visit a person who is
under psychiatric hospital care and majority of them (83.7%) would not oppose the
construction of a rehabilitation center in their neighborhood. More then half of responders,
52.7% of them would not give their child to the care of a person with mental health problems.
Conclusion: The conducted research indicates more positive attitudes about depression in
people who have a depressed person in their family. A low level of knowledge about the safety
of antidepressants and the presence of stigma about depressed people were observed. The
results of this research show that patients most often turn to specialists, while a smaller part of
them turn to psychotherapists or experts of alternative and complementary medicine for help. |