Sažetak | Ciljevi: Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su prikazati razlike između prijepandemijskog i
pandemijskog razdoblja u demografskim i kliničkim obilježjima akutnih samootrovanja
primljenih u internističku intenzivnu jedinicu te procijeniti moguće učinke pandemije na ove
Ispitanici i postupci: Provedena je opservacijska retrospektivna presječna studija. Ispitanici
su bili akutno samootrovani odrasli bolesnici (u suicidalnoj namjeri ili kao zlouporaba
supstancije) koji su primljeni u internističku jedinicu intenzivnog liječenja (JIL) KBC Split
tijekom jednogodišnjeg razdoblja za vrijeme trajanja zadnjeg dijela epidemije te tijekom
jednogodišnjeg razdoblja neposredno prije proglašenja epidemije bolesti COVID-19.
Rezultati: U istraživanje je ukupno uključeno 115 ispitanika dobi 45±15,30 godina (64 žene ili
55,7%), od toga je tijekom pandemije uključeno 56 ispitanika (25 žena ili 44,6 %) te 59
ispitanika (39 žena ili 66,1 %) prije pandemije. Povećanje muških ispitanika tijekom pandemije
bilo je statistički značajno (χ2
= 5,360; P =0,016). Broj korištenih otrova po ispitaniku tijekom
pandemije bio je manji (2,18±1,40 naprema 2,68±1,62; P =0,040). Prethodna psihijatrijska
dijagnoza bila je više zastupljena u ispitanika tijekom pandemije (44 ili 74,58% naprema 50 ili
89,29 %; χ 2 = 4,165; P=0,035). Udio sedativa/anskiolitika bio je veći prije pandemije (48 ili
81,36%) u odnosu na razdoblje tijekom pandemije (33 ili 58,93%) (χ 2 = 6,940; P=0,007). U
razdoblju tijekom pandemije ispitanici su imali teži poremećaj stanja svijesti izražen kao
Glasgow coma score (8,68±2,64 naprema 11,07±4,02 prije pandemije, P <0,001), niže
bikarbonate u krvi (23,71±3,70 naprema 25,81±4,84 mmol/l prije pandemije; P =0,017) te veći
broj dana boravka u JIL (3,50±4,87 naprema 2,08±2,59 dana; P =0,026).
Zaključci: Ovo istraživanje dokazalo je značajne razlike u samootrovanih bolesnika prije i
tijekom pandemije COVID-19. U odnosu na prepandemijsko razdoblje, ispitanici tijekom
pandemije zaprimljeni u JIL imali su veći udio muškaraca i psihijatrijskih bolesnika, manji broj
uzetih tvari po ispitaniku, manji udio psihoaktivnih tvari uzetih za otrovanje te težu kliničku
sliku. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objectives: The objectives of this study were to show the differences between the COVID-19
pre-pandemic and pandemic periods in the demographic and clinical characteristics of acutely
self-poisoned patients admitted to the internal medicine intensive care unit and to assess the
possible effects of the pandemic on these changes.
Subjects and procedures: An observational retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted.
The subjects were acutely self-poisoned adult patients (with suicidal intent or with substance
abuse) who were admitted to the internal intensive care unit (ICU) of the University Hospital
of Split during a one-year period of the last part of the pandemic and during a one-year period
just before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Results: A total of 115 participants aged 45±15.30 years (64 women or 55.7%) were included
in the study, 56 (25 women or 44.6%) were included during the pandemic and 59 (39 women
or 66.1%) before the COVID-19 pandemic. The increase in male sex during the pandemic was
statistically significant (χ2 = 5.360; P =0.016). The number of poisons used per subject during
the pandemic was lower (2.18±1.40 vs. 2.68±1.62; P =0.040). The previous psychiatric
diagnosis was more common during the pandemic (44 or 74.58% vs. 50 or 89.29%; χ 2 = 4.165;
P=0.035). The proportion of sedatives/anxiolytics was higher before the pandemic (48 or
81.36%) compared to the period during the pandemic (33 or 58.93%) (χ 2 = 6.940; P=0.007).
In the period during the pandemic, subjects had a more severe disturbance of consciousness
expressed as a Glasgow coma score (8.68±2.64 vs. 11.07±4.02 before the pandemic, P <0.001),
lower blood bicarbonates (23.71±3.70 vs. 25.81±4.84 mmol/L before the pandemic; P =0.017)
and a higher ICU stay (3.50±4.87 versus 2.08±2.59 days; P =0.026).
Conclusions: This study demonstrated significant differences in self-poisoning patients before
and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Compared to the pre-pandemic period, subjects admitted
to the ICU during the pandemic had a higher proportion of men and psychiatric patients, a
smaller number of substances taken per subject, a smaller proportion of psychoactive
substances taken for poisoning intention and a more severe clinical presentation. |